Pre-wedding Beauty Tips You have the rock on your finger, and you - TopicsExpress


Pre-wedding Beauty Tips You have the rock on your finger, and you simply cannot wipe that grin from your face. Now that the date has been set, are you getting obsessed about how you will look on the day? Worry not. Here is a list of everything that you will need to take care of. Go through it, and dump the panic. Tips for Beautiful Face Get the right beauty tips for your skin from the Experts. Weve heard it said enough times that the wedding day is the most important day in the life of any girl/ woman, so I will refrain from saying that! But this is also the day when you have to look your ravishing best for the shutterbugs, because, 40 years down the line, you still want the oohs and aahs to flow, when your children and grandchildren see you in all your glorious beauty. These pictures are supposed to represent one of the happiest times of your life, so how would you like it if you saw your pictures with a big pimple on your cheek?! Or your hair a mess? Will not do! So, lets see what all things must you take care of, to look your best on your wedding day, so that the photos will do what they are supposed to do in a few years time - make you smile, and wistful, and remember the magic and love and help you live it again, without any blemishes. Areas to Cover... Health Care Your inner health will affect your outer appearance. Eat healthy, and you will have a blemish free skin and a glowing complexion. Avoid all junk food and soft drinks and eat healthy, balanced meals leading up to your wedding. Follow a detox program, to clean up your system from the inside out. Get your teeth leveled and whitened if you so wish, but do that a month prior to the day. If you are taking some medicines, consult your doctor before you stop the course. My pre-wedding diet advice would be, sleep and eat well, so that you look great and the chances of you falling ill are reduced. Hair Care Depending on the gown you choose, decide your hair length, style and cut at least 2 - 3 months prior to your wedding. Get regular hair spa treatments to give your hair that shine, and make them luxurious. If you are planning to straighten out your hair, or put them through any other permanent treatment, it is advisable to do so a month before the wedding. If you want to color it/ add highlights then do it a week after getting them straightened, so that there is some time for the hair to get used to new things. If you put your hair through treatments in quick succession, you may end up damaging it, making it look dry and limp on your wedding day. Decide the hairstyle you are going to wear on the day, and see if it suits the type of gown you have chosen. Consult with your hairdresser, as to which style will suit your face structure best. Skin and Nail Care Your skin is an indicator of your health, so it has to be at its glowing best on your day! Remember to moisturize your skin daily after your bath. One of the best pre-wedding beauty tips that I can share with you is, apply the moisturizer within a minute of having your bath/ shower, so that it locks the moisture in your skin and makes it look healthy, young and gives it a glow. It works much better than applying the moisturizer on dry skin. Also, clean your face, hands and feet thoroughly before sleeping, and apply a good overnight cream. Hands, feet and nails are equally important, specially if you are going to take close up shots of your rings, hands held, and the like. Also, if you are going to wear heels, you do not want to display chipped, and unkempt nails. If you are going with clear nails, good for you, but if you are going to have them painted, best to do so two days prior to the wedding. Body Care Body care is of equal importance in the pre-wedding beauty regime. If you are prone to acne on your back, then get a scrubbing brush/ loofah and exfoliate your body regularly, maybe every alternate day. Exfoliate all the exposed as well as most covered parts, like your hands, legs, armpits, etc. It helps in reducing the tan, and also exposes the healthy and plump cells by getting rid of all the dead cells, to give you a fresh and glowing look. This is especially important if you are planning to wear a backless/ strapless gown. Facials Facials are top ranking in pre-wedding beauty care checklist. Start getting regular facials around six months prior to the big day, and get one every three weeks if you can. Dont overdo it though, or you may end up looking like you had a layer of skin taken off your face. Facials will help your tired and tanned skin look cleaner and fresher, and give your face a glow. Also, they will remove the layers of dirt that have accumulated on your face over time. Strictly stop facials a week before your wedding. And stick to products that suit you. Dont test any new tempting products, anytime shortly before your wedding. Waxing and Threading Waxing and threading should be done regularly. If you havent tried either of these things before, but want to do it for your wedding, then I suggest that you start early, to let your skin get used to all the pulling it will be subjected to. Wax four days before the wedding. The redness and rash, if any, will take a day to settle down, and you would not like your photos to look like you had a bad rash or sunburn. Threading your eyebrows and upper lips should ideally be done a week before the actual date of the wedding, so that in case you need to correct the shape of your brows, you have time to do it. Manicures and Pedicures Get manicures and pedicures monthly, for a few months before your wedding. It will take care of the dryness and tanning of your hands and feet, and make them soft and beautiful. Getting manicures and pedicures on a regular basis will help in moisturizing your hands and feet, and will get rid of dry, scaly skin, specially from your heels, and tips of your fingers and toes. Get your final pedicure and manicure a couple of days before your wedding, and you will surely notice the change. If you are not comfortable with long nails, then a french manicure will not please you. Go for the simple shaping of short nails, and apply a clear coat of polish over it, to make them shine. Your skin should be glowing when you come to us for your bridal the mantra ispre bridals are equally important as your bridal Makeup
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 11:27:19 +0000

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