Post:James Olin:Quote Voice GOD Recording:10/24/13:Daily Bread & - TopicsExpress


Post:James Olin:Quote Voice GOD Recording:10/24/13:Daily Bread & with Quote the Day:pls pray for: Jane A.O.:back issue resulting in pain in leg: Sever arthritis in her knees: still recovering:greatly improved blood sugar: & Naomi C.: GREATLY improved:She played organ at Church Wednesday: Thank you for your prayers:Please pray for me concerning the perfect will of GOD concerning a job: recovering from retina surgery prior to future cataract surgery: Brother Steve R. greatly improved:still able to speak: Sister Sizemore recovering after open heart surgery dealing with pain and fluid on the lungs:Pray for the Morris family on the passing of Brother and Uncle (John): James chapter 5 verse 16:...pray one for another,...:THANKS be to GOD in the Name of Our LORD JESUS CHRIST, Amen: Thought: After a sinner or unbeliever has died it will be too late to tell them about our LORD JESUS CHRIST: THE WAY of Salvation: Acts 2:38. DAILY BREAD …but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every mans conscience in the sight of God.: II CORINTHIANS 4:2 Quote of day preached by Brother William Marrion Branham: 50-0115:Believest Thou This One day when I had my first meeting with holiness people. I was over in St. Louis, and I met Reverend Robert Daugherty. And he was in a tent meeting. And I went up there that night, and his little girl had just been healed. Her testimony appeared there. And he went taking me down to the meeting where they was having it. He got up there, and he started preaching, and first time Id about ever heard a Pentecostal preacher preach. That boy preached till his knees buckled together. He went plumb to the floor, and hed catch his breath. You could hear him two squares away. Come up preaching. Someone said, Are you a preacher? I said, No, sir. No, no. My old slow Baptist ways dont think of it that fast. Thats all. I just... I wasnt no preacher then after Id heard that. So I kept still from then on around Full Gospel people about being a preacher. I just let it go. I said, No, Ill pray for the sick. Let it go like that. But I do enjoy coming on this day like this, to try to read some of the Word and explain it the best that I know how; because all... I believe that Its the truth. Every Word of God is the truth.; May GOD Bless You and Your Families:
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:40:38 +0000

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