Periodontal Disease and Root Canals? Heart Attack Pals. First - TopicsExpress


Periodontal Disease and Root Canals? Heart Attack Pals. First off, periodontal disease can be rectified quickly. Ive seen it more than once and thats with simple H2O2 (3%), which I have found invaluable over the years and baking soda as a mouthwash and toothpaste. Its all I have used for 10 years and with zero cavities. Add a couple drops of Lugols and/or oregano oil and within weeks, you will likely find it (disease) gone or greatly reduced. Anyway, its the Strep mutans bacteria that cause the problems by and large which of course the antibiotics they give you do not kill. Root canals are now known and have been known for decades to be a huge source of disease to include cancer (93+% cancer victims have root canals), heart disease, stroke, etc. Again, add amalgams to that mix and you have a range of symptoms narey a book could hold. If you have the funds, do your searches and get them pulled. If not, get them from below (blood bacteria killing-anti-oxidents) as best you can while you kill them in the oral cavity with the considerations above. Its worked wonders for me and everyone I have suggested it to over the years. I intend to have strong healthy mostly white :) teeth and healthy gums till I die and this is how I will do it. I wet my toothbrush with water and dip it in baking soda to get say a 1/4 tsp on the brush. I take in about 1 tbsp of peroxide in my mouth then start brushing. Its a little messy, but so are rotten teeth and gums without the pain and embarrassment. I Waterpik with peroxide/water/iodine once a week. Thats it. Do what you feel best of course, but this is what I have found to be unrivaled in overall ease, value and effectiveness. Blessings in Healthy Toofers.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 04:23:36 +0000

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