Presence of God Its a long, hard road that leads to becoming - TopicsExpress


Presence of God Its a long, hard road that leads to becoming our true selves. There are so many things to distract us along the way, things that draw us towards self-absorption and destructive behavior. The next few moments of reflection offer the opportunity to focus again, to see more clearly who God is and who we truly are meant to be. Word of God But the free gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died through the one man’s trespass, much more surely have the grace of God and the free gift in the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, abounded for the many. Romans 5:15 Devotion Nowhere is the phrase, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” more fitting than when we think about the grace of God that has been revealed to us in Jesus Christ. The goal of grace isn’t simply to turn folks like you and me into well-behaving, good people through some sort of mysterious act of cosmic acquittal. It’s not a tit-for-tat move on God’s part; it’s far more mysterious and creative than that. God’s grace is about reeling us back in and drawing us into the very heart of the One who created and formed us and knows every hair on our heads. Grace is about reclaiming for us a new life marked by love, generosity, faithfulness, and peace. So whatever you find yourself wrestling in the wilderness, remember that grace abounds. Grace will meet you where you are and return you to where you ought to be. Conversation with God Every time I run from you, O God, meet me where I am and guide me to where I need to be. Amen. Benediction Go now with faith into your struggle. Avoid distractions of the spectacular; See beyond the illusions, And recognize you have what you need To move beyond guilt to freedom. You have been claimed by grace And are called to celebrate the life of joy
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 13:15:35 +0000

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