President assures Indians safety President Yoweri Museveni has - TopicsExpress


President assures Indians safety President Yoweri Museveni has assured the Indian community in Uganda that Uganda is their home and that they are safe. I want to assure Indians in Uganda that this is your home. The indigenous people should not tease you that you are not Ugandans. Africa has been able to develop because of the contributions from migrant tribes, he said. The President observed that Idi Amin was wrong theoretically, philosophically, historically and technically when he told Indians living in Uganda to go away from the country. The President was speaking at the wedding reception of Mr. Altaf Lalani and his bride Ms. Sukhvinder Kaur, sister of Hon. Katongole Singh Marwaha which was held last evening at Kati Kati Restaurant Lugogo by-pass in Kampala. The couple took their nuptial vows at Sikh Temple in Nakasero on Easter. Mr. Museveni congratulated the newlywed couple for embracing marriage adding that it is good for young people to embrace and value the institution of marriage. The President stressed that a family is the basis of society. He encouraged Ugandans to take marriage in the most acceptable and respectable way that is recognized legally. Former Rubaga MP, Hon. Singh Katongole thanked President Museveni for ensuring security for all Ugandans and the Indian community in the country. He also commended the President for supporting him adding that he is what he is because of NRM.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 19:06:48 +0000

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