REFLECTION & REPENTANCE ARE STILL RELEVANT Rosh Hashanah is coming, next week, it is a time in Judaism called the feast of the trumpets, when the blowing of the shofar; marks the beginning the Jewish New Year. The New Year begins what is called Aseret Yemei Teshuva the ten days of repentance which ends on Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. It is a time of celebration as well as a time of reflection and repentance, which ends with atonement the High Sabbath of Atonement. Many bible scholars and prophecy teachers have studied the Jewish Calendar and Holy Days for their significance in the New Covenant. A principle is the product of deriving a conclusion through inductive and deductive reasoning, will yields a principle to apply. Even though we are not under the old covenant, the principle of growing spiritually through recognizing the significance of Rosh Hashanah, Aseret Yemei Teshuva, and Yom Kippur are still relevant today. One significant factor in the study of these Holy Days is that we are accountable for our actions to the Creator who has made us in His image and likeness. Atonement through the blood of Jesus does not relieve us of our responsibility to conduct our lives in a godly fashion, it does not give us license to sin habitually. The old covenant day of atonement only covered sin for a year, the new covenant cleanses us from all unrighteousness so that we are free from the bondage, the shackles, the chains of sin to walk in righteousness through the imputed righteousness of Christ. We are born again or more literally born from above to walk out our lives through the principles, precepts, and protocols of God’s Holy Word, which are the Righteous Principles of the Old Testament and the Perfect Law of Liberty which are our guide posts as we journey through this physical realm. The purpose is to shine the light and love of Christ privately and publicly in every forum or spectrum of life. The point I set before you is that many dismiss the Old Testament Scripture voiding them of their significant contribution to our Faith, without the Old there would not be a New. Without the foundation the structure would crumble, remember it is the Gentile Church who has been engrafted into the Holy Root of Judaism, not vice versa! Many biblical scholars will agree when it comes to interpretation there is only one, but there is a thing called application, so the truth is this, “ One interpretation, but many applications “. Hence, the Holy Days can only be interpreted one way for their truth meaning, but that true meaning can be applied to our faith concerning our spiritual growth in Christ. Selah! Shalom, Agape, and Amen! Emissary Ray…….
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 15:50:49 +0000

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