RELIGION is Man. RELATIONSHIP is Spiritual. RELIGION is Thou - TopicsExpress


RELIGION is Man. RELATIONSHIP is Spiritual. RELIGION is Thou shall, Thou shall not. DOs & Donts. Should and Should not. RELATIONSHIP is I want to do this, because I love you. I dont want to do that because it disappoints you. I obey because i want to please you. I want to make you happy. RELIGION is Obligation. You have to do. You have to be. Or else. RELATIONSHIP is Unconditional. Even if you dont, Even if youre not, I forgive you. RELIGION is You have to act a certain way. RELATIONSHIP is You are accepted as you are. RELIGION is Action-based. Results-oriented. RELATIONSHIP is Faith-based. Trust-based. RELIGION follows Tradition. RELATIONSHIP has Freedom. In Addition: RELIGION says, I do not agree with what you say, do, think or believe. You must do what i say, do, think or believe. Or else. Thats why RELIGION divides. RELATIONSHIP says, I respect what others say, do, think, or believe. I pray for them to my GOD. I share with them what I know, not convince them. And then I leave it up to the Lord of Harvest to grow the seeds I plant. Otherwise, if I keep disagreeing, if I keep arguing, what would that say about my FAITH in CHRIST who forgave those who persecuted Him, mocked Him, flogged Him, spit on Him, whip-lashed Him, crucified Him, and yet He asked the Father to forgive them? Thats why RELATIONSHIP brings us together. CHRISTIANITY is Relationship with GOD thru CHRIST; not some religion confined in what we think or believe we can do—to please God, to be saved, to be blessed. CHRIST as the Way, Truth and Life, is really the one who reconciles our Relationship with God. Wherever we are, whatever we do, whoever we were, whenever we want to, HE IS for us, with us, never against us, never leaving us, never forsaking us. Thank You Lord for being Faithful in Your Relationship with me, even when i become unfaithful, or faithless. You are the One who keeps us together. I LOVE YOU! I think about You ALL THE TIME! Thank You for loving me this much!!!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 07:06:15 +0000

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