Preventive Powers in Just a Spoonful of Cinnamon by Amy - TopicsExpress


Preventive Powers in Just a Spoonful of Cinnamon by Amy Jamieson-Petonic, MEd, RD, CSSD, LD Daily Dose Did you know that cinnamon can have preventive benefits at the cellular level? Adding just one teaspoon of cinnamon to your beverages or food may prevent cell damage. Cinnamon, the dried inner bark of various evergreen trees, acts as a rich source of flavonoids (protective chemicals) for your body. Why are flavonoids so beneficial? They destroy harmful chemicals in the body and help reduce inflammation. Flavonoids in cinnamon also act as safegaurds against plaque build up in your arteries, reducing your risk for high cholesterol and heart disease. Eating foods rich in flavonoids may also help decrese your risk for cancer, diabetes and other chronic illnesses. A recent study by the International Journal of Preventive Medicine suggests that taking 3 grams, about one teaspoon, of cinnamon every day may prevent or even treat diabetes. Cinnamon is extremely versatile and improves the taste of many dishes! Try spicing up a bowl of oatmeal or whole grain cereal with a dash of cinnamon, or add it to baked apples or pears for a sweet dessert. Cinnamon also makes a welcome addition to savory, whole grain dishes such as couscous, quinoa, or barley salad. Other spices high in flavonoids include: cloves, oregano, ginger and turmeric.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 00:17:11 +0000

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