Preached at Colton High School (1 student hands out my tracts, - TopicsExpress


Preached at Colton High School (1 student hands out my tracts, school admin respond, hecklers, supporters, preached from Psalm 119:73-80) When the bell rings at this school the students disperse at all four sides. Consequently each exiting crowd is small. One school official came out to tell me the preaching was “disruptive.” He returned and asked me to move across the street. When I refused he alleged I was being “disrespectful.” Disruptive yes, but not disrespectful. Why disruptive? Because “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God (1 Cor 1:18). The principal came out and kindly spoke to me. The school police/security stood by, but did not intervene. Imagine if the O.T. Prophets, Christ, and/or the Apostles stopped preaching (or moved) every time a sinner asked them to. Many people heckled and cursed at the message, while others watched with much interest. One student ‘took a stand’ and passed out my Gospel tracts. Other students thanked me for preaching the Gospel. Side note: This April while street preaching in Texas, I started preaching thru the book of Psalm. Thou not a thorough expository teaching, most of the passages are a great place to preach from. Im almost done with this book.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:10:53 +0000

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