Please Read and Share Just spoke to an Irish Water surveyor. - TopicsExpress


Please Read and Share Just spoke to an Irish Water surveyor. He confirmed that they are not installing meters where there is a notice of non-consent. Its important that everyone who objects to the privatization of our water (and its subsequent sale to Veolia) puts up a notice at their property saying that they do not consent to meter installation. We may be charged €400+ per annum for not having a meter, but it remains to be seen how a private company will collect this. Also, it has yet to play out in court how people with health concerns over fluoridated water can be forced to pay for it. Then there are alarming health concerns from studies about the effects of smart meter wave emissions. It has yet to be confronted that our government has been going through this Irish Water choreography to ultimately hand our water supply to a foreign corporation (Veolia), which will be politically toxic at election time. The government is bluffing about these changes being a fait accompli- they face a long hard fight to make us buy water from a foreign corporation in perpetuity. We owe it to our children to do what we can to prevent this happening, and not allowing meter installation (peacefully, with a printed notice of non-consent) is a good start that everyone can make.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 19:39:42 +0000

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