Peppermint Imagine a fish tank with a motorized water filter. If - TopicsExpress


Peppermint Imagine a fish tank with a motorized water filter. If the filter is clogged with toxins from the tank, the entire tank becomes filled with the same contaminants. In our system, the filter is the liver, the tank is the body, and the fish that has to live in it is you. Thankfully, a number of herbs for liver cleansing do exist. But first, let’s examine the role of the liver in detoxification a bit further. The liver is the primary organ responsible for expelling and breaking down toxins entering the body. In particular, it produces bile, a detoxifying agent metabolically indispensable in breaking down fats from food. Even many traditional medical doctors are fully aware of just how important the health of your liver plays in the outcome of your overall health. Dr. Karl Maret, M.D. : “The proper functioning of the eyes, the heart, the brain, the gonads, the joints, and the kidneys, are all dependent on good liver activity… If the liver is impaired from constructing even one of the thousands of enzyme systems the body requires, there is an impairment in overall body function and a resultant greater metabolic stress on the individual.” Peppermint isn’t just for fresh breath. This herb stimulates bile flow and relaxes bile ducts, helping to break down fats. It also helps reduce bad cholesterol, which makes the liver’s job of filtering toxins easier. Peppermint also inhibits blockages in the kidney and gallbladder and calms the stomach for optimal digestion.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 07:02:13 +0000

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