Please Dear God, If We The People have any chance of saving - TopicsExpress


Please Dear God, If We The People have any chance of saving our Republic it will be with a REAL leader like Ted Cruz. The only way to save us will be to stand up and fight the anti American Omarxist regime and Democrats that gave us $8 soon to be 10 trillion in new debt. The Democrats that divided us by race, income, religion, gender, political party, union vs non union, big dumb ineffective and inefficient government vs the private sector, green vs common sense, on and on it goes. The Democrats that took Bushs Nazi Party USA fascism to new all time lows. See NDAA, DHS police state packing 2 billion hollow points while standing down at the border and giving embedded Islamist a pass, totally worthless tyrannical TSA, totally abusive IRSS, beyond believe NSA spying, on and on it goes. The Democrats that gave us the anti American race baiting racist Eric Holder. The obvious lawless treason of Fast and Furious comes to mind; which then leads me to their NWO lawless open borders de facto amnesty, vote buying scam, ID for everything except voting, way of life/culture destroying, job robbing, criminals walks free after multiple felonies and heinous crimes only to strike again, suing states for enforcing federal laws that they wont, criminal stand down at the border by ALL government agencies while they disappear sick illegal aliens to God knows where and for what purpose, the brutal retaliation on any and all whistle blowers, on and on it goes. The Democrats that handed Egypt, Libya, over to the Muslim Brotherhood (who work right out of the White House) and Al Qaeda respectively, while doubling down on Bushs anti human drone strikes doing wonders for our international reputation. The Democrats like Killery Rotten Clinton, who ran sophisticated arms illegal to Al Qaeda (Syrian Freedom Fighters my ass) via Benghazi to name one place, to punish Syria for not playing the NWO Banksters Petro Dollar game. Now they along with equally treasonous pieces of shit like John McCain, openly arm the Freedom Fighters (ISIL/ISIS/Al Qaeda) to finish off the job leaving Iraq to fall into the hands of yet another evil Islamic totalitarian state that rapes, crucifies, fires and beheads Christians without hardly a mention from the bought and paid for MSM state run propaganda in the process. Brilliant! The Democrats that gave us Solyndra and way too many outrageous scams to mention here save Obamacare, which makes the corporate crony Solyndra scam look like a earthworm next to a 15 foot Cobra. The Democrats that have systematically attacked the middle class swelled the welfare roles to historic highs while taking the Labor Force Participation Rate to historic lows. The Democrats that said they were going to save us and turn around everything around after Bush with the White House, Senate and House. Fundamentally transform us! Into what? A corrupt Islamic third world hell hole? Now I know the Republicans are generally corrupt pieces of shit too, but the Democrats are at least 3 time worse. Take the debt. Case closed. Based on the fact the District of Criminals gangs up on the Tea Party/Libertarians its obvious We The People still have a chance. Based on the rampant voter fraud, what is left of our system must still work otherwise why would they even bother. Vote For The Tea Party and Libertarians! Then and only then, the Republicans.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 23:59:07 +0000

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