Question: A husband submitting to his wife? How does that work? Is - TopicsExpress


Question: A husband submitting to his wife? How does that work? Is that Biblical? OK Men, I cant fully teach or preach all of this on twitter or fb, its just not going to happen. Ill quickly explain this once. If you really want to know in depth how this works and how it can strengthen your marriage, book a marriage session with us (me and my wife ... with you and your wife). For the sake of brevity here goes: Yes, its biblical. In other words the bible actually teaches husbands and wives to submit to each other. Tremendous damage and a great imbalance has resulted from a one sided teaching that instructed women to submit to their husbands (which is also biblical) but failed to add balance by instructing men to do the same. This has led to more rebellion that anything else in our marriages. A one sided coin is an invalid coin. Husbands, heres how its done. A husband submits to his wife by always respecting her and handling her as the weaker vessel. But not weaker as it relates to strength. The english translation to the word weaker does not provide an adequate description of what the bible meant. The word weaker in its original biblical context actually means more precious / more priceless vessel. This means that our words and actions towards our wives should be carefully constructed because they must be crafted to enter the soul of a priceless and precious piece of our very own lives. This means that harsh, rough, damaging words and actions should be avoided, at all cost. Why? Because youre a fool to damage your own priceless and precious goods. Also understand that submitting to your wife means that you only submit to do that which is good and right according to the Word of God, because God is or should be your head. This also means you need to know and have a never ending hunger and thirst for the Word of God. In order for this (husbands submitting to their wives) to work, we as husbands must throw off the image of a man being henpecked, if he honors, respects, and cherishes his wife. This very idea of being henpecked is designed to destroy the purpose and the unity that God intended for a husband and his wife to enjoy. And last but not least. For those husbands who are concerned about their wives abusing a kinder, gentler, more submissive you ... God has your back. This is why its important that God be your head. He will deal with her if she oversteps her boundaries, abuses your submission, or attempts to make you look weak before others. You be sure to be blameless in the eyes of God and God will bring balance as He blends His Will with your willingness to be the kind of husband who brings Him honor and glory. A submitted husband is still responsible for leading his wife and family and ultimately making the decisions that guide and govern their household. He simply does it by being more inclusive and interested in her ideas, thoughts, and opinions. She in turn, respects his place as her head, and submits to his decisions and directions. Both submitting to each other as each submits to God. Take care husbands, Pastor Troy Wynn, Sr. email: contact@ugkflc
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 15:33:26 +0000

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