Powerful Prayers (Pray these prayer OUT LOUD…the out loud - TopicsExpress


Powerful Prayers (Pray these prayer OUT LOUD…the out loud part is a must… and with conviction… and all that is written in them will come to pass… I don’t know when… but the Word tells me it will happen! If you don’t believe it will, pray for greater faith… just tell Him what you need!) Prayer of Protection My family dwells in the shelter of the Most High and we abide in the shadow of the Almighty. We say to the Lord, “My Refuge and my Fortress, My God, in whom I trust!” For it is God who delivers us from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence (sickness and disease). God will cover us with His pinions, and under His wings we may seek refuge. God’s faithfulness is a shield and a bulwark. We will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day, or of the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, or of the destruction that lays waste at noon. One thousand may fall at our side, and ten thousand at our right hand, but it shall not approach us. We will only look on with our eyes, and see the recompense of the wicked. For we have made the Lord, our Refuge, even the Most High, our dwelling place. No evil will befall us, nor will any plague come near our tent. For He will give His angels charge concerning us to guard us in all of our ways. They will bear us up in their hands, lest we strike our foot against a stone. We will tread upon the lion and cobra, the young lion and the serpent we will trample down. God says to us… because you have loved me, therefore I will deliver you; I will set you securely on high because you know my name. You will call on me and I will answer you. I will be with you in trouble. I will rescue you and honor you. With a long life I will satisfy you, and let you behold my salvation. (Psalm 91) Prayer for Those Needing Healing Christ has redeemed me from every curse of the law (including sickness and disease) and has purchased my freedom. Jesus bore my sickness FOR me, not WITH me. He took my sickness so I could be well.(My healing is blocked by the enemy!) The faithful shall be anointed with oil, their sins forgiven, and as we pray for one another the Lord will restore. I believe that nothing is too hard for God, that he is the God of all flesh and through Him… NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. I believe that Your faithful promises are my armor. As I stand on the promises of God, I say to the enemy, by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ, I command the armor of God (our faith in His word) to go before me and break any hold the enemy has taken on my life and my health. I command the enemy to lose his binding in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. . (Gal 3:13, Matt 8:16-18, James 5:14-16, Jer 32:27, Ps 91:4, Jer 30:17) Prayer over Your Husband Father, thank you that (your first husband’s name) is happy because he reverences the eternal. He finds rich joy in your commands. His children rise to power within the land. The race of (husband’s first and last name) is blessed. Riches and wealth are in his house. Good fortune never fails him. Life shines on (first name). He is upright, mild, and merciful. All goes well with him. He is generous and open handed. He acts fairly. Never shall (first name) come to grief. His memory never fades. He has no fear of evil tidings because he trusts the eternal with a steady heart. His heart is firm and fearless certain that he will see his foes collapse. (first name) gives to the poor lavishly and good fortune never fails him. He rises to high power. Ungodly men look on him grieve, they gnash their teeth and disappear. The ungodly hope against (first name) will come to nothing. In Jesus Name. Amen. (psaml 112) Prayer of Confession (Pray this prayer every day for a while if you decide to renew your mind by meditating on the Word every day. Begin by reading your bible for a bit every morning, then writing down one scripture that really speaks to you… reflect on it throughout your day… take it out of your pocket… and know that God is with you and through this meditation throughout your day you are opening up avenues to receive all that need!) Death and life are in the power of my tongue. I declare in Jesus name that my life is changing. I declare that no weapon formed or fashioned against me shall prosper. I declare that God will perform that which concerns me. I speak to my physical body. And I declare that in the name of Jesus my body functions to the perfection that God created it to function. Every sickness, every disease, every germ in my body dies instantly for I live the divine life and I walk the divine walk in divine health and so do my children. I declare that I am out of debt… forever. All my needs are met right now! And I have plenty more to put in store. I have preferential treatment and I walk in the favor of God and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. I expect unexpected income because I am a money magnet. I am blessed for one reason… to be a blessing… until all the families of the earth have been blessed. And I will say continually, let the Lord be magnified, who takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servants. In the name of Jesus, I am no longer the tail. I am no longer beneath. I declare I am above only. I declare promotion in my life, promotion in my job, promotion in my spirit, promotion in my soul, promotion in my finance, promotion in my children and health in my body. I declare increase and promotion and it shall surly come to pass. I am anointed, I have virtue, Burdens are being removed. Yokes are being destroyed. I walk in the glorious light of the Gospel and I walk by faith and not be sight. I have no fear because I have been given a spirit of love, power and a sound mind. I am the redeemed of the Lord and whatever I say is SO. So all that I have said and all that I have decreed shall be established unto me in Jesus name. Amen (Prob. 18:21, Rom 12:2, Is 54:17, Is. 44:28, Matt 4:23, Ps 84:11, Ps 35:27, Tit 2:14, and many more!) When You are Experiencing Despair Dear Lord, please reveal to me any area of my life that I am displeasing you so that I can repent, change my ways, and become a person who lives to please you… not please the desires of my flesh or conform to the ways of my culture. I only want to please you. In doing so, I present myself before you in the name of Jesus, cleansed and ready for battle. I feel the enemy coming against me, his hot breath breathing down my neck, the pressure of his walls closing down on me and/or my family. (NAME YOUR PROBLEM OR WORRY). I believe in the new covenant, that when I accepted Christ as my Savior, by his blood, ALL of the promises of God became mine. I do not limit the blood of Christ to what I understand. I believe in the power of the blood of my Savior and I say today to the enemy, “Satan, you were stripped of your power at Calvary, you are Christ’s defeated foe and because I am in covenant with him, you are my defeated foe. I let you in… but by the blood of Jesus Christ I now cast you out of my life. We both know you are utterly helpless against the blood of Christ!” I cover (NAME the insurmountable problem, heart breaking experience, nagging worry, pulsating anxiety, awful fear, nerve wracking environment or spiritually debilitating experience you are having) by faith with the blood of Jesus. In Jesus name, Amen (Revelation 12:11) Who I Am ** Pray this prayer over yourself daily if you decided to transform your flesh to coming into agreement with who God says you are. Pray it long enough and you will come to see yourself (and so will others) as God sees you. It is then that your life will become a living testimony to the power available to unbelievers… those that don’t know HIm (or have nagging doubts) will see Him in you and know that He exists… no one could possibly be this wonderful by their own power!!! I clothe myself as God’s own chosen one. I am purified and holy and well-beloved by God Himself. I am transformed by putting on behavior marked by tenderhearted pity and mercy, kind feeling, a lowly opinion of myself, gentle ways and patience. I have tireless patience which is long suffering and I have the power to endure whatever comes with good temper. I am gentle and forbearing with others and I readily pardon those who hurt me, the Lord has forgiven me, so must I also forgive! I will allow the love and peace from Christ to rule in my heart and I will be thankful always. The Word of God dwells in me and I’ll teach and train others in all insight and wisdom as I sing praises to God with grace in my heart. I do everything in the name of Jesus and will accomplish every task working at it heartily from my soul as something done for the Lord and not for men. For my reward comes from my Master… not from those I serve in His name. Col. 12-23 Commanding Prayer for Those With Strong Faith Lord I thank You that I am your child, for giving me the name of Jesus and the authority that goes with it. For giving me Your Holy Spirit, the greater one, the mighty power of God who leads me into all truth. In the name of Jesus, I thank You that according to Your Word I have authority over all the power of the enemy, over all disease, to move obstacles, to stop problems, to calm storms, to rebuke evil. I have authority in the name of Jesus. (Put your hand on your head) In the name of Jesus, fear and doubt leave me now, be gone. Confusion, deception be gone, heaviness by gone, depression and oppression be gone in Jesus name. Mind be strong, think clear, be bright and sharp. (Put your hand on your chest) Soul… be peaceful, be at rest, be free, be loosed, be restored. (Put your hand somewhere on your body) Body… be strong, anything that ought not be in this body I speak against you, I command you in the name of Jesus, die, dry up, be gone, leave my body! (Hand to heart) Heart… be clear and strong. (Hand to lungs) Lungs… be clear, be strong. (Hand to stomach) Stomach and intestines… be healed, be whole, be free, work right. Every organ, every gland be right, be normal, be healthy, be strong. Every bone, every muscle, every joint, every ligament, my nerves, my skin… be healthy be whole, be right, be strong in Jesus name… and my children’s! In the name of Jesus, I command the enemy to take your hands off my money. NOW! Off my finances, off my investments, off my business, off my job. In Jesus name. Stop in your operations and cease your maneuvers. Ministering spirits, angels… GO! God, command them to go. Cause money to come, work… influence… cause it to come in Jesus name to our household. And in the name of Jesus, I command the enemy to stop your maneuvers against my marriage, my family, my children, I forbid it. I bind it. You cannot continue. I stop it now in Jesus name. I say my marriage is strong, I say my family is strong, and free and right. In Jesus name I thank you Lord. Amen Prayer over Teenagers As with all prayer, you have to actually believe what you are saying to unleash the power, so say this prayer out loud every day until you can see with your eyes what God sees in your teenagers (and your husband and yourself as well!) I pray and make a special request to You dear Lord to fill my husband, my children and my own Spirit with deep and clear knowledge of Your will. Give us comprehensive insight into Your ways, your purposes and discernment of spiritual things. May we live and conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of You, fully pleasing to You and desiring to please You in all things… and bear much fruit! I pray that we may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to Your mighty glory and to exercise every kind of endurance and patience… persevering with joy. Thank You Father for qualifying and making us fit to share the portion of our inheritance as Your holy people in Christ. Thank You for delivering and drawing us to You out of the control and dominion of darkness and transferring us into the kingdom of Your son… in whom we have our redemption through His blood… the complete forgiveness of our sins. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Col. 1:10-14 Remember, fear minifests itself in different ways for different people… basically, if there is an area of your life that is overtaken by worry and is stealing your peace and acting as a barrier to your joy… there is a good chance fear is the culprit! Pray this prayer over yourself and DECIDE to banish fear from your life. Ask God to show you if there are areas of your life that you are experiencing fear. And… if you have insight into the 10 day thing, please share. I don’t completely understand that… but I am praying in faith until the wisdom comes! My fear prayer: I will not be seized with fear or struck by alarm; I will only keep on believing. Fear has the power to hold me in bondage throughout the whole course of my life if I submit to it. I will take comfort, be encouraged and confidently and boldly say, “The Lord is my Helper!” I will not be seized with alarm… I will not fear or dread or be terrified. What can man do to me? When Christ comes back to get me, I will be free from fears, agitating passions and moral conflicts. There is no fear in love, so when I fear that is a sign I am not walking in love. Fill me with Your perfect love God! I will fear nothing I must suffer as I stand on God’s word and trust Him. I dismiss my dread and my fear. The devil is indeed about to throw me in prison that I may be tested and proved and critically appraised. For many days (note… the bible actually says 10 days) I will have affliction. I will stand loyally faithful unto death and in the end God will give me the crown of life. I will be free. Mark 5:36, Heb 2:15, Heb 13:6, 2 peter 3:14, 1 John 4:18, Rev 2:10 148 Responses vanette Prayer of Protection My family dwells in the shelter of the Most High and we abide in the shadow of the Almighty. We say to the Lord, “My Refuge and my Fortress, My God, in whom I trust!” For it is God who delivers us from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence (sickness and disease). God will cover us with His pinions, and under His wings we may seek refuge. God’s faithfulness is a shield and a bulwark. We will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day, or of the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, or of the destruction that lays waste at noon. One thousand may fall at our side, and ten thousand at our right hand, but it shall not approach us. We will only look on with our eyes, and see the recompense of the wicked. For we have made the Lord, our Refuge, even the Most High, our dwelling place. No evil will befall us, nor will any plague come near our tent. For He will give His angels charge concerning us to guard us in all of our ways. They will bear us up in their hands, lest we strike our foot against a stone. We will tread upon the lion and cobra, the young lion and the serpent we will trample down. God says to us… because you have loved me, therefore I will deliver you; I will set you securely on high because you know my name. You will call on me and I will answer you. I will be with you in trouble. I will rescue you and honor you. With a long life I will satisfy you, and let you behold my salvation. (Psalm 91)v
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 16:07:29 +0000

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