Pious pines for pagan pre-history -- Williams speaks of - TopicsExpress


Pious pines for pagan pre-history -- Williams speaks of “environmental degradation on an unprecedented scale” including deforestation and says, the “history of how we created such possibilities for ourselves have to bear the responsibility”. The Church played no small role in that ‘unprecedented degradation’. Europe and the British Isles in particular were almost totally deforested 700 years before James Watt’s mother said to Mr Watt, ‘Let’s stay in tonight’. As one scholar explains: “The close links between Medieval European religious motivation and land reclamation, particularly land clearing… need to be stressed. There was a deep belief in the human ability to transform the earth, and the monastic orders… who had 750 foundations by the fifteenth century, were the ‘shock troops’ of clearing… Piety was an accompaniment of improving zeal, and the creation of new landscapes fit for Christian settlement gave a just reward for that devotion.” Since Williams believes we are nearing the “crisis” point, I expect he believes, as a good Christian, that the Church should set an example for us all and accept its historical responsibility and pledge all its ill-gotten wealth and “current lifestyle” and give all to Christian Aid, for which he’s shilling: christianaid.org.uk/ActNow/climate-justice/Index.aspx Lambeth Palace would fetch a nice some from an oil sheik for worlds poor. Then the world can be re-forested and we can go back to living a pagan pre-history hunter-gatherer subsistence existence. Repent! Repent!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 00:18:56 +0000

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