Ptr Joe Sauco As It Is In Heaven And In The Midst of The Storms - TopicsExpress


Ptr Joe Sauco As It Is In Heaven And In The Midst of The Storms ( 2 devotions) A PROMISE FROM GOD: Matthew 6:10 (KJV) Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. GODS MESSAGE FOR ME TODAY: God wants and longs to give us a glimpse of heaven while we are here on earth. He wants to show us what is heaven like. He wants us to experience how it is to live in heaven. But have you ever thought how God’s will is accomplished in heaven? In heaven, God’s will is automatic. There are no opposing forces of darkness or anything that would come against the Lord’s will. On earth, His will started its work in our lives the time we received Jesus as our own personal Savior and then we must choose God’s will on a daily basis. He must become the Lord of our thoughts, our words, our actions, our very life. And when it’s God that rules over all that I am and over all that I have then I get to know His wonderful plan for my life and I begin to clearly see how He brings it to pass. That’s when I get a glimpse of heaven. On earth, we need to flee from temptations, to mortify even our sinful desires and to be dependent on the Lord for the grace and strength to overcome our self-defeating thoughts, negative feelings and attitudes that are contrary to God’s will. And whenever we are able to resist the devil, his wiles and deceits, when we are able to deny ourselves and submit our sinful pleasures to Christ, when we get to be filled with faith in our Lord then we get another glimpse of heaven. Jesus saw it needful to show and teach us to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first so that all other things could be added unto us because in heaven no one needs anything since they have everything in God. In heaven, all creatures great and small give glory to none but God alone and so Jesus taught us that in our prayers we ought to first give Him the glory and praise He deserves. Matthew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. The Lord Jesus taught us that our heart’s desire must be to see God’s will be done in our life and in the life of other people and so we ask it in prayer next and as God shows His will for us in His word, we ought to obey it and share it to the world. Then, there you have again a glimpse of heaven. Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. In prayer, Christ also taught us to ask for bread. He wants us to ask for our needs because God is the great Provider in heaven. God didn’t teach us to ask which we will only consume on our greed because He wants us to learn contentment and self-restraint. And so when you already have what you need then you already have a foretaste of heaven. Matthew 6:11 Give us this day our daily bread. We ask for our bread not the bread of others because God wants us to earn it through honest and hard work, not through deceit or covetousness. And when you can say without a doubt that what you have is the fruit of your labor of faith and love then you have another foretaste of heaven because in heaven everything is done in the integrity of God’s heart. We beg of God to give us our daily bread, not sell it to us, nor lend it to us but to give it and it is because though we have to sweat our provisions out still it is our God that supplies us with all that we need to live as responsible human beings. Imagine, if God will ask you to pay for the life He gives you everyday, for the strength you use so you can work everyday, for the intellect and skills that make you accomplish everyday. How much do you think should you pay the Lord? Each of us, rich or poor, young and old are indebted to the mercy of God for our daily bread. Regardless of our social or economic status in life all should pray, “Give us our daily bread.” All these truths made me come in terms with my God. If I want God’s will to be done in me as it is in heaven then I need to put God first in my life without any competitions. If I want God’s will to be done in my life I have to surrender my will and the desires of my heart to Him. If I want God’s will be done in me, I need to believe and embrace Jesus’ love for me and allow His Word and His Spirit to empower me that I may overcome all oppositions. In the same way you need to stand strong in faith no matter how tough or hurting it gets that you too may see God’s will come to pass in your life just as it is in heaven! MY PRAYER FOR TODAY: Heavenly Father, I humbly come to You today. I thank You for giving me a foretaste and a glimpse of heaven in many ways. I cannot repay You for all Your goodness, provisions and compassion so help me to pay it forward especially toward those that are in real need. I submit every area of my heart to You and I ask that Your will be done in my life. Let everything I say and do bring glory to You in Jesus name. Amen. Ptr Joe Sauco In The Midst of The Storms A PROMISE FROM GOD: Mark 4:39 (KJV) And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. GODS MESSAGE FOR ME TODAY: Our Lord Jesus Christ was asleep in the storm not because He didn’t care for the welfare of His disciples but because He wanted to try their faith. The Lord knew himself that no storm could harm Him and those that were with Him unless He allowed. He just wanted to stir up His people to pray. The faith of the disciples appeared to be weak but the good thing was in their fears, doubts and even unbelief they called upon their God. Mark 4:38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? In times that you feel weak remember that you can call upon your God. When you fear and having doubts, just be honest to tell the Lord and in His grace and compassion you shall find His help. When unbelief starts to creep in your heart, learn that you can cry to God for mercy. The Lord Jesus can calm the most furious sea. He can rebuke the strongest wind. And He can comfort and silence our hearts and spirits no matter how troubled we may be. He will just say, Peace, be still, there will be a great calm at once. Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. “Why are ye so fearful?” Asked the Lord to His disciples. He wasn’t trying to be unrealistic. Yes, He knew there was a reason for them to fear for the storm was alarming and they were in the middle of the see but they had greater reason to be calm because He was there with them. They saw Him healed hundreds of the sick, rebuked legions of demons out of bodies they possessed. They saw him gave sight to the blind, fed thousands and Jesus did many more miracles before their very eyes. Yet, they forgot who the Lord was and what the Lord could do just because of some waves and one storm. Yes, there maybe cause for some fears in our lives and those fears may somehow be valid but remember that greater is He who’s in you than he who is in the world. Bring you fear to God the moment it starts to sneak in your heart. Ask Jesus to rebuke it at once or it may reside in your soul for a lifetime and overcome you and your faith. Faith and fear take their turns, when one is present, the other will be out. When you ask God to help your fear and unbelief He will show you again why you believe Him in the first place and that’s because our God is a miracle working God. Mark 4:41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? When difficult times come, I learned that I don’t have to be overwhelmed by the waves of worry or fear. Just as Jesus stood up and spoke to the storm, He has the power over my situation regardless of how impossible it may seem and He has the power to speak against all my anxieties. As a child of the most High God, the Bible tells me that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in me. That means God’s miracle-working power is on the inside of me. The same words that He said to the raging storm and seas, He saying to my troubles now, ”Peace Be Still!” He’s given me His peace over my home, over my mind, over my heart, and over my family. And as long as I stay in faith and obey Him I could be still even in the midst of many storms. Remember, no matter what storms may come against you, the Greater One lives on the inside of you. Just call His name in faith and trust His way and His help and you too will hear Him say, “Peace Be Still!” MY PRAYER FOR TODAY: Father in heaven, thank You for filling me with Your Holy Spirit and for giving me Your authority here on earth to call on Your name. I believe in Your power to rebuke and calm all the storms in this life that come against me. I trust Your helping hand. Today and according to Your Word I declare peace over every area of my life and thank You for working things out for my good in Jesus’ name.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:43:08 +0000

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