REB AHRON’S PARSHA QUIZ- “TERUMAH” B’SD 1) “And place the 4 rings of gold on its 4 corners”…Rashi writes that the poles ran along the width of the Aron, allowing 2.5 amos for the 2 Kohanim to stand BETWEEN the poles when they carried the Aron on their shoulders, for if they ran along the length of the Aron that would only leave 1.5 amos, which is not enough space for 2 people to stand in. QUESTION: (This Question was submitted by our old friend Mendy Feinblum, who is learning in the Baltimore Beis Medrash) Mendy asks, why did the Kohanim have to stand between the poles, they could have stood on the outside of the poles and then there would be room for them regardless which way the poles ran?! ANSWER: Great question Mendy! I’m glad to see the “polar vortex” hasn’t caused you any type of “Brain freeze”! The question gets even stronger when you read that the “Mizbe’ach Ha’zahav was 1x1 amos and had 2 poles for the Kohanim to carry it, how could they fit in an area that is so small!! The Rambam writes (kli Hamikdash 2:13) that when they carry the Aron, they carry it facing each other, with their backs the outside and their faces towards the inside, Always facing the Aron (due to the kedusha of the Aron) and this is accomplished only when the Kohanim stand between the poles, but if they stood outside the poles they do not face the Aron directly. This requirement is not found by the Mizbe’ach Ha’zahav and therefore the Kohanim DID NOT have to stand between the poles when they carried the Mizbe’ach. (See – Menachos daf 98b. Keep on trucking, Mendy!!) 2)”And blue wool, and purple wool and red wool”…QUESTION: Why wasn’t any silk used in the Mishkan? ANSWER: Silk comes from a non kosher insect and they only used items that came from a kosher source for the Mishkan. (The “red wool” was made from very red berries which is infected with bugs or worms in every berry, hence the term “Tola’as” which means ” WORM” but in the verse it means “scarlet red” See Rambam, Parah Adumah 3:2) NOTE: The “TECHASHIM SKINS” was a unicorn, from the ox family and was a kosher animal. It was similar to the unicorn that “Adom Harishon” brought as a Korban after his sin. The “Maharal of Prague” writes (Shaboss 28b) that the one horn is symbolic of the oneness and unity of Hashem and that is why Adom chose it as a Korban and that is why it was chosen as a covering for the Mishkan, for it symbolizes the oneness of Hashem (Ahem…don’t going looking for one, they are extinct! See Gemora Shaboss daf 28a-b) NOTE #2- Regarding the origin of the “pure myrrh” (which came from an animal) that was used in the “Ketoras” and the “Anointing oil”… we’ll get to it B’EH in Parshas “Ki Sisa”(See Rambam Kli Hamikdash 1:3) 3)”Blue wool, purple wool and red wool and linen” QUESTION: Wool and Linen is forbidden to mix!? (SHATNEZ!) ANSWER: The Rambam writes that the “avnet” (The Gartel of the Kohanim) was woven from Shatnez and was allowed to be worn only during the service (Kli Hamikdash 8:11) “Rabbeinu Bechaya” writes (Vayikra 19:19) that wool and linen is a bad mix that brings destruction to the world, for the first Korban brought by mankind was from wool and linen (Kayin and Hevel) and it lead to strife and murder and it is therefore not a good mix and forbidden to mix ( See Medrash Tanchuma, Braishis 9) (Note: the Korban brought by “adom” is not recorded in Torah, it is mentioned in the Gemora (Shaboss 28a) and it appears that Kayin and Hevel brought their Korban first)… In the Beis Hamikdash however, the wool and linen are as they are in their source above, for the Mikdash below is aligned with the mikdash above and in their source they are good and bring peace to the world (That’s as much Kaballah as I know!) 4)”And take to me a portion” QUESTION: The term “Teruma” in our parsha refers to “A Portion” as in a contribution, yet generally in Torah the term Terumah refers to one of the 24 gifts to the Kohen, why then does the Torah use this term and not a more generic term for a contribution? (See Ba’al Haturim) ANSWER: The Har Habayis was 500x500 amos, for a total of 250,000 square cubits (as was the land in Jericho that was given to the children of Yisro…) The courtyard of the Mishkan was 100x50 cubits (Amos)for a total of 5000 square cubits. The average size of Terumah to the Kohen was 1/5 or 2%. Thus the Torah is Hinting that the courtyard of the mishkan should be one-fiftieth (1/50) the size of the Har Habayis (5000 x 50= 250,000…just in case your math skills are getting rusty…I know…”what skills”?!) NOTE: Erroneously in Parshas Yisro i wrote that the Har Habayis was 50x50 cubits for a total of 25,000 square cubits…there I was a buyer here I am a seller! 5)”You shall make a Shulchan of Shittim wood”…”You shall place the 12 loaves on the PURE table before Hashem” (parshas Emor 24:6) QUESTION: Why is the table referred to as the “Pure” table? ANSWER: The Shulchan was made of wood. (it was only coved with gold) we recently learned in Rambam (Hilchos Keilim 3:1) that a wooden Keili (utensil) that was made to be stationary and not to be moved, can never become impure (Tomeih) if so, why would the Torah refer to the table as “pure” if it can never become Tomeih? The Gemora (Menochos 28) tells us that the Kohanim would lift and show the table to the yidden on Yom Tov, so they can all see the miracle of the 12 loaves, that they stayed warm as if they were baked on that day (the breads were baked on Fridays) so the Gemora concludes that since it is moved 3 times a year, it is no longer considered “stationary” and is susceptible to the laws of Tumah. Therefore the Torah refers to it as the “Pure” table for it has the ability to become Tomei. (See Tosfos Chagiggah 26b) 6)”You shall make a Menorah…The Menorah shall BE MADE” QUESTION: What is the connection between the Menorah and Rosh Chodesh? (This Fri. & Shabbos) ANSWER: We learned before (Shmos 12:2) in Rashi, that Moshe was perplexed about the “MOLAD” so Hashem showed him the Moon and said “see it like this and sanctify it”. Regarding the Menorah Rashi writes that Hashem showed Moshe a Menorah of fire, nevertheless Moshe was still perplexed and could not understand how it was made, until Hashem said “throw the gold in the fire and it WILL BE MADE by itself. Chazal also learn from here the source for Shlomo Hamelech making 10 Menorah’s for the Beis Hamikdash. As a matter of fact, Shlomo made duplicates of all the vessels of the Beis Hamikdash except the Aron (perhaps, for there can only be one Torah) See Even Haezer 25:31 NOTE: Rabbeinu Bechaya adds that there was no prohibition of “BA’AL TOSIF” that you shall not add onto the commandments of the Torah, since the Torah hints to the 10 Menorahs by adding a “YUD” to the word “TEI’USEH” 7)”You shall make the Menorah of pure gold” QUESTION: Was there ever a time in history that the Menorah was not made of gold? ANSWER: The Gemora (Menochos 28b) relates that after the Chashmonoim defeated the Greeks, they were very poor and constructer a new Menorah of iron staves coated with tin. Afterwards, they became wealthier; they made a Menorah of silver and then later a Menorah of Gold. (Rumor has it that they made their wealth selling “Greek Yogurt”!) 8)”Shoham stones…2 were needed for the “Eiphod”-Rashi QUESTION: Which gentile became famous for possessing the most beautiful Shoham stones but refusing to sell it to the sages, for the key to the vault was under his father’s pillow? (See Kidushin 31a) ANSWER: His name was Dama Ben Nesina and he lived in the time of the second Beis Hamikdash. Even though he passed on a large profit by not selling the Shoham stones to the sages, he was rewarded by having a “red heifer” born into his flock, which he sold to the sages (there were 8 Parah Adumah’s prepared during the 2nd Beis Hamikdash) and he made up his lost profit (And then he was able to nap in middle of the day… just like his daddy!) 9)”You shall make the beams of the Mishkan…STANDING” QUESTION: What do we learn from this verse regarding the LULAV AND ESROG? (See Ohr Hachayim) ANSWER:The beams had to be placed vertically, the way a tree grows and not horizontally. Likewise all Mitsvos must be done “the way they grow” I.E. you must hold the Lulav vertically and the Esrog must be held the way it grows, the “Ukotz” (stem) on the bottom and the “Pitum” on the top. NOTE: There 48 beams of the Mishkan (20 on the North and 20 on the South and 8 on the West side, the East side had no beams, for it was the entrance) correspond to the 48 prophets (a million bucks if you can list ‘em!) and to the “24 priestly watches” (No, not the one that tell the time, Rather the “watch” was a weekly rotation where every Kohain worked 2 weeks a year in the Beis Hamikdash…24x2=48 weeks or 12 month in a year - Taanis 27a) that were established by Shmuel Hanovie and Dovid Hamelech. Initially Hashem would communicate to Moshe from between the “Cherubim” and after Moshe’s passing the Prophecy was delivered through the 48 prophets and the Kohanim (through the “Choshen) 10)” I shall speak to you from between the 2 Cherubim” QUESTION: What is the connection between this verse and the Mammar “Basi Legani”? (Same Q from Parshas Yisro) ANSWER: The Aron was 9 Tefachim and the Kapores was one tefach for a total of 10 tefachim. As mentioned regarding Matan Torah, after the sin of the first 7 generations the Shchinah departed from this world and returned by Matan Torah, however it never descended lower then 10 tefachim ( for above 10 tefachim is another domain, as it is regarding the laws of Shaboss. See “Parsha Quiz Yisro”…what you don’t save ‘em?!) NOTE: Rabbeinu Bechaya writes that the “Cherubim” serve as testimony to the existence of “Malachim” (Angels) and that’s why there were 2, for only Hashem is truly one. The Ba’al Haturim writes (This week was the Yohrtzeit of the “taz”) That the 2 Cherubim resembled 2 friends discussing Torah (for learning solo is a sign of Golus- Pirkei Avos) The Ben Is Chai writes (Yuma 54a) based on the Gmora, that the Kohanim would open the ‘Paroches’ and show the Bnei Yisroel the Cherubim hugging each other and would say to them “see the great affection Hashem has for you” that “ACHDUS” through Torah (Cherubim embracing each other on the Aron…) brings about true affection from Hashem, for the faces of the Cherubim were that of young children, who are symbolic of innocence and worthy of forgiveness (for the sin of the Golden Calve which led to the building of the Mishkan) 11) “You shall the Menorah’s lamps seven” QUESTION: Can you give me some astronomical significance to the seven lamps of the Menorah? ANSWER: We’ll give it a shot … the Chizkuni connects the 7 lamps to the 7 “MAZOLOS” i.e. the “7 moving stars”… the SUN AND THE MOON & THE 5 PLANETS – SATURN, JUPITER, MARS, VENUS AND MERCURY. For just as the Mazolos exert influence onto the world, so do the lights of the Menorah spread light onto the world, as we read in the Haftorah that the windows of the Beis Hmikdash were made wide inside and narrow outside to allow the light exit the Heichal (temple) and fill the world with its light! NOTE: We find that the breads of the Shulchan contained 24 “Esronim” (measurement of flour) corresponding to the “12 constellations” ( 12 Mazolos) which appear on the Horozin for 2 hours of the day (so 2 hoursx12 constellating = 24 hours) for as the Mazolos influence the world so was the Shulchan the flow of Physical blessings for the world, while the Menorah was the source of spiritual blessings. (See Ba’al Haturim, Emor 24:5) NOTE # 2 – Some explain that Moshe was perplexed by this issue, if the 7 lamps correspond to the 7 Mazolos which influence the natural order of the world, then what influence can the Mishkan have? Hashem therefore told him to throw the block of gold into the fire and the Menorah emerged, indicating that the Mishkan’s influences are above nature. 12) “20 Beams tor the southern side…20 beams for the Northern side” QUESTION: Why is the South called “NEGBAH” and the north called “TZOFON” (see Ramban 26:18) ANSWER: South is called Negbah, for Negev means dry and in the south the land is dry from the heat of the sun. North is called tzofon, for Tzofon means hidden, and during a “Polar night” the sun is hidden and does not rise above the horizon for a full 24 hours! (Maybe one day we’ll make a field trip to the North Pole and study the “Parsha Quiz” by candlelight!) 13)”Make for me a Mizbeiach of Shittim wood… and cover it with copper” QUESTION: The Mizbeiach was outside and always had a fire burning on it, how did the fire never go out? The copper never melt? The wood never burn? ANSWER: Oh that’s pretty easy… the Mishnah (Avos 5:5) states that this is one of the 10 miracles of the Beis Hamikdash, Miracle #5 is “The Rains did not extinguish the fire from the wood-pile on the Mizbeiach” (Hey Pirkei Avos is free, it’s in the siddur!) The Medrash Tanchuma (Teruma #9) adds that Hashem assured Moshe that the wood and the copper would not be damaged by the constant fire, as a matter of fact, when Shlomo Hamelech brought the Aron into the Beis Hamikdash, all the wood of the Mikdash miraculously rejuvenated and started growing fruits which later became a great source of income for the Kohanim! 14) “The Aron of testimony” Question: What is the testimony of the Aron? Answer: Chazal tell us that “the Place of the Aron took up no space” i.e. when the Aron of Moshe was brought into the Beis Hamikdash (not the Mishkan) the space of the Kodesh Kadashim was 20x20 and from each side of the Aron was 10 amos to the wall, so if there was 10 amos on each side that’s 20 amos already, so where was the space of the aron? THE Gemora concludes that it stood by a miracle. That was testimony that the Shchinah rests within Bnei yisroel. Rabbeinu Bechaya adds that this is meaning behind the prayer of the Malachim “Baruch Kvod Hashem Mimkomo” for his “Glory” is not limited by space, nor can his space be identified… a reference to the “MAKOM HA’ARON” NOTE: the Chassam Sofer adds, that the place of the Aron is not defined, for there is no specific place or time for Torah, rather in all times and in all places must a man set aside time for learning Torah! 15) ROSH CHODESH AND THE LEAP YEAR One of the reasons for saying Hallel on Rosh Chodesh is based on the last chapter of Tehillim, where we say 12 times the phrase of Hallel, corresponding to the 12 month of the year and we repeat the Possuk of “Kol Hanishamah” for it corresponds to the 13th month (Adar-2) in a leap year. GOOD SHABOSS AND A GUT CHODESH! MI’SHENICHNAS ADAR…60 DAYS OF JOY!
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 16:57:02 +0000

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