Proposal 1: Food for thought Yes, it is ridiculous that small - TopicsExpress


Proposal 1: Food for thought Yes, it is ridiculous that small businesses are taxed yearly on equipment that they had to purchase and pay taxes on. But, keep in mind, Just as Englers move in 1994/1996---relief on property taxes=raising the sales tax to 6%; we were all so excited to get that check in the mail and a more generous tax return for home owners. MEMBA THAT??? Additionally, that taxey-shifty move also was to support/aid and take pressure of the public schools to better education. Hmmm.......So, thru many processes of moving taxes around via many governors since then with most of the burden now being shifted to the individual...such as: dramatically increasing the cost of yearly license plate renewal proposed to none other than Mr. Snyder and his gang..ponder the outcome of this proposal. OH!!! By the way, we are still paying 6% tax since Englers implementation of this tax shift ......So, ummmm...why are our schools suffering while each and every one of us are still paying 6%?? You might ask, WHY???????? Any tax break given will be counter balanced----GUARANTEED!!!!!!!!! Shifty-dee, Shifty-do.....the burden goes back on me and you..... If this passes (although I completely agree that it sucks for small businesses--NOT LARGE CORPORATIONS), plan on the counter-balance being put on the individual. They have no choice(!) with consideration that our states bank account is in despair. To believe that these taxes just go away is completely naive. I am sick of every party in this circus of a political system. It is so misleading and they are preying on people who stay faithful to their party without every investigating the dealings each candidate is involve in. I also made that mistake---and quite frankly, I dont trust ANY OF THEM and have no idea who to vote for. They are all polarize into the same entity once they get into office. Choose wisely today when you vote, or I suppose--as wise as you can. Its much like playing Russian Roulette. SIDE NOTE: Hey, how about Snyder giving Ilitch 39 parcels of DETROIT property FOR NOTHING---and, BTW, Mr Ilitch was also (at the time of this decision) was also 88,000 in the hole on his water bill??
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 13:20:51 +0000

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