RACE MATTERS TO IDENTIFY ISRAEL AND COMPLETE THE ASSIGNMENT OF CHRIST STATED IN MATTHEW 10:6 NEARLY 800 YEARS AFTER THE 12 TRIBES OF ISRAEL WERE SCATTERED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD, JESUS CHRIST COMMANDED HIS DISCIPLES TO TAKE HIS GOSPEL FIRST TO... THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL.. THROUGHOUT THE WORLD; These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go NOT into the way of the GENTILES, and into [any] city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. MATTHEW 10:5-6. In response to Jesuss commandment the disciples did not answer Jesus by saying Israel has been dispersed throughout the world now for 800 years, intermarried with all other people and can not be possibly identified. The disciples did not complain or make excuses that it is impossible to identify GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE from other races of people after 800 years from the time Israel had been scattered throughout the world by the Samaritans in 721 B.C. The disciples did not REBEL by saying we do not need to take the gospel to Israel FIRST as Jesus commanded; because God loves everyone and race or nationality does not matter. The disciples did not question why Jesus commanded them to single out the LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL; Even thou it had been 800 years since THE LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL had been dispersal by the Samaritans and gone to a far away land unknown to their forefathers. 2 kings. In light of he fact that Israel had been dispersed to a far away land 800 years earlier and unknown to their forefathers; Jesus commissioned his disciples to IDENTIFY the lost sheep of Israel and take his gospel to them first. The identity of the lost sheep had been HIDDEN from Israel by the other nations/races as stated in Psalms 83. They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from [being] a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. Psalms 83. Today, ace and racism has been used by Edom/white Europeans to HIDE the identity of the LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL. GOD LOVES EVERYONE BUT GOD ALSO LOVES THE LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL WHO ARE HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE AND COMMANDED THAT CHRISTS GOSPEL BE TAKEN FIRST TO HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE, THEN TO THE GENTILES. This mission is impossible if the identity of Israel is hidden from those who have been given this assignment. 800 YEARS AFTER ISRAEL WAS CURSED BY GOD AND SCATTERED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD (2 kings) GOD NEVER FORGOT HIS BELOVED ISRAEL ALTHOUGH GOD ALLOWED THE IDENTITY OF ISRAEL TO BE TAKEN FROM THEM BY EDOM/WHITE EUROPEANS AS STATED IN PSALMS 83. This is evident by the assignment Jesus gave to his disciples to take the gospel FIRST to the lost sheep of Israel. TODAY RACE MATTERS BECAUSE THE IDENTITY OF ISRAEL MATTERS TO GOD. ISRAEL MUST BE IDENTIFIED TODAY TO COMPLETE THE MISSION JESUS CHRIST GAVE TO HIS DISCIPLES! TODAY THOSE THAT HAVE HIDDEN THE IDENTITY OF ISRAEL SAY COLOR DOES NOT MATTER BECAUSE GOD LOVES EVERYONE. HOWEVER COLOR DOES MATTER BECAUSE COLOR IS USED BY EDOM/WHITE EUROPEANS TO HIDE THE IDENTITY OF ISRAEL. COLOR HAS BEEN USED BY EDOM/WHITE EUROPEANS TO SUPPRESS AND OPPRESS THE IDENTITY OF ISRAEL. RACE OR COLOR DOES MATTER BECAUSE RACE AND COLOR IS A WEAPON USED TO HIDE THE IDENTITY OF ISRAEL FROM ISRAEL. ISRAEL IS AFRICAN AMERICANS. HOWEVER AS THE VIDEO BELOW SHOWS ISRAEL HAS BEEN SYSTEMATIC TAUGHT FOR THE PAST 500 YEARS TO HATE THEMSELVES AT A VERY YOUNG AGE AND LOVE THOSE WHO HAVE HIDDEN THEIR IDENTITY FROM THEM. Deuteronomy 28:68 identifies African Americans as the lost sheep of Israel. However white Europeans/Edom have STOLEN the identity of Israel and now call themselves the CHOSEN PEOPLE OF GOD. Today preachers say NO ONE KNOWS WHO THE BIOLOGICAL DESCENDANTS OF ISRAEL ARE BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN MIXED WITH ALL NATIONS OF THE EARTH. As stated above, the disciples did not respond to Jesus when Jesus told them to take the gospel to the lost sheep of Israel,first; although it had been 800 years since the lost sheep of Israel had been scattered by the Samaritans. Preachers today are in no different position than the disciples were when Jesus commissioned and commanded them to take the gospel to the lost sheep of Israel, first. Today preachers have REBELLED, REJECTED AND DISOBEYED THE COMMANDMENT OF CHRIST when they make the excuse that, we do not know who the Israelites are today; but it really does not matter. These foolish men do not know that they are TELLING JESUS CHRIST TO HIS FACE that what Jesus said does not matter. WOW! The disciples in Matthew 10:6 did not make this excuse and were in the same position as todays preachers in regards to Israelites being mixed and scattered throughout the world. Today African American preachers are MERELY COWARDS that are afraid to accept AFRICAN AMERICANS as the lost sheep of Israel for fear that white Europeans/Edom will not agree with them. A fifth grader who reads the bible can figure out that African Americans are the Israelites spoken of in the bible and Jesus Christ himself was a black man. African American preachers fear man more than God. They love money more than God. Lets keep it real..because when God shows up he will be keeping it real! Edom knows African Americans are the lost sheep of Israel; they are the ones hiding Israels identity and who now fraudulently possess the identity of Israel as their own. White European Jews in Israel today are not the chosen people of God. These cowards (black preachers) who profess to be the disciples of Christ are cowards unworthy to represent Christ or at best unlearned of the word of God. They aid and abet those who suppress the true identity of Israel by not teaching their congregations that AFRICAN AMERICANS ARE THE DESCENDANTS OF CHRIST. These men who resist the mission Jesus Christ commanded to his true disciples WILL SHARE THE SAME PENALTY AND JUDGMENT AS THOSE WHO KIDNAPPED THE IDENTITY OF ISRAEL. 800 YEARS AFTER THE IDENTITY OF ISRAEL WAS HIDDEN FROM ISRAEL, JESUS CHRIST EXPRESSLY COMMANDED HIS DISCIPLES TO TELL THE LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL THAT THEY ARE, IN FACT, THE LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. MATTHEW 10:6 youtube/watch?v=OEsUcJ9Zzfk
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 08:21:18 +0000

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