President Obama has pledged his support of a neo-Nazi minority - TopicsExpress


President Obama has pledged his support of a neo-Nazi minority group in the Ukraine. The anarchist we support used a violence Fascist coup to overthrow a legally elected Government. They have not called for a new election, while the CIA with the help of Air America hands out guns like they were candy. When the President of the USA pledges support of a Fascist coup to promote a civil war, that is code for millions of people are going to die supporting US aggression against our enemy. In this case, our enemy is the Russian Federation. Now that the Great Crusade against Islam winds down, old hatreds are now renewed to justify an obese military industrial complex. Please support this petition to end the US involvement in the Ukraine. The Ukrainian anarchist supported by the USA CIA are the same group that forced my people off their land 120 years ago. Most of our people migrated to Poland and Germany and became victims of Hitlers final solution. The same people on Wall Street who backed Hitler are the same people backing the Ukrainian neo-Nazi. Walker Bush sold Hitler gas for his tanks and chemicals for the gas chambers. IBM ran the gas chamber programs. Coke sold Fanta. One big happy party in a common fight against Communism. This anarchist group is no model of Democracy and is actively promoting a civil war. The forces behind this civil are not Ukrainian but start with the Fascist American Plutocracy. I have visited the Ukraine many times and have many Ukrainian friends. Ten years ago, the people were evenly divided between those who would have preferred remaining part of the Russian Federation and those who preferred independence. There were many Russians left behind in the Ukraine, just as many Ukrainians were left behind in Russia after the collapse of the CCCP. These two countries share a common culture and most Ukrainians speak Russian. The Ukraine receives all of its gas from Russia and is economically tied to Russia. An Alliance with the West is economic suicide for the Ukraine. The West had ignored Ukraine for a decade. Now, we support the Ukraine only because Ukraine is helping the USA to promote aggression against Russia. The USA CIA and their black ops have been working for a decade to oppose Russian influence in the Ukraine. Recently, they organized in the Ukraine a program to hack and embezzle billions of dollars from American bank accounts. They laundered this money through an elaborate check cashing scheme and then smuggled the money into the Ukraine in duffle bags. Now Air America is rapidly building an army. These anarchist are portrayed by the American media as Revolutionary under dogs. In fact, they represent a Fascist coup by a violent minority backed by the Western Plutocracy. The goal of the Plutocracy is to incite civil war that will lead to a World War with Russia. The Plutocracy profits from war; but, they have a secondary objective of global genocide. The wealthy believe we have too many people on Earth and seek to reduce global population by a few billion. How many Ukrainians fools and tools will die supporting the USAs aggressive policies towards the Russian Federation? I had hoped that Russia would have suppressed this anarchist uprising before it could overthrow the government and taking up arms. I had hoped that Russia would have occupied the Ukraine to restore order and protect those that Gorbachov left behind. Russia has merely done what was essential to its defense by annexing the Crimea and taking control of its’ Naval base. Putin has shown great restraint by not escalation hostilities. However, the American press criticizes Putin and ignores the fact that the USA is the aggressor. And, the patriotic American sheep buy into Big Brother’s propaganda. The USA has a long and ugly history of imperialism. Mexico, Philippines, Cuba, Nicaragua, Panama, Chile, Angola, Congo, Korea, Vietnam, Iran and Afghanistan and more. These conflicts have lasted decades, even centuries. The Plutocracy and their military industrial complex do not care about these foreign people, nor do they care about the well-being of Americans. They place profits before people. Obama pledges his support of another Fascist group. But, Obama and the US government do not have the support of the American people. America has always been a land owned by white Fascist Plutocracy. The USA election process does not represent the people and our government is owned by the Plutocracy. Americas are themselves oppressed, who are we to support the oppression of another country by those who oppress Americans?
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:46:24 +0000

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