Practice Makes Patience For all of you thinking that practice - TopicsExpress


Practice Makes Patience For all of you thinking that practice makes perfect-you are wrong. (I have been told I was a lay it on the table kind of gal…) Perfect practice makes perfect. And practice builds patience. Agree? Well, you may say it only makes you more frustrated-you try over and over again to create what you want or what your pro told you to do…and FINALLY can achieve it after hours on the practice tee. Then!…you go to the golf course and lose it as fast as someone stealing your wallet. It comes out from under you. Guess what-you may have never had it in the first place. One hard lesson for all golfers (us pros included) is that at least 90% of your drilling MUST be absolutely flawless until you notice a 60% improvement on the golf course. 60%? Is that enough? Well, if I told you right now that 60% of your shots would improve…wouldnt you give me a thousand dollars without hesitating? Thought so. Practice really does breed patience-that is-IF you are committed. Committed to practicing the right way. Committed to doing more drills than just hitting shots. Committed to taking your new motions to the golf course over the duration of 4 hours and not allowing yourself to have the excuse of what is comfortable to overshadow what is right. Learned moves to better your golf swing means that you are learning a new motor skill. You MUST do the move on the golf course over and over again to accomplish your desired goal. See it as insurance…perhaps a retirement plan. Your shots may be clingy, not sound right, your ball may travel an undesired path-but you MUST ---MUST--- commit. You are either in or youre not. And THAT is the difference between training like a pro-reaching your swing goals-and not. I like to refuse the not. Practice breeds patience only if you commit. And the patience is the only requirement toward the continuity of your commitment. Nike Golf said it best…JUST DO IT. I am on your side- YOU CAN DO IT!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 02:22:18 +0000

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