READ THIS ARTICLE ABOUT HIGH DOSE VITAMIN C getholistichealth/39309/high-dose-vitamin-c-injections-shown-to-annihilate-cancer/ Whenever I find articles on my favorite vitamin, I must share! Food for thought. As some of you know I like to take about 15 grams Vitamin C per day. I ran out recently, so I have to get back to Trader Joes and grab another 500 gram container for $11.99 but I digress. Every time someone comments on my intake of such a large dose (15 grams per day) WITH OUT FAIL, I get the comment, But youre just going to pee it out Ive often thought why I hear exact same statement from every single person. There is a term in social psychology, social schema. A schema is basically how you view/think about something in the world; its a mental construct. Social schemas are more applied to how society views something. And the best way social schemas are disseminated is by mass media. So it does make sense that I hear the same statement with out fail about Vitamin C. It also means that this is not really what people think about Vitamin C. Let me ask one question. How many of your opinions are your own? Have you actually researched the item in question so that you can come up with an educated decision on what YOU think about it? I am guilty of not researching my things, but one thing I did research was Vitamin C BEFORE I started taking large doses. I have books written by two time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling for example who recommended 3-10 grams at the minimum for optimal health. Did you know the man who discovered Vitamin C said that the RDA is a backwards way to think about your intake? The RDA recommends just enough to prevent scurvy which is a pre mortal disease. Think about that for a second! You are taking just enough to prevent yourself from getting scurvy and calling it a day! So what would happen if you took enough for optimal healthy then? Well if youre like me and take 15 grams a day for almost two years now, nothing bad. In fact, I didnt get sick for over a year and a half once I started with 3 grams a day. When I stopped being religious about it I actually caught a cold. Vitamin C is virtually non toxic and try as I may I could not find any accounts of anyone dying from an overdose. In contrast, you can find deaths even from aspirin. I think the best thing I can say is that you shouldnt listen to me about Vitamin C. What you should do is your own research on it or on any subject and decide what YOU think about it. Dont let the mass media in all its forms decide for you. That goes for college too. College is supposed to be a place where we learn and grow, but more often than not people come out with a very narrow view on a variety of subjects. Their heads are filled with opinions of their professors, friends, etc. Your view of the world narrows and you stop asking questions. From what I observe thats what happens most of the time unless you are aware of it. I think college is great but it doesnt have all of the answers. Youre learning from a set amount of books that were chosen for you, edited for you and finally fed to you. They are a good starting point, but its just a narrow view of whats out there; we should all continue to learn and educate ourselves on our own so we can always make the best educated decision on how we think about any given issue. Rant finished. Please do comment on my pro grammar, but Im not hear to write a paper just to write a rant with plenty of run on sentences including this one!!!! Who decided run on sentences were bad in the first place!? Ive now decided theyre great, so you have my permission to use them as well!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 03:42:01 +0000

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