Praise the living God! I am well and still born again, Christ - TopicsExpress


Praise the living God! I am well and still born again, Christ Jesus is still Lord. Listen to this second part of my message. ..........................................PART TWO............................................... There is another breed of christian who has the habit of using their work/job/business as an excuse for not serving God. When they had no job or something to do, they used to be very serious and committed in seeking and serving God, but when God blessed them, they allowed their job to be an excuse for not effectively serving God. Let me warn you, this is very dangerous. Your work/job/business should not separate you from God, should not deny you time to seek and serve God effectively. In fact, God gave you that job/work/business for you to be able to serve Him with all your whole heart, mind and strength and with no divided attention. But here is where the problem is, we have allowed our work/job/business to control us instead of us being in control or balancing time between God and work. The other day I was preaching about the significance of our faithfulness to God, for example, when we are faithful to God in doing his will, we will not go looking for blessings, but blessings shall follow us wherever we go. Many of us are working day and night looking for blessings(prosperity) but unless God commands his blessings in your life, your toil and handwork is all in vain,your waking up early and sleeping late in the night is all in vain. Why are we using Gods time in doing our own things?. Time for seeking God we are using it in our businesses and goes ahead to raise lame excuses, Ooh God, you know I have children both in secondary school and in the university. Who deceived you, its not you who can make your children learn, in fact, even in your absence, they will still learn, because there is god in heaven who understands their need, and if he can provide for the birds of the air, what about them? I do not mean that working is bad, in fact I really support working but let not our work control us but be in control. What I mean is that let us stop using time to seek God in doing our own things. Let us put more effort in seeking the kingdom of God first and its righteousness, and everything else(that is our needs) shall be added unto us, because our God knows our needs. Let us stop working for prosperity and forget/grow weak in serving God, but let prosperity(blessings follow us). What is it that hinders you from serving God effectively, is it your business/job/work, learn to be in control. Balance time, time to seek God and time to work. By doing this, your life will completely change. Shalom.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 18:09:36 +0000

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