Praying for thise with UNFORGIVNESS. It opens the door to many - TopicsExpress


Praying for thise with UNFORGIVNESS. It opens the door to many spirits. Anger, hate, resentment and more. And if it is not dealt with it can block our relationship with God. It can block our prayers and it can block our blessings. I dont know about you but I need all those things, relationship, prayers answered and blessings in my life.And I refuse to hold unforgiveness toward anyone. I am posting a teaching by Neil Anderson on Forgiveness. I pray you will read all of it. I guarantee it is anointed and it will help you unblock, get a flow of blessings in your life, and start your New Year 2015 out right. Step 3 – Bitterness Versus Forgiveness We need to forgive others so Satan cannot take advantage of us (2 Cor. 2:10, 11). We are commanded to get rid of all bitterness in our lives and forgive others as we have been forgiven (Ephes. 4:31, 32) Let’s take a few minutes to review what forgiveness is and what it is not. Forgiveness is not forgetting. People who want to forget all that was done to them will find they cannot do it. Don’t put off forgiving those who have hurt you, hoping the pain will one day go away. Once you choose to forgive someone, then Christ can come and begin to heal you of your hurts. But the healing cannot begin until you first forgive. Forgiveness is a choice, a decision of your will. Since God requires you to forgive, it is something you can do. Sometimes it is very hard to forgive someone because we naturally want revenge for the things we have suffered. Forgiveness seems to go against our sense of what is right and fair. So we hold on to our anger, punishing people over and over again in our minds for the pain they’ve caused us. But we are told by God never to take our own revenge (Romans 12:19). Let God deal with the person. Let him or her off your hook because as long as you refuse to forgive someone, you are still hooked to them. You are still chained to your past, bound up in your bitterness. By forgiving, you let the other person off your hook, but they are not off God’s hook. You must trust that God will deal with the person justly and fairly, something you simply cannot do. You might say, “But you don’t know how much this person hurt me!” You’re right. We don’t, but Jesus does; and He tells you to forgive. And don’t you see? Until you let go of your anger and hatred, the person is still hurting you. You can’t turn back the clock and change the past, but you can be free from it. You can stop the pain, but there is only one way to do It — forgive. You forgive others for your sake so you can be free. Forgiveness is mainly a matter of obedience to God. God wants you to be free; there is no other way. Forgiveness is agreeing to live with the consequences of another person’s sin, but you are going to live with those consequences anyway whether you like it or not. The only choice you have is whether you will do so in the bondage of bitterness or in the freedom of forgiveness. But no one truly forgives without accepting and suffering the pain of another person’s sin. That can seem unfair and you may wonder where the justice is in it, but justice is found at the Cross, which makes forgiveness legally and morally right. Jesus took the eternal consequences of sin upon Himself. God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor. 5:21, NASB). We, however, often suffer the temporary consequences of other people’s sins. That is simply a harsh reality of life all of us have to face. Do not wait for the other person to ask for your forgiveness before forgiving him or her. They may never do so. Remember, Jesus did not wait for those who were crucifying Him to apologize before He forgave them. Even while they mocked and jeered at Him, He prayed, Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing. (Luke 23:34, NASB). How do you forgive from your heart? You allow God to bring to the surface the painful emotions you feel toward those who have hurt you. If your forgiveness doesn’t touch the emotional core of your life, it will be incomplete. Too often we’re afraid of the pain so we bury our emotions deep down inside us. Let God bring them to the surface so He can begin to heal those damaged emotions. (Matt. 18:35) Forgiveness is choosing not to hold someone’s sin against him or her anymore. It is common for bitter people to bring up past issues with those who have hurt them. They want them to feel bad. But we must let go of the past and choose to reject any thought of revenge. This doesn’t mean you must continue to put up with the future sins of others. God does not tolerate sin and neither should you. Don’t allow yourself to be continually abused by others. Take a stand against sin while continuing to exercise grace and forgiveness toward those who hurt you. You may need help in setting wise limits and boundaries to protect yourself from further abuse. Don’t wait to forgive until you feel like forgiving. You will never get there. Make the hard choice to forgive even if you don’t feel like it. Once you choose to forgive, Satan will have lost his power over you in that area and God’s healing touch will be free to move. Freedom is what you will gain right now, not necessarily an immediate change in feelings. Ask God to bring to your mind the people you need to forgive by praying the following prayer aloud. Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for the riches of Your kindness, forbearance and patience toward me, knowing that Your kindness has led me to repentance (see Romans 2:4). I confess that I have not shown that same kindness and patience toward those who have hurt me. Instead, I have held on to my anger, bitterness and resentment toward them. Please bring to my mind all the people I need to forgive in order that I may do so now. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen On a separate sheet of paper, list the names of people who come to your mind. At this point don’t question whether you need to forgive them or not. If a name comes to mind, just write it down. Often we hold things against ourselves as well, punishing ourselves for wrong choices we’ve made in the past. Write “myself” at the bottom of your list so you can forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself is accepting the truth that God has already forgiven you in Christ. If God forgives you, you can forgive yourself! Also write “thoughts against God” at the bottom of your list. Obviously, God has never done anything wrong so we don’t have to forgive Him. Sometimes, however, we harbor angry thoughts against Him because He did not do what we wanted Him to do. Those feelings of anger or resentment against God can become a wall between us and Him so we must let them go. Now, you are ready to begin. Starting with the first person on your list, make the choice to forgive him or her for every painful memory that comes to your mind. Focus on that individual until you are sure you have dealt with all the remembered pain. Then work your way down the list in the same way. As you begin forgiving people, God may bring to your mind painful memories you’ve totally forgotten. Let Him do this even if it hurts. God wants you to be free; forgiving these people is the only way. Don’t try to excuse the offender’s behavior, even if it is someone you are really close to. For every painful memory you have for each person on your list, pray aloud: Prayer: Lord, I choose to forgive (name the person) for (say what they did to hurt you) even though it made me feel (share the painful feelings). After you have forgiven that person for all the offenses that come to your mind and after you have honestly expressed how you felt, conclude your forgiveness of that person by praying aloud: Prayer: Lord, I choose not to hold any of these things against (name) any longer. I thank You for setting me free from the bondage of my bitterness toward (name). I now ask You to bless (name) with truth and repentance. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. Finally, after you have forgiven all of the people on your list, pray the following prayer aloud: Prayer: Thank you that I am no longer responsible to fix, change, or punish any of these people on my list. I give them all to You. Thank you, Lord, for taking my load! Help me to see each of these people as You see them. Now I ask you to heal my damaged emotions. Amen. I KNOW NO BETTER WAY TO BRING IN THE NEW YEAR THAN WITH NEW BLESSINGS ON YOUR LIFE. JESUS IS LORD.... WE MUST LET HIM BE LORD OF OUR LIFE.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:37:06 +0000

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