Q and A from a from a friend and Our pastor Clark Gave us the - TopicsExpress


Q and A from a from a friend and Our pastor Clark Gave us the answer to this question that is ask allot by ppl like you ... (friend ask Question ) If the bible is truly gods word then why does man see fit to change the wording? If it is gods words then why dont we speak and read Hebrew? Because isnt that the language it was first written in? Why are there so many different versions? Why is it that a verse can mean something different from one person to the next( meaning everybody has a difference interpretation of the meaning of the message). (Pastor Clark Answer ) 1. If the bible is truly gods word then why does man see fit to change the wording? First, I wouldnt define translation as change the wording because it is simply converting one language into another. The goal in translation is to make a word or phrase in one language retain its original meaning. 2. If it is gods words then why dont we speak and read Hebrew? The fact that the first Bible writers wrote the Scriptures in Hebrew does not equal a mandate to only read them in Hebrew. In fact, no where in Scripture does the Bible say what language it should be read in. Also, if by Gods words you mean to say that God dictated the Bible to the original authors, then that would be an incorrect understanding of how the Bible was written. The Bible writers were inspired by God to transmit certain messages. Sometimes you do find portions of the Bible recording exactly what God said to those people; but the majority of the Bible is the history as the writer saw and understood it in his time, and in accordance with his skills. 3. Why are there so many different versions? There are different versions because different scholars have differing opinions as to what is a more accurate translation of the original Hebrew texts. Generally speaking, newer versions are more accurate than previous version because as biblical scholarship evolves as a science, we find more reasons to correct previous understandings about word meanings. Realize though, that these advances have been on the order of far less than 1% improvement in accuracy for over a century now, and we are at the 99.7% accuracy level at the present time with translations like the NASB, ESV, and NKJV. 4. Why is it that a verse can mean something different from one person to the next( meaning everybody has a difference interpretation of the meaning of the message). Humans are funny people that way. Think of what the term gay meant 100 years ago versus what it has come to mean today. Those are VERY different interpretations of what a word is trying to communicate in speech or writing. Many would argue that this is a shortcoming in the Word of God, and that if it were from God then it would be impossible to get it wrong. I think that this is utterly false. First, realize that God is not forcing anyone to do anything. He wants people to freely choose Him. Second, the goal of inspiring Scripture was to communicate through history his provision and guidance to anyone who will listen. True love is rooted in freedom to choose. How could God force anyone to freely choose Him and still be a God of Truth? Forcing someone to freely choose is like making a squared circle or a married bachelor. It is simply falsehood, and God is not false in any way. One more thing ... consider how the Bible shows all of the warts of the central figures int he Bible. If these men were trying to fabricate history and promote Jesus as the Son of God, then why would there be so much detail about the mistakes that the people of God made, and the punishments that God exacted on them for their sins? All the while protecting them and keeping His promise to always preserve a portion of His people for the future. When you compare the Bible to every other ancient book in history, you find the story lines outside of the Bible to portray perfect people living superhero fantasy lives. Not realistic at all, and that is one of many reasons the other ones are properly categorized by historians as legend, whereas as professional historians DO NOT classify the Bible as legend. Only people with an axe to grind and an Internet blog do that. Pastor Clark Vangilder
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 04:08:08 +0000

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