Q: are loved that have passed still available to us Sri sri: yes. - TopicsExpress


Q: are loved that have passed still available to us Sri sri: yes. There spirit is around untill they take another birth Q: is there a time to give up a relationship Sri sri: give 100% and if things dont change then move on Q: are u down to earth Sri sri: i am just no body :-) Q: how do i more for other Sri sri: the very intention will move u Q: is it wrong to keep looking for a life partner? It bothers me that i keep looking Sri sri: yes. Keep looking. Marriages are made in heaven. And if not here then u will meet in heaven. Good luck :-). We are too choosy. U r looking for a prefect life partner. Are u perfect? Q: i have kids and i want to more seva. How do i do it Sri sri: its not a hindrance. Keep some time for seva Q: what do i do if people take my patience, love and forgiveness as weakness Sri sri: u cannot change others. Just be centered and be urself Q: how can i build faith Sri sri: faith can be built but doubts can be ended. There is no end to clarifying doubts. U just know that this is weighing heavy one and drop it. Doubt makes us feel week. Faith makes us feel invincible. We always doubt that is good. This one thing will free u. Q: is it okay to do tantra sadhana Sri sri: just relax. U dont need to. In aol all best mantras are there. U can do upanayan. Q: what is the purpose of yoga nidra Sri sri: it works know :-). It helps us work with body and spirit Q: how to deal w a violent person and oppressor. How to be peaceful and face an aggressor Sri sri: if u r disturbed then ur actions will not be good. U be centered first. See mahatma gandhi Q: how do you keep connection to the divine Sri sri: this intention itself will take u there. When u r calm, free, peaceful, innocent and total contment, u r w divine. Total contenent is the biggest tjing. Total contentment is now. Tomorrow is a desire. Q: how to overcome desire Sri sri: this is another desire :-). Contentment will help. A fulfilled desire will take u back to square one where u started before the desire. Q: what is karva chauth Sri sri: there so many festivals in india. As many sundays. Women were very powerful in ancient times. If they asked the sun to not set then it would not. Its one such festivals. Fasting and prayer are Connected in all cultures. It is not pleasing a god out there. It is to detox the body and then the thoughts will be clean. People dont fast properly. Stuff ur self before and after sunset. It should be scientific. It should be juice based and water also. Not eat after sunset. It should be rational. Jews, muslims and hindus fast. Ayurveda mentions how to fast. Little bit of juice, lemon, water. If ur endurance then only water. In ramzan people fast and stuff at night when digestive fire is not there. Q: conflict between islam And aol. Like chanting shiva. Raam etc Sri sri: u should know the history of islam. How it came into being. In those women population was very less. So one man marries four women. In those days mohmad said no Music. But today it happens. It bans taking picture. But u cannot even make ur passport then. I was in bahrain and the king was there. He said it is prohibited to take pictures of the kaba. But today everyone is taking picture on their cell phones. In the puritarian islam u cannot take pictures. In india a village was asked to dump all the tv in a pit. So what is islam and what was the aim islam, are so far apart. Infidel is an interpretation. What is happening w ISIS. Thats puritarian islam. They said tombs are haraam. Thats why shities have been declared unislamic. These rules are not practical? Its a question. So called puritarian creates conflicts. Another part of islam says many tribes are there and all should be honored. Mohammad saud that also. So diversity should be honored. Ur faith is not so week because u say om. U dont become a christian by singing carols. Shiva is that which is the most benevolent. Anything that has a nervous system is narayan. Nervous system comes from the word narayan. Narayan is a beautiful nervous system. Fundamentalists create division by training that u will loose something. Islam means peace. So much violence in the name of peace. Yazidis in iraq are being massacred because they are anti god. Such an ancient belief. So much violence in the name of religion. We need to unite them all in spirituallity. Islam has a great thing of donationing 10% of earnings. That should be good. There are so many good muslims on this planet. Few bad ones create a bad name. Mohammads wife did not wear a burkha. Some time later it was changed Q: its a draining to have more needs and less responsibility Sri sri: this very intention Will take u towards a simple Life Q: what is the ultimate purpose of this all when we all will die Sri sri: good u know this Q: i dont have any questions today. U remind me that all answers are within and i am grateful for reminding me . Sri sri: good good. Thats it. Finished.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 05:49:09 +0000

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