Part Three~ you inmediately started to look around and ask - TopicsExpress


Part Three~ you inmediately started to look around and ask questions you even went to the library and did some research on the computer but of course you found nothing! just as u decided to give up your best friend called Chelsea You: hello? Chelsea: hey I was able to snoop through some my fathers police records and I found a sealed file with his name on it! You: ok great thanks you been a lot of help bring it to my house after school Chelsea: ok bye I gotta go the teacher is getting on me about being on my phone (click) as you were walking down the hall a cute boy in your third period class named Alex came to talk to you Alex: hey I was wondering if you want to come to my party tonight You: yeah sure what time does it start Alex: great it starts at 10, see u there! As u watched him walk away you could barely hold your was your first highschool party ever! you started to think what you should wear when you saw Harry.he was staring at you from across the hall.A group of kids went by and when you look again He was gone......After school you headed straight home to get dressed for the party.u was picking out what heals you should wear when you heard a knock at the door You: who is it? Chelsea: is Chelsea let me in-you open up the front door nd Chelsea handed you the file You: arent you going to come in Chelsea: no I gotta go I gotta get ready for the party, see ya there-you shut the door and headed over to the couch and sat down as you open up the file you realize that your hands are shaking what you saw and read was horrible! a bolt of lightning made you drop the realized it was raining and went outside to get your dog stood on the patio calling your dogs name You: Suzy, Suzy where are you-no answer you walked over to the dog house and look inside but nothing was there only her figured she just probably run away again u headed back inside and slid closed the patio door and locked it.your hair was dripping wet soaking your clothes when you went to go grab a towel you realize there is wet footprints on the carpet coming from the patio door which wasnt yours.frozen in fear you decided to leave and you ran to the patio door unlocking it and trying to run out until you said the hand grabbed her arm wrestling and you got thrown to the looked up install it was Harry he was wearing a black hoodie and denim jeans.he locked the patio door and close the curtains You:H-Harry what are you doing-he pulled out a knife from his hoodie pocket slowly start to walk over You:HHarrt S-Stop pls dont do this-Harry kneel down on one knee and had that same sorrowful look in his eyes as he said in a low tone Harry: why? why did you have to look at the file? now you know now you have to die too! You: H-Harry it really was you you brutally killed your whole family! Harry: I didnt brutally killed them, I killed them theres a difference. You: HARRY! your mother was stabbed multiple times and her skull was bashed in, your sister heart was carved out, and your father was cut into pieces he couldnt even be recognized!! Harry:S-SHUT UP! you dont know anything! and here I thought you was different I thought you actually cared about me, well guess i were wrong. You:What? Harry: I saw you flirting with that guy, do you like him or do you like me! You: of course I like you I liked you since middle school! Harry: prove it! (he said narrowing his eyes)-you leaned in and slowly placed your lips on his it started to give him a gentle kiss.when you opened your eyes you saw that Harry was looking at you he hugged you gently and whispered in your ear if I cant have you then nobody can! you saw in the mirror as he raised the nife up behind your back and brought it down with out loud swoosh! You:NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will she die or will something unexpected happen?~More?
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 15:34:48 +0000

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