Para Miguel Rosario English Standards and Expectations English - TopicsExpress


Para Miguel Rosario English Standards and Expectations English 10th Standard LISTENING/ SPEAKING The student uses the English language to interpret oral input, construct meaning, interact with confidence both verbally and nonverbally, and express ideas effectively in a variety of personal, social, and academic contexts. _______________________________________________________________ READING The student uses reading strategies, literary analysis, and critical thinking skills to construct meaning and develop an understanding as well as an appreciation of a variety of genres of both fiction and nonfiction WRITING The student effectively communicates to a variety of audiences in all forms of writing through the use of the writing process, proper grammar, and age appropriate expressive vocabulary. Expectations ____ L/S.10.1 Listens and responds during a read aloud, presentation, or performance from a variety of literature, periods, genres, and styles to analyze character development, setting, tone, voice, and mood; makes connections to the text. ____L/S.10.2 Listens and responds to analyze, organize, explain, describe, support, and discuss information; answers and formulates closed and open ended questions. ____L/S.10.3 Uses appropriate language structure to state opinions in discussions and presentations, to problem solve, and to explain a process integrating comparison and contrast statements. ____L/S.10.4 Expresses thoughts and opinions to discuss current events, concepts, themes, characters, plot, and conflict and resolution; makes predictions and inferences, as well as draws conclusions from listening to a variety of texts, performances, and multimedia sources. ____L/S.10.5 Explains the main idea or topic and important details from learned concepts or readings, and summarizes, analyzes, and compares and contrasts a topic from a variety of text using appropriate language structure. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____R.10.1 Analyzes context clues, uses reference sources and other vocabulary expansion strategies to assess word meaning and to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words using prior knowledge to relate to new meaning; identifies Greek and Latin root words. ____R.10.2 Analyzes character traits and setting; classifies point of view in fiction and nonfiction. ____R.10.3 Organizes and analyzes the plot; establishes cause and effect; makes connections, predictions, and inferences; draws conclusions; classifies and analyzes the conflict and resolution in a variety of texts. ____R.10.4 Distinguishes between fact and opinion, infers the main idea, and distinguishes between relevant and insignificant details in a variety of texts; identifies theme. ____R.10.5 Uses elements of poetry and plays to analyze, interpret, and classify genre, imagery, figurative language, and symbolism. ____W.10.1 Applies transitional words, phrases, and clauses when constructing complex sentences to effectively connect ideas and develop variety in writing. ____W.10.2 Applies appropriate grammar, structure, and syntax; analyzes word choice to convey intended meaning. ____W.10.3 Analyzes and applies organizational patterns to connect ideas and to write narrative, expository, and persuasive essays. ____W.10.4 Applies figurative language to produce different styles of poems. ____W.10.5 Applies editing marks and revision techniques; applies reference sources to verify and support information; writes a final draft using the writing process.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 23:40:10 +0000

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