Qarluq Emomali Rahmon - is a genius! But the genius of lie!!! Who - TopicsExpress


Qarluq Emomali Rahmon - is a genius! But the genius of lie!!! Who is qarluq Emomali Rahmon (Emomali Sharipovich Rahmonov)? This man is genius! But only genius of lie, intrigue, blackmail and also political murders… - When Emomali got authority , he did not really understand what it is, the authority ! What to do with it? His first idea - to steal, to destroy the Soviet legacy! - Next thought was how to stay on the president’s chair! - The third thing, how to get rid of custody of those who brought him to power ... - All 23 years of his reign, it is murder, political blackmail, verbiage and incompetence in the administration of the state as well as the absurdity of the published laws and decrees. His FIRST GOAL: He was thinking about staying on the chair, but he knew that if the civil war will end in December 1992, then at the next election he will be with a “wolf’s ticket” (Figuratively, the term remains in use in many of the countries of the former communist bloc, usually to denote any kind of document that negatively affects ones career.). So he set himself a top priority to continue the war on all fronts, and as a result of the first step, they had taken this breach of the peace agreement signed in Khujand, 12th session of the Supreme Soviet of Tajikistan on December 2, 1992… When with his order the formation of the Popular Front attacked Dushanbe on December 2nd and begun terror against Pamiris and Karategins, were killed tens of thousands of people, so the first step in the policy of deception and mass murder is done. The SECOND GOAL: He did pit his guardians, and on that his relative Faizali Saidov helped him, when Faizali and Sangak Safarov were killed in the crossfire between themselves, others have been arrested (Gaffor Mirzoyev, Yakub Salimov). The THIRD GOAL: with any possible ways he puts all his numerous relatives to lucrative places that subsequently became his problem and not only his, but the whole country’s ( illegal seizure of Orienbank by his brother, and many other crimes committed by his daughters, son and other relatives). The FOURTH GOAL: He drove out people who are superior in intelligence, and he began the destruction of the intellectuals and the faces of the nation, in which he has achieved success (murder of doctors, poets, artists, journalists and political opponents like Osimi Muhammad, Olimpur Muhiddin, Latifi Otakhon and many others). The FIFTH GOAL: He thinks that running the country by one person is being legislative; executive and judicial powers that he needed to concentrate in his hands to have all the power and become a main key of government. In his opinion it should be given broad authority to mobilize the huge administrative resources to implement large-scale reforms and absurd (Such as the construction of a high flagpole and the longest flag or the bridges). The SIXTH GOAL: He acts like to earn a few pennies, not different of selling a piece of Tajikistan to China, or borrow from the IMF is not a problem, because the country gets to pay, not him personally. The SEVENTH GOAL: He tries to show the discord among neighbors such as Uzbekistan, Russia, about Russian language, fact that Uzbekistan does not let pass goods through the border; he plays not guilty for the troubles of Tajiks, but accuses the neighbor countries, and here he finished off the success... The EIGTH GOAL: He believed, and believes that people should be encouraged to travel to Russia. Those fed this way their families. And he and the government thus weaken the social tensions in the country, eliminating unemployment, and disclaim any responsibility for the social future of guest workers - because they work in another country, and therefore he doesn’t have to pay their pensions. The NIGNTH GOAL: He believed that the country does not have to be a transit corridor and exporter of heroin, that’s why he has finished building a factory of heroin production. The TENTH GOAL: and the most important goal of his life, he wants the destruction of the Tajiks as a nation, part of it has already achieved today, we are not one nation, but a conglomeration of clans, pride, and fellow countrymen! Also gave permission for the resettlement of the Chinese as a replacement the Tajiks for the Chinese...It was the priority goal for him... P.S. The day will come, and Tajiks will rise and mountains shudder, Roll wave all the way estimates And the chain of silence will be torn Sweep away the dictator to be cursed for centuries. We must all realize, that we alone cannot survive, if the country in the hands of the man, like Rahmon... Today, each of us, is able to influence what is happening, we are all responsible for the state and the country we live in. It’s our life, and so fell ordeal: The Civil War. The Era of Emomali Rahmon… Why are we all forgotten that we had our first, all chosen by people President - Rahmon Nabiev, and that Emomali not replaceable, he does not think there are many people who deserve to replace him?! Why, people like me, were silent, during Emomali’s 23 years of ruling? It’s our fault, our generations fault; we do not think that tomorrow we will tell our descendants. BUT TODAY, WE MUST STOP Emomali Rahmon! NOT TOO LATE NOW, UNTIL HE will not destroy us as a nation! Today EVERYONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS! Think about these words… Parvis Rasulov New York 10.9.2014
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 00:37:37 +0000

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