Please read!! Awesome info: Two major astrological events of - TopicsExpress


Please read!! Awesome info: Two major astrological events of significance are happening this week and some of you have e-mailed me that you are feeling out of sorts. Explaining the shifts taking place now may help shed some light on what you may be feeling. All information below is summarized from the Aug./Sept issue of The Mountain Astrologer. Blessings and enjoy The cosmos sends energy waves to the earth. Our bodies are very aware of this energy. Pay attention to your feelings this week, take time for meditation, breathing and journaling. First, we have the Pisces full moon on September 19th and on September 22nd we have the second equinox, (autumnal) of the year when the length of day is equal to the length of night. This full moon highlights “where we need to infuse logic with sympathy, discernment with compassion, and physical reality with divine perception”. The sun in Virgo is opposite the moon in Pisces. Virgo’s glyph is derived from the letters M and V, Maria Virgo, the Virgin Mary, a vestige of the pre-Christian Goddess. The Virgin represents the divine feminine and the birthing of Christ/Spirit into matter. Pisces glyph, two yoked fishes swimming in opposite directions represents transcendence of duality. This full moon helps us to see the big picture, that we are far more than our physical bodies, and far greater than what our five senses can perceive. The transformative energy of this full moon is greatly amplified by several astrological factors. (If you want more detail on these e-mail me) Suffice to say the astrological events at this time are pushing us to let go of old patterns and limitations and urging us to accept that real power comes from love and truth, not domination and deceit. A third major astrological event happening on September 20th is Pluto, God of the Underworld is ending his yearly retrograde signaling that it is time to take a big step forward on our path. Pluto stationed retrograde (remaining stationary and at times moving backward in its path greatly amplifying its energy) on April 12th, forcing us to acknowledge what is really motivating us. Are we in a relationship, job or place because of love- or fear? That question is one that must be answered. When we confront our fears we discover gifts and strengths we didn’t know we had. The 22nd marks the autumnal equinox signaling a time of growing darkness and inner development whereas the spring equinox marks a time of increasing light and external focus. Equinox and solstice points are super potent times to set intentions and participate in ceremony, ritual and prayer. These are energetic gateways, where we experience the interrelationship between light and dark, inner and outer, spirit and matter. All of the mystery schools throughout the world know of the pathways: Stonehenge, Chaco Canyon, The great Pyramids, Easter Island, are the ones most familiar to us and are the better known sacred sites built to monitor and channel these shifts. My years spent in Sedona guided me to many energetic sites honored by the first peoples of the area. We too in this area have many sacred sites honored by the first peoples. A walk in the hills around Canandaigua, Naples and Bristol reinforce the energy of the area. This harvest moon closely squares the galactic center reminding us of our connection with the cosmos and each other. It shows us that “ The universe has a hidden secret in you. It is your job to reveal it” (James O’Dea) Take time this week to find a sacred space where you can breathe in the energy shifts of this time. Let go of the fear holding you back from you life’s mission. Breath, give thanks. Blessed be.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 13:26:55 +0000

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