RESOLUTE DECISION TO FIGHT CORRUPTIONAND DISHONESTY IN OUR SOCIETY: Ezekiel.22:13,27. Behold therefore I have smitten mine hand at thy dishonest gain which thouhast made… Her princes in the midst thereof are like the wolves ravening theprey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. One of thegreatest problems in the world and unfortunately in the churches today is theproblem of corruption and dishonest. The fabric of society had been destroyedbecause of these deadly twine evil. Gen.6:11. The earth was corrupt before Godand the earth was filled with violence. And god looked upon the earth andbehold all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. 2Kings.5:20-27;John.12:4-6; John.13:2; Mt.26:20-25; Acts.5:1-10. Dishonesty and corruption arelike a termites that destroys a whole house by the destroying the wood on theroof thereby brining everything down. Dishonesty and corruption disqualified aman from entering heaven. And many a times people become so careless that theydo not watch and take heed to themselves they feel well it is a little thing.No sin is little in the sight of God. Dishonesty in small matters like in yourmarriage, don’t tell lies to one another or to your children. Be faithful andhonest in all things whether great or small. THE DEFINITION OF CORRUPTION AND DISHONESTY: James.4:17;Dt.25:13-16; Pro.26:25-26; Ps.28:3; Jeremiah.9:8; Judges.16:4, 21. When we talkof corruption and dishonesty what do we mean? (1) It means not being honest.(2) Not being sincere. (3) Not being straightforward. (4) Not being upright.(5) Not being truthful. (6) Not being faithful. (7) Not being dependable andtrustworthy. (8) It means being hypocritical and self enrichment throughdishonesty gain. (9) It means being deceitful and being immoral. (10) It meansbeing unrighteous and duplicity. When a man continues in dishonesty andcorruption without repentance, and dies in that condition such a person willspend eternity in hellfire. THE DANGEROF CORRUPTION AND DISHONESTY: Judges.16:21-30; Acts.5:1-10; Joshua.7:20-26;2Kings.5:20-27; Mt.27:3-5; Luke.16:1.The danger of dishonesty is veryterrifying. (1) It makes you not to be trusted. (2) It opens you to be attackedby the devil. (3) It brings the wrath of God upon you. (4) It makes you to losethe presence of God. (5) It makes you to be rejected by God. (6) It could leadto untimely death. (7) It can lead to lose of job. (8) It can lead to lose ofopportunities and privileges. (9) It leads to eternal punishment in the lake offire. All you need to do to be totally free from dishonesty is to sincerelyrepent of your sins and come to the Lord for forgiveness and make all necessaryrestitutions. DELIVERANCE FROM CORRUPTIONAND DISHONESTY: 2Cor.13:7-8; Rom.13:11-14; Rom.12:17; 2Cor.8:21;Philip.4:8; 1Peter.2:12; 1Thess.4:12; Hebrews.13:18; 1Timothy.2:2. To bedelivered from dishonesty you need to take the following steps. (1) Repent ofyour sin of dishonesty. (2) Receive Christ into your heart by faith as yourLord and Saviour. (3) Restitute for the past dishonesty. (4) Reject the gain ofdishonesty. (5) Resist the temptation to be dishonest and to corruptly enrichyourself. (6) Resolve in your mind to be honest in all things and at all times.(7) Refrain and separate from all corrupt and dishonest people and friends. (8)Rejoice at honesty and truthfulness. (9) Be part of people who are in thevanguard of fight against corruption and dishonesty in society. (10) Be holyand upright in all things, don’t lose your integrity for money or a moment ofpleasure. Pro.19:1. Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than hethat is perverse in his lips and is a fool. Pro.22:1. A good name is better tobe chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 06:16:43 +0000

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