Program note; Just to recap one of many events,--- just to make - TopicsExpress


Program note; Just to recap one of many events,--- just to make sure Im not stuck in some freaking nightmare----first we hear all about Ebola coming here to the United States----when it has never in our history ever made it to our shores, but this as most know has been discussed via the media etc.-- and our troops deployed etc----? Then, the very hospital that just 16 days before the first case in U.S. History arrives in the United States and----and,---creates a list of guidelines for dealing with Ebola=== in their hospital? Their own statement ---and when someone arrives showing all the right symptoms from the exact hot zone--- telling them where he is from, THE HOT ZONE--- a freaking place with a well known and massive outbreak of this freaking virus ----BUT EVEN MORE BIZARRE,- THEY SEND HIM HOME? ---Then this same guy comes back of course when he gets worse after being around while infectious around kids and others----and get this part--- it caught my flipping attention--- not only is he from a Country and area of his Country where there is a large out break of Ebola as most here know, but this was new ----he told the CDC and one can only assume the hospital -----that he actually carried a young woman that has passed away from Ebola--just days before getting on a plane to the United States????? AND NO ONE EITHER IN EUROPE OR THE UNITED STATES?----So, he gets through immigration all the way,---and evidently ALSO---AT DALLAS FORT WORTH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ?????---WHERE AGENTS ---WHO SEE WHERE HIS PASSPORT SHOWED HIM TRAVELING FROM----I,E, A DANGER ZONE--- WAS HIS COUNTRY OF ORIGIN ----RED MOTHER FREAKING FLAGS RIGHT? WRONG EVIDENTLY, NOTHING??? WHY---------? NO HOLD, NO MEDICAL EXAM NOTHING----BECAUSE INS LET HIM THROUGH ???----NOT ONE WORD FROM THE MEDIA RE THAT SCREW UP????----SOMEONE MIGHT WANT TO ASK WHO IN THE HELL--- LET HIM THROUGH THE INS CHECK POINT AT DALLAS AIRPORT ????---OR WHY DO WE PAY THEM TO BE THERE????????????----ONE OF THE REASONS THIS VIRUS HAS NOT BEEN SEEN IN THIS NATION BEFORE--- WAS INS DOING THEIR JOBS------INTERESTING ALSO ----AND SLIDE IN VIA ALL THE OTHER NEWS----JUST BEFORE THIS GUY SHOWS UP IN DALLAS TEXAS ABOUT 80 MILES EAST OF MY HOME----BARRACK SIGNS ANOTHER OF HIS EXECUTIVE ORDERS JUST A COUPLE OF DAYS BEFORE HIS ARRIVAL -----STOPPING INS FROM DEPORTING PEOPLE FROM LIBERIA ????---THE SAME PLACE AS MOST KNOW THIS PERSON IS FROM? WOW, HOW DID BARRACK KNOW? PERHAPS MORE COINCIDENCE ? OR MAYBE THIS IS SOMEONE ELSES FAULT--- RIGHT BARRACK? OR MAYBE A ----PLANNED EVENT---BUT THE COINCIDENCES SEEMS TO BE PILLING UP FOLKS---- AND THE QUESTIONS WITH NO ANSWERS SEEM TO BE PILLING UP AGAIN, GO FIGURE-----FYI INS AGENT ASKS THE TRAVELER FROM SUCH A ZONE IN ANY TIMES ----DID YOU COME INTO CONTACT WITH THE EBOLA VIRUS--- AT LEAST ASK THE QUESTION---AND WHAT PART OF LIBERIA HE WAS FROM ETC------NORMAL ROUTINE QUESTIONS FOR THIS KIND OF EVENT---I HAVE BEEN ASKED MORE DETAILED QUESTIONS TRAVELING THROUGH FLIPPING BORDER PATROL CHECK POINTS WHEN I HAD NOT LEFT THE FREAKING COUNTRY ON THE 10 FREEWAY-----SO WHY NOT THIS GUY???????????? WHY DID THE HOSPITAL SEND THE GUY HOME-- REALLY? ----PERHAPS CREATE AN OUTBREAK BARRY HERE--- IN TEXAS??? -----A PLACE YOU KNOW YOU HAVE MANY---MANY ENEMIES ----CREATE PANIC PERHAPS----FOR WHAT COMES NEXT? ----------This entire mess only grows worse by the day and the questions much like Benghazi and Fast and Furious ETC--- continues go unanswered ---HOW IN THE HELL DOES--- NO ONE----THINK TO--- ASK WHERE THE INS WAS ---NOT TSA ---INS ----AS HE CHECKED THROUGH THEIR CHECK POINT AT FREAKING DALLAS FORT WORTH INTERNATIONAL------------I WANT ANSWERS ----AND BY GOD ALMIGHTY IF THIS THING GETS ANY WORSE -----THERE WILL BE MANY LIKE MYSELF---- MAKING SURE THESE QUESTIONS GET ANSWERED -----BUT AS I WROTE BELOW A FEW POSTS----MORE AND MORE THIS ADDS UP TO COMPLETE--------------- BULLSHIT--------------AND I TRUST THE OFFICIAL STORY LESS, AND LESS BY THE SECOND VIA THEIR OWN STATEMENTS--- MY SOURCES ARE THE GOVERNMENT THEMSELVES----NOT FARCEBOOK STORIES -----THE CDC AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT ETC----AND WITS---WHERE WAS THE INS???----AND WHY DID BARRACK MAKE HIS CHOICE TO PROTECT THOSE FROM A MAJOR EBOLA OUTBREAK AREA JUST DAYS AHEAD OF THIS PERSON ARRIVING IN DALLAS????-----------I COULD GO ON VIA THE COMPLETE BS CONTINUING --- IN OKLAHOMA BUT ILL SAVE IT FOR ANOTHER TIME----IF PEOPLE READ THIS FAR ON A WEEKDAY----I KNOW THAT IS HARD ENOUGH----I CAN TELL YOU I AM FAR FROM ALONE IN THE LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMUNITY AROUND THE COUNTRY QUESTIONING ALL THIS BS AND ALSO OKLAHOMA CONTINUING TO PLAY GAMES AT THE EXACT SAME TIME RE IF THAT WAS AN ACT OF TERROR OR NOT-------------I GUESS NOT MUCH IN THE WAY OF PROFESSIONAL HONOR WITH THE LEADERS OF THE DAS OFFICE OR COMMAND STAFF INVOLVED ----------------HOW FREAKING SHOCKING,--- NOT. HOW CAN PEOPLE TRUST ANYTHING FROM GOVERNMENT ???? ANSWER OF COURSE -----------THEY CANT. --------MY FAMILY AND I ARE ABOUT 80s miles east of Dallas ---but I have many friends much closer----I was flying out of Dallas on a family emergency just a couple of days before this guy arrived in Dallas-----front page Dallas news----Ebola in Dallas -----and we are told, dont worry, all is well of course, WHEN IT CLEARLY IS NOT, AT THE VERY BEST CASE WE HAVE COMPLETE INCOMPETENCE GOING ON AT ALL LEVELS, BEST CASE AND I DONT BELIEVE THIS IS BEST CASE AT ALL, I CONTINUE TO PRAY IM WRONG, BUT AFTER YESTERDAY I AM MORE SURE THAN EVER, I AM NOT WRONG-------------Be safe my friends, and prepared---and wide awake----as always you and your families--- are all in my prayers------Matt.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 09:25:27 +0000

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