Planet Earth World Life Living and learning big words What - TopicsExpress


Planet Earth World Life Living and learning big words What about? OK. You know that to live we must have an ethical part and a religious part. You think that is true or you have an other opinion? So explain more OK I start Please OK Life is a gift for you Means giving of one period to live it means that him he gives you a age, age means between that and that means that he programmed to you your life and you have just to live it He start it, when your life programmed finished you die Sorry that you believe and me no So you don’t think that is question of destiny No of course Exactly, all that constitute a destiny, but it has nothing to do with your choices I think that he give it like test to know that world How do you know that? I try to imaging what he thinking to so Yes, I try to imagine his choose, brief why he had do that life You think that is something not deserved to be lived Of course,is a big disturb to support, looking that he had put us in paradise transformed with time to earth of life, to live one period and to die after Laughing, so the hell is the sun Exactly No I swear that is choose to call it like that And I guess you don’t believe in last judgement Laughing, What It still something possible Of course but not sure So What about that? What? Is hard to describe but I say that, There is now a possibility or a probability that I swim or no? I have two answers to you I know yes and no Happy that you know me Sorry, I know that you don’t love that Again Happy that you know me Laughing, so answer me No Why? Laughing, just listen Ah is No one Yes So No, what is programmed to you is that you are here and Listening to this Yes, if you go now, is also the same The same? To swim will be what is programmed to you OK, and And what? Life is a lot of absurdities that can have the appearance of do not to appear likely and do you know why? Because these absurdities are true So ‘I have a possibility not a probability yes Life is the pleasure or nothing. Let us enjoy today no one know tomorrow Starting to prepare his cigarette What is all? Please write more Is just that I think Not agree cause I have another opinion about today and tomorrow So complete Maybe I must imagine a good plan So this one: after ‘life’, you restart with ‘in life’, and to finished ‘between today and tomorrow’ So restart OK In life a rigorousness principles give more of sadness and deception than happiness So what about happiness? The Happiness constructs itself Or have to be constructing The happiness is not to obtain or to gladden, but to not to feel, it consists of free being cause happiness consists to be free You know this one is my favorite, but is it hard to understood it It is necessary to accept the people as they are not as you want that they will be Why is it hard? Because, you say yes I accept you like you are but in reality you are in like I want that you are Means what? For example when you say I know that you are in something or what I like in you is No is not that, is really hard to know other one from you so accepting him like he is So I start a third part Between today and tomorrow But before, today is what, endlessly tomorrow is what Here I’m a little disturbed I guess is the same plan ‘day’ ‘in day’ ‘between today and tomorrow’ Today is a last day that I have to live. Means what is the last? remember just to take it as the last in your morrow This is properly to have the eyes closed, that to live without philosophy There is always a suitable word The word always has need to another word A word is not a word before that you say it Try to listen to a word before that you say it In our era, you need a lot of words to explain an idea That not has any relation with live without philosophy! OK I try to explain: You know that Etymology is science that studied the origin of the words I had read that in something in your computer But, a bad news is that: the origin of the word is an idea Ah that is starting of your essay in language so But is logical you have an idea and you explain it with word So Etymology is more than studying the origin Etymology is the origin of word But A word Etymology like science means studying origins, roots and derivations Really your rules in language are perfect That is my philosophy in language OK so that is your philosophy No, I have a lot, but that is my philosophy in that OK stop to smoke, I had explain to you that I don’t love that joking, you perturbed me with Oh sorry, I don’t know that in you And you don’t want to know Exactly, I love you like you are I know Ah you try to understand That is your philosophy in that, means in this part of your philosophy Yes baby, is like that So so what Stop to kidding me OK, sorry; understood is living with his philosophies so another one It serves to nothing to want all to say Why? LIKE YOU KNOW: I JUST LISTENING TO WHAT YOU SAY WHEN YOU TOLD ME SOMETHING THAT WHEN YOU SPEAK, THAT IN YOUR PRONUNCIATION. LIKE YOU DONT KNOW: IS BY MY THINKING THAT I LISTEN TO YOUR TERMS MEANS YOUR TRANSCRIPTION BY YOUR VOICE THAT WHEN YOU SPELLING WHAT YOU TALKING ABOUT. Tomorrow is the first day that I have to live Oh, today is the last and tomorrow is the first Is that What about the past and the future? Here you want complicated a different thing It is true that we had finished with the past but the past does not finished with us What do you mean? You know that past of living is a phenomenon who finished itself automatically, but to understand now or today, the past of life is something necessary to understand And the future is what for you ? The future is an everyday choice So So what? You have to do a choice, because the future doesnt really exist, is something that I call lifting that I’m in and I have to do choice to living something So you had do your choice? Yes of course You know that the whole thing is about choices so if we made a choice to not make one that how we lose precious time But I look that you don’t change a lot What you mean? For example today you had delete watching TV to go to sea OK is a little boring? But you forget that my big choice in my own choice is living articulated about to know more and more and that my reflection became larger what around it having okay is played Okay And having some fun of course But it still routing and repeated Ah OK, but daily, of that choice give impression to live a lot Laughing, and specially when is the same food Is for that my last rule is : We have all a point of view different Your last No of course So we go to swim Okay let’s go, You feel good now? With you I feel always better. Is hard to understand how other one feel Yes is logical, reasonable and true in every way So, explain to me exactly why you smoke or exactly why you smoke a lot? To be OK and to sleep Here yes Is because you take it just to sleep No is because, I don’t want smoking a lot I look that when we speak about, you will be nervous No, you know that I’m nervously done In water what about religious part? I think is it personal and it is a lot of testaments that we have in all religious books, but is important to have a combination between two parts Personal? Because, is it really hard to explain but I give you this definition to start question of believe is relative subject after that religion is also a projection of an imaginary value, all what characterizes it is some rituals takes from some customs and traditions Agree with you, by sciences is it more characterizes by names symbols and numbers So they are rules! Yes. Rules to direct the conduit of his life So. a second answer Because I live with it, they are what I feel A third one is what? You are impossible So, I know that you have it An other answer more philosophical OK, intellectual and moral attitude. In accordance with a social model So you think to what? OK we go to swim a second time and after we go to our home to prepare a supper Forget that OK I go to collect our staff Endlessly this one Collected, so Yes I’m so tired OK we enter to this one to by some necessities OK baby is all what we need for tonight In way to home Oh look to our friend, he need always necessities Is just he goes to buy it Yes that I know it Hi Hallo dont forget our invitation to dinner Sorry I can’t coming that night, I have some visitors Oh so see you By Walking to his small home Just see you Yes just, maybe he had think to calling me Baby, don’t care, you know what I do in like that situations No I give an enough answer and you know that SPEAK to say nothing, it is for the three quarters and half of people express what they think. And I have nothing to do with someone else Why that I can’t support someone else And is enough you So why you had invite him That is , inviting , is something that we do and to eat OK baby, what about food Food You, you prepare OK you know is me who know preparing but we prepare what exactly OK for second time food OK In home Like always Of course After showering… What is your programmer? Computing and finishing my book of ideas and knowledge For that I have some principles that you must know You mean that you can never never change theses principles? Yes, never never, they give some okay in beginning of analysis And you know, without principles, you are maybe in second step Laughing…and maybe Yes, without words of that science you are maybe in an other step of studying what about? WORDS : In recognition of characters, the words as symbol that has not any meaning and that one must define before to be able to recognize it. All definition attempt satisfactory narrowly is linked to identification of its origins. compilation of Problems proposes you the definition. DICTIONARIES OF THE WORDS : The vocabulary is extraordinary rich, with thousands of acronyms and of acronyms obscure,vocabulary is to variable geometry and it has a variable geometry. You are sure that words of sciences doesnt do to you any problem Sure and not sure so a plan A small outline on a leaf that will help you to rediscover you and to know. Art to construct with rocks of the bricks of the mortar or some other liaisons. So I have to elaborate a means and tools that allows to learn to read and to know quickly therefore I HAVE elaborate a puzzle So show me your principles To be okay in his space: AEROSPACE-IS-IMAGINATION To be okay in his place: GEOGRAPHIES-IS-CARTOGRAPHY To be okay in his life you must have LIFES searching, To be so okay you have to know that: TIMES RELATIVITY, RELATIVE-TIME, HISTORY IS EXISTENCE AND that existence IS ONE DAY; that I try to construct, different subjects, is it a lot of combination between a different subjects. whats your LIFES searching is earth sciences,earth rotation, big bang and i try to know and to understand lifes beginning and ? by sciences I mean more economy in relation with politics and technology i had fund an illustration that show a true rotating big bang is not true, it was never happen ,life has not began because it came by the end i dont understand what you mean by coming by the end is more philosophical than scientific, i say that creation of life is done and it started by the end here i understand but you dont believe in destiny no is not true , i had say to you that ll that constitute a destiny, but it has nothing to do with your choices why is just one day? Coming near to him behind computer Here I understand why you are okay Thank you, sometime I’m happy What do you do? Look SO YOUR OPINION IS 24/24 NO IS JUST ILLUSION,IS TO ORGANIZE our STAFF’S LIFE IN REALITY IS AWAKING TO SLEEPING You’re really a great painter It gives me a great feeling, is just I try to added something to the card Yes is what you do. No no, that is done, I think to something else Another one so That is correct You know what, I will completing that I prefer more your programmer, eating food, smoking and drinking with watching TV Laughing … To prepare sleeping Yes like is good to sleep Correct You know what What There is some other two parts Oh like what Like (conscience and in-conscience) and our therapeutic have tendency to transform (conscience thing) to (in-conscience part) what about conscience? When the human living being tries to understand it is founded its efforts on a certain idea of the comprehension, of this in what she consists. That is signs, not only of a delay of the conscience on the facts, but also of a delay of the facts on the conscience. It has need to introduce concepts again more abstract. is the relative continuity and the relative conscience of which the development of the theory did showed, and the continuity of this conscience to a historic analysis one more and more systematic analysis. what about your theory? you know that Currently, the problem more basic is the big unification, or, otherwise says, the harmonization of the theory. is An ultimate theory leaned on the nature of the world that surrounds us, tries to muster its data and its sparse hypotheses in general theories always more complex and more definite of the economy in the world and his relation with the architecture of the information system, implemented by manner systemic architecture of indicators of economical performances in the form of a structural plan. These analyses are not only the result of years of researches and of compilations of readings, it is also different reports. is relative scientific theories,the scientific data and philosophical reflection on economy geographic . Seen it considerable spread of his text, I have of the to eliminate several chapters and paragraphs that did not treat directly principal subjects and therefore superfluous, in order to condense the all for some to facilitate the reading. I also added pictures, archive, as well as some Meticulous commentaries. exam of each and their relations will bring interesting responses. you know that The thought is progressively elaborated itself with the passing of the history, it develops while problems put themselves to the citizens and to the governments, every problem is in report with a social special economical environment. This thought is characterized by his aspect heterogeneous. hundreds of authors develop severe economical analyses at least connected to the economical reality and sometimes the opposed theories on a same question. It would be interesting to see how actually can add to one another or to show itself reliable from the viewpoint of the knowledge. The objective is to arrive to have a global vision on the thoughts, that has to complete to constitute a discipline more autonomous, more coherent, and more scientific. Therefore it is a question of to quote those that the most strongly marked the thought and to show the relation that exists between the currents of thoughts. Also, does it suit to see the anchorage points of this new approach in the evolution of the economical thought. this that will allow us to say as the approach extends the economical modern science. what about theory? you know that is at the start with the intention of to do to coincide the economical theories with the data, that the economists set up all a body of technical econometric. their objective was to determine which economical models could be considered as the likeliest ones. The goal of the scientific theories is to offer predictions validate, without coarse beings (without harming, cause a wrong, carry harm) Consequently, the question of the realism of the hypotheses that the are founded does not put itself: the theories are instruments. They have not therefore to be based on hypotheses « true » or « realistic », resultant of an observation of the real one, if they succeed in be predicative. like that the absence of critic realism of the founding postulates of the economical science, as the rationality of the actors, has not any relevance in the where only measure account the instrumental value of these hypotheses: if they are founded theories to the exact predictions, their usage is justified The economical theory furnishes ideas on the processes that determine the economical magnitudes, the econometric brings an empirical verification and establishes quantitatively the correlations that appear validate. The econometric is a branch of the economy that draft of the estimation practices economical relations. Study of the quantitative relations of economical life calling upon the analysis statistics and to the mathematical formulation. Econometric, with its three steps (explanation, specification, estimation) gives only indications, no of the proofs: one cannot say of specification was proved , but only not rejected by the tests. The use of its results has therefore to be prudent. Notably the macro-economy, that behaves a rich catalog of specifications. The clean task of econometric is the parameters of the equations by adjustment on the past series. adjustment drives sometimes to revise the specification. One takes nevertheless a risk when l’on keeps a hypothesis rejected by econometric (for example on the elasticity). The econometric quantitatively expresses the correlations being able to exist enters economical phenomena of which the theory asserts the existence. THE BIG LINES of my theory are « To the crossing of economical history and of political history, the authors invite us to reflect on the various representations of the change, to link economical history and history of the thought » « While examining the past under this angle: a unique perspective on the different facets of economical evolution and politics of our world: to put back in question the wisdom of the economical precepts of epoch, such a relation seemed natural considering a ignorance of the future » THOUSANDS OF RESEARCHERS, A FLOW OF THEORIES, BUT results disappointing AND AN use problematic » « To be able to approach to the better the economical reality. Show a partial aspect of the economical reality and the interest of the formalization of the economical behavior » « To Favor the studies that stretch to compare the view point theoretical from the standpoint empirical in exploration of the economical problems », « The party « authentication of the theories » doing as for her the object of unending controversies. Nevertheless, if we do abstraction of these numerous difficulties, it is necessary to admit that it showed a certain effectiveness for political macro-economical » « To Compete with the econometric in the field of the authentication of the theories: An all is not the same as the sum on its part » « WHEN WE USE a relation econometric to check ends political, it transforms herself » what do you think? is perfect But you know that the market is an abstraction, is only an idea theoretical. By extension,term designates all system of exchanges calling together a number of important economical actors. The market term is an abstraction that recovers intermediary abstractions called the markets: bond market, money market,inter bank market,Forex,stock market. markets take forms computer networks between financial institutions. Given the idea to study a stock market market that does not exist really. You Designate the exchange between two entities on the computer networks THIS IS, because the stock markets are or instead became contractors of computer services to the markets. corporations that manage the markets, as Euro-next, successor of the Corporation of the French stock Markets or Deutsche Börse, successor of the Frankfurt stock Market, consider themselves from now just as contractors of computer services. No, believe me, the stock market does not exist for the simple reason that it has not again a market. Yes, this true that the reference to the market was a basic condition of the economical analysis. This that is important, like the location of the agents and activities a long time was been unaware by the economists before that the specialists remedy to this lack, the location of this market seems to have not been privileged than his role. Therefore this is on the order of these sciences that it is a matter some done. Yes, this is because cuts of the count of the equipment that have know all the world-wide roads (full routing) became gigantic and is not without putting some problems to the operators of services IP. I designate the passage of the bank transfer. Yes, all our installations that facilitate daily life depend on computer networks: Water, electricity, oil,gasses,Telephone, Fax, site web, Radio, TV, E-commerce , M-commerce This that takes us to this that is too important that is Banks, the bank transfers and payment without forgetting the rooms of the markets or the stock markets.. Therefore, you think of the speculation. Yes, is true that is a big motive among the the three detention motives of the money. the first one (income Motive) is done second one (precaution Motive) that is done speculation. Therefore, according to me, this is the source of the profit while being in a growth.Saying the speculation of the growth Recall me the appropriate explanations in spite of those that criticizes.I remind that, Irving Fisher, the big American economist, publish The debt deflation theory of great depression, that one freely can translate by Theory of the depression finding his origin in the decrease of the prices of the active And also MILTON FRIEDMAN, founding of the theory monetarist, that explained the functioning of the enhancement of the speculation or instead a speculation operation. But as you know .two theories oppose themselves about the crisis: the crisis reveals malfunctions engrave, accumulated during the course of the time. For the other, the crisis has not no foundation: she is causes and effect of the economical and financial irregularity. and what is your theory that you had talking about? is in really about SYSTEM of ECONOMY POLITICAL of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) « a logical combination coherent of the problematic and economical analysis, provoking the constitution of an abstracted elaboration, offering a synthetic representation of the economy, and allowing the implement of a political one » Nevertheless, although all the constituent elements of this economy System political are known, Their layout in a true operational system is again in elaboration » my work is Scheme OF THE system of ECONOMY political: « the basic principle is the description of the constituent elements of this System in the form of a parties superposed them to the others, their numbers, their names, their functions varies, the study of the all is reduced to the one on its part, the body becomes a discipline more autonomous, more coherent, and more scientific » so by scheme you mean a plan is a big one with pictures and articles but starting with some prefaces A complete historical account is discussed later at various points.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 17:59:49 +0000

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