Private Attorney General at work Watch Part 1 but this is the - TopicsExpress


Private Attorney General at work Watch Part 1 but this is the Meat & potatoes! Published on Sep 26, 2013 FBI HAWAII CONSPIRACY TO FRAME HERO IN FORECLOSURE SCANDAL. Judicial Enterprise Enriching Banks and Damaging Taxpayers in National Foreclosure Fraud Scheme Busted by Framed/Imprisoned/Assaulted Common Law Expert Awaiting Governor Abercrombies Decision Honolulu, HI—A top foreclosure fraud expert has been framed in retaliation for exposing banks, judges, and lawyers breaking laws and oaths of office in historys most damaging lending scheme, according to evidence openly presented in the First Circuit Court of Hawaii during an extradition hearing affecting defendant, Anthony Troy Williams. Williams, defending pro se, made mincemeat of State of Hawaii prosecutors in open court, causing them to reveal they had manufactured a fake fingerprint record with complicity by the FBI in Clarksburg, West Virginia. Nonetheless, Judge Richard Perkins denied Williamss release on bail and returned him to jail where he has been reportedly assaulted by sheriffs. Private Attorney General Anthony Williams, who pioneered Common Law Offices of America, also caused Judge Perkins to admit in open court that he may not honor his oath to preserve the Constitution of the United States and protect Williams as a sovereign citizen. In fact, the Court made it perfectly clear he was not even aware he had his oath of office on file. The shocking admissions were among several that occurred on both days of Williamss extradition hearing (Sept. 18-19, 2013) wherein the question of Williamss return to Georgia to face allegations of child molestation was to be decided. Williams shamed Attorney General (AG) David Louies team of prosecutors, witnesses, and lead counsel Simeona Mariano, by exposing multiple counts of fraud in railroading Williams, evidencing complicity by the FBI that supplied, according to the States leading witness, Williamss finger prints supposedly proving Williams committed his first theft at seventeen days of age, while still in diapers. Witnesses on both sides of the gallery were shocked by the prosecutions incompetence, Williams called it, supplementing his assertion of multiple State and Federals laws being broken by the Court and Louies leading expert responsible for Williamss framing. Still, the judge did not budge from continuing the case, denying Williams bail, and awaiting a signed order from Governor Abercrombie required by the States extradition laws read to the Court by the chained and handcuffed Williams. Facts in the Case Encouraged by a gallery of Constitutionalists supporting the defendant, Williams belittled AG Louie for scheming his framing, false arrest, and malicious prosecution, to conceal a corporate banking enterprise damaging millions of American homeowners and taxpayers who are supposed to be protected by several Constitutional amendments. Williams had been defending victims of foreclosure fraud and eviction threats by the banks in multiple Hawaii courtrooms since June, exercising his right under Congresss civil rights law Title 42 U.S.C., Section 1988. That legislation, and substantial case law, affords private persons the right to act as private attorney generals, and attorneys-in-fact, on behalf of poor citizens who cannot afford attorneys, or do not trust attorneys because of re-mortgage deals made behind closed doors that often leave defendants in worse financial straits. Critics of refinancing schemes say the nationwide practice, administered through the courts and lawyers, best reflects racketeering activities as defined by law as a monopolistic judicial banking enterprise complicit in extortion, threatened property loss, abusive collection practices, and real estate theft, all neglecting Constitutionally-guaranteed due process and trials by juries. Complaints from multiple State and Federal judges to AG Louie brought Williams under investigation for practicing law without a license, a charge that violates the aforementioned Federal civil rights and Constitutional mandates. READ THE REST at 528Revolution/fbi-hawaii-conspiracy/
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 23:25:38 +0000

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