READ THIS WHILE YOU ARE SIPPING YOUR PINK DRINK This morning or drinking your coffee..And tape them to your mirrors if you need to. After reading hundreds of Plexus testimonies, I have noticed 5 characteristics of each success story. If youre just starting out with Plexus or if youve been taking our products for a long time, double-check that youre doing these things! Plexus products have a 93% success rate. Chances are VERY high that youll be successful, but Plexus is not a miracle drug and it is not a cure for everything. It is a tool in your tool belt! 1) PATIENCE: Dont compare yourself to that girl who lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. She is not you and you are not her. Your body is unique. If you get impatient, you will get discouraged. Give it time! I have read so many testimonies of people who stuck with it even though they wanted to give up! Some people will see results in days. It will take months for others. Be patient! 2) CONSISTENCY: We are human and can be forgetful. So do whatever it takes to take your products at the same time everyday, and do it consistently. Dont take a break! 3) Drink LOTS of water - a minimum of 64 oz a day! Whats even better? Divide your body weight in two, and drink that many ounces of water per day. As toxins are released from your body, they need to be flushed out. If they are not flushed out quickly enough, you may experience something called Herxheimer Reaction. Some common symptoms are fatigue, joint or muscle pain, skin rashes, photosensitivity, irritability, dizziness, sleep disturbances, muscle cramps, night sweats, hypertension, hypotension, headaches (especially migraines), nausea, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. Drink water!!! 4) COMMON SENSE: Think twice before you eat that candy car. And do you really NEED that soda? Dont sabotage the amazing healing thats happening inside your body by eating and drinking carelessly. Plexus products are wonderful, but they cannot overcome a Big Gulp of Dr. Pepper or habitual midnight ice cream snacks. See what happens when you make some changes in your lifestyle that will compliment what’s happening inside your body. It’s definitely been a combination of making better choices and those choices being helped along physiologically by the products. 5) NON-SCALE Victories: The scale cant measure the inches youve lost, how loosely your clothes are fitting, how much your sleeping has improved, the energy you feel, or how much your heartburn, pain, cholesterol, and sugar cravings have decreased... Dont focus so much on weight loss that you dont appreciate and record all the other ways you are becoming healthier! 6) ASK: One thing I have been SO impressed by is Plexus commitment to encourage/expect all of their Ambassadors to 100% support each customer. If you have ANY questions or concerns before or during use of Plexus products, ask me! Lets talk and trouble shoot. Lets get to the bottom of it so you can focus on getting your health back. We are on your side! Dont be afraid to ask questions! 7) STAY POSITIVE: Being a Negative Nelly will not only take an emotional toll on you, it will negatively affect your health. Sure, we all have our bad days, but choosing to start fresh with each new sunrise and keeping things in perspective will launch you into a whole new realm of success!!! READ THIS WHILE YOU ARE SIPPING YOUR PINK DRINK This morning or drinking your coffee..And tape them to your mirrors if you need to. After reading hundreds of Plexus testimonies, I have noticed 5 characteristics of each success story. If youre just starting out with Plexus or if youve been taking our products for a long time, double-check that youre doing these things! Plexus products have a 93% success rate. Chances are VERY high that youll be successful, but Plexus is not a miracle drug and it is not a cure for everything. It is a tool in your tool belt! 1) PATIENCE: Dont compare yourself to that girl who lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. She is not you and you are not her. Your body is unique. If you get impatient, you will get discouraged. Give it time! I have read so many testimonies of people who stuck with it even though they wanted to give up! Some people will see results in days. It will take months for others. Be patient! 2) CONSISTENCY: We are human and can be forgetful. So do whatever it takes to take your products at the same time everyday, and do it consistently. Dont take a break! 3) Drink LOTS of water - a minimum of 64 oz a day! Whats even better? Divide your body weight in two, and drink that many ounces of water per day. As toxins are released from your body, they need to be flushed out. If they are not flushed out quickly enough, you may experience something called Herxheimer Reaction. Some common symptoms are fatigue, joint or muscle pain, skin rashes, photosensitivity, irritability, dizziness, sleep disturbances, muscle cramps, night sweats, hypertension, hypotension, headaches (especially migraines), nausea, bloating, constipation or diarrhea. Drink water!!! 4) COMMON SENSE: Think twice before you eat that candy car. And do you really NEED that soda? Dont sabotage the amazing healing thats happening inside your body by eating and drinking carelessly. Plexus products are wonderful, but they cannot overcome a Big Gulp of Dr. Pepper or habitual midnight ice cream snacks. See what happens when you make some changes in your lifestyle that will compliment what’s happening inside your body. It’s definitely been a combination of making better choices and those choices being helped along physiologically by the products. 5) NON-SCALE Victories: The scale cant measure the inches youve lost, how loosely your clothes are fitting, how much your sleeping has improved, the energy you feel, or how much your heartburn, pain, cholesterol, and sugar cravings have decreased... Dont focus so much on weight loss that you dont appreciate and record all the other ways you are becoming healthier! 6) ASK: One thing I have been SO impressed by is Plexus commitment to encourage/expect all of their Ambassadors to 100% support each customer. If you have ANY questions or concerns before or during use of Plexus products, ask me! Lets talk and trouble shoot. Lets get to the bottom of it so you can focus on getting your health back. We are on your side! Dont be afraid to ask questions! 7) STAY POSITIVE: Being a Negative Nelly will not only take an emotional toll on you, it will negatively affect your health. Sure, we all have our bad days, but choosing to start fresh with each new sunrise and keeping things in perspective will launch you into a whole new realm of success!!!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 14:14:34 +0000

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