Quick note. Longer article coming. Folks do not believe the - TopicsExpress


Quick note. Longer article coming. Folks do not believe the hype that half of US kids will have Autism by 2025. The current incidence is around 2%. The 30% increase you hear people speak of is an increase from over 1% to just over 2%. Reporting data like that is extremely misleading and done purposefully to garner an emotional response. Further, the increase is actually the increase in diagnosed cases, which includes as a factor increased awareness of criteria among diagnosticians. Does this mean I dont think some environmental toxins could be playing a role in subpopulations? No. It means that linked does not mean caused. It also means that an issue like Autism, which is really a set of and range of issues anyway, will be extremely unlikely to have magic bullet cause. To find causality, we need not just correlation and timeline, but provable mechanism at encountered exposures. Still further, one has to consider the equally likely factors of older parents, prenatal exposure to viruses (yes, thats right), and much more. Anyone who tells you that they know what causes Autism, and have the true cure is lying to you or to themselves. Dietary changes CAN HELP. Movement CAN HELP. Some medicines CAN HELP (mostly with keeping a child safe enough to engage in therapy). Therapy and strategies in the home/school CAN HELP. Some kids will make huge strides. Some will likely never be functionally independent. There is huge variance. So stories can help steer toward possibilities, but likely are not revealing the real truth. Sorry. This is just going to be hard.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:17:30 +0000

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