RE-REVISED For the record, the Corpus Delecti in the Impeachment - TopicsExpress


RE-REVISED For the record, the Corpus Delecti in the Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama is his blood relation to the Muslim Brotherhood’s Chief Financial Officer. The Muslim Brotherhood holds the dubious distinction of being the #1 Terrorist Organization in the World. Barack Obamas brother, Malik Obama is Chief Financial Officer of the Muslim Brotherhoods financial investments (conflict of interest (google it)), His Administrations financial support of the Muslim Brotherhood with Billions of dollars of taxpayer money (Treason aiding and abetting a known terrorist (google it)), His administrations military support of the Muslim Brotherhood, with military arms and Intelligence (Treason aiding and abetting a known terrorist (google it). Under the National Defense Authorization Act implemented BY The Obama Administration. These acts singularaly, and comprehensively violate the NDAA beyond any shadow of doubt. To these indisputable facts I pose one question to the SCOTUS, Congress, House of Representatives, DOJ, and Most importantly The American Populace Why is Barack Hussein Obama not subject to the National Defense Authorization Act? The short answer is, he is. Why then will the “people “ who are elected to represent us, not enforce it? Because they have been irretrievably compromised. That requires that the decks be cleared, and replaced with uncompromised Representatives. This can not be done uh, civilly. The only recourse is that the People, who from all Power is derived, MUST stand up and Demand it. I have. Will you? Here as an example is a statement of intent, to which I have sent to my State Governor, Senators, and Representatives. Please repeat the actions that follow and we will at least have begun the trek. Perhaps contacting your State government (gov. sen. rep. ) as well would be the best possible outcome. Obama has ALREADY backed down from the States. MY LETTERS TO GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT, SENATOR MARCO RUBIO, SENATOR BILL NELSON, REPRESENTATIVE LOIS FRANKLE, RNC, DNC, and by way of Facebook to NSA, DHS, DOJ, and white house. If you were to do this also, you would be following established U.S. Law to the LETTER. Nothing more, Nothing less. PLEASED BE ADVISED. UNDER THE WAR ON TERROR PROTOCOLS. IMPLEMENTED, DUE TO THE SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 TERRORIST ATTACKS. ANY ACT OF AIDING AND/OR ABETTING KNOWN TERRORISTS IS AN ACT OF TREASON. DUE TO THE INDISPUTABLE REVELATION THAT THE SITTING PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA/BARRY SOTERO IS A MEMBER/ABETTOR OF THE “Muslim Brotherhood” A WELL KNOWN AND ESTABLISHED TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. I CAN NOT SUPPORT/ABET/FINANCE OR CONDONE ANY ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION, TO INCLUDE BUT NOT LIMITED TO PAYING TAXES TO THE IRS, AS TAXES PAID TO THE IRS FINANCE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT A KNOWN SUPPORTER OF TERRORISTS AND IS AN ACT OF TREASON. SUPPORT OR CONDONE THE DOJ HEADED BY ERIC HOLDER BY BEING LEGAL COUNSEL TO A KNOW TERRORIST SUPPORTER AS AN ACT OF TREASON. SUPPORT OR CONDONE THE DHS A USURPED ORGANIZATION UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HEADED BY BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA A KNOW SUPPORTER OF TERRORISTS AN ACT OF TREASON. ANY AND ALL EXECUTIVE ORDERS, ANY AND ALL EXECUTIVE CZAR PLACEMENTS, ANY AND ALL ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE OFFICE OF POTUS WHICH BY COMPLYING ARE AN ACT OF TREASON. BE FURTHER ADVISED THAT THE ACT OF BREAKING YOUR OATH OF OFFICE IS AN ACT OF TREASON, THAT ANYBODY (CORPORATE OR BEING) INVOLVED WITH BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA SINCE HIS VETTING BY THE DNC HAS AND STILL IS COMMITTING TREASON. TREASON BY JOINT VENTURE. WE CALL FOR THE IMMEDIATE COMMENCEMENT OF IMPEACHMENT OF BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA. IF NOT WE WILL CALL FOR THE IMMEDIATE COMMENCEMENT FOR IMPEACHMENT OF YOU. THANK YOU BRETT D. RINKER The key to this, is that it is crucial to follow suit and Contact YOUR State Governor, Senators, Representatives, by email or letter with the preceding as your stated intent. To all you share this with it is equally crucial that you ask them to do the same. This then not only WILL work, it cannot fail.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 03:12:24 +0000

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