Participants in our Prisoners to Pastors Program (TUMI) have - TopicsExpress


Participants in our Prisoners to Pastors Program (TUMI) have submitted prayer requests for the new year ahead. Would you join with them in prayer this week Please pray for the following prayer requests: Eddie: *Please keep in your prayers the TUMI class, moreover the Body of Christ in this facility as things are getting a little crazy in here (again)...That we would be strengthened in our time of need against the forces of evil in this place. That the administration would be wise and root out the tyranny before it gets any worse. ** Please join me as I pray for the homeless and hungry. My heart has been drawn to these needy individuals of late. That a solution can be reached which will ease their suffering. *** Please pray for me as I continue to listen and wait for Gods personal calling for me. I seem to be in-between jobs and am not sure where He is guiding me. **** Please pray that my son, daughter, grand-daughters and father will put their issues aside and that my Dad will accept my kids and grandkids and agree to get to know them. Troy: Thank you for all the blessings you make available for all of us whether we accept them or not. For peace to be encouraged by all at Brooks facility. Thank you for Gods salvation plan through faith in Jesus. Thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen! Patrick: Please pray for me, my family, the Chaplain and all the volunteers. I ask God to meet all our needs and that we all will be kept near to Him. I pray that my relationship to Gods Word will keep growing. Remember the sick , homeless and those who are no longer with us in TUMI. Pray for the warden and her staff. Potts: Please pray for the Spirit of God to keep us, order our steps, and watch over us as we do the will of the Father. Willie: Happy New Year, Saints and Prayer Warriors! Thank you for your many prayers for the Body of Christ, TUMI, and for me. Hallelujah! Rom 4:17, Isaiah 65:23,24 I love you all with Agape love! Ken: Please pray for my upcoming commutation hearing. Pray for the Bible Studies in the units; pray for my family and pray that God will continue His growth in me. Thomas: First of all, I thank you for all the prayers you have given and for the prayers you will give. I ask that you continue to pray for my family and for the juveniles freedom in Michigan. I also ask for your prayers concerning the truth in regards to me having a child. I have been trying to find out since 1991, so I need your strong prayer in this matter. Thank you very, very much! Steven: Thank you for the love of God that your demonstrate. Please keep in prayer the unity of the body of believers. There is much going on by way of trials and tribulations here and it seems that all attacks have been launched at particular individuals so please keep their families and loved ones before Gods throne. I thank you and I know everyone here appreciates your love and commitment to the church and body of Christ. Please also remember in prayer the poor and the destitute
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 23:51:49 +0000

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