RESPECT TO THIS BROTHA FOR THIS PENETRATING AFRICAN TRUTH! Edward Afriking Vii Dauda You have to understand your enemy to be able to defeat it! Youve got to love and understand these Crackkas! [Europeans and their descendants] and Camel f**kers [Arabs]. When they were in caves and almost nearing extinction from cannibalism, un-civilisation, diseases, incest etc., they trickled down into Africa. We Africans accepted them housed them, fed, clothed them, gave them lands to till, gave them an education and civilisation. Even these were not enough for them. They had to still invade Africa, in their greed, envy and hatred of Africans they sought to control what is NOT theirs, they set forth on a mission to kill, steal and destroy - exactly what every enemy does. As they invaded lands, raped people and cultures, destroyed homes, looted and murdered to the tune of hundreds of millions, they never for once thought of the illegality of their presence on our lands. Then they didnt know that visas and passes to enter and exist a foreign territory was useful. While they were looting African sciences, knowledge, technology, medicine etc to build their lands and the so called new world, they never thought of border control. While they were capturing and enslaving Africans and shipping them en-masse to the Americas, they never knew what undocumented workers and illegals were. When they were stealing lands in America, they never remembered they were illegal in the Americas to the Natives. BUT all of a sudden, their lands have been built, they have looted and set up institutions to continue to fund their looting in colonialism, religion, democracy, nation states after the Berlin conference in 1881-2, it was now time to set up laws to protect themselves from the victims of their oppression, evilness and bloodshed. Now, it was time to play the victim and act - Why do the rest of the world hate us? Now, it is the time for them to act like humans. Now, its the time to demand a visa from you before you go into their own lands. Now, it is the time to label you illegal immigrants, aliens etc. Now, it is the time to set up laws against terrorism, right after they have terrorised the rest of the world for centuries. Do you really understand the world you are living in today, Africans? Do you really understand these Crackkas? For you to understand how to break free, you need to understand how the mind of a Crackka works! For you to be able to defeat your enemy and overcome it forever, you need to understand its nature, how it thinks and acts so YOU CAN ALWAYS BE PREPARED AND BE TEN STEPS AHEAD OF IT ALWAYS! I mean, just roll back the clock and see what events have brought us down this lane and who have been the causes, then you shall understand why the same person wants you to forget history and move on. Then you shall understand why the same person wants you to love your enemy. Africans, Africans! WAKE UP!! (And THIS IS FOR): INTERGRATIONIST, ASSIMILATIONIST, AND NEGRO APOLOGIST ARE NOT FREEDOM FIGHTERS! Most freedom fighters will fall into the various traps of white society. Intergrationist, Assimilationist, and Negro-Apologist are not Freedom Fighters and will lead you into further oppression. Intergration, Assimilation, and Apologist are all reactions to European aggression, oppression, and racism. MALCOLM X was a freedom fighter yet he still went to Mecca and came back swearing that he had changed his mind about the white man, he said he no longer believed the white man was the devil. In spite of all that Africans have suffered at the hands of Arabs and Europeans, and the 2,500 year history of the murderous attacks against Africans by the European and Arab clans Malcolm and many others were still be subverted and swayed by the lure of ASSIMILATION threw religious indoctrination. Malcolm clearly studied, understood and described publicly the many, many atrocities committed against Africans by Europeans and Arabs yet he still eventually went to that slave capital, Mecca, and embraced the enemies of Africa as brothers. The organization Malcolm was the spokesman for was the Nation of Islam. Elijah Muhammad was the founder and leader of the NOI. The original NOI was dissolved by Elijah Muhammads son in 1978 and a new organization bearing the same name was started by Farrakhan in 1981, people often think it is the same organization but it is not. Elijah Muhammad did not endorse orthodox Islam or Arabism. Elijah Muhammad did use the koran as the organizations Holy book and called the followers of his NOI Muslim but that is where the similarities stop. Elijah taught about the evils and attacks against Africa by the Arabs and he openly taught that the Arabs were HALF-DEVILS. Mecca was the slave trading capital for Saudi Arabia. Slavery remained legal in Saudi Arabia and the city of Mecca until 1962, this is another reason it is shocking that Malcolm went and partnered with them Arabs after being expelled from the NOI. Malcolm traveled to Mecca less than four years after slavery was officially abolished in Saudi Arabia after thirty years of international pressure. There were more than one million Africans still living under slave conditions in Saudi Arabia when Malcolm went to Mecca, yet Malcolm never met with the abolitionist in Mecca and spent his entire visit there with whites and Arabs.. MANDELA was a Freedom Fighter yet after years in isolation and imprisonment he made back alley deals with the Europeans that allowed the descendants of the mass murderers of our brothers and sisters in South African to retain their stolen properties and to continue depriving Africans of the lands and resources stolen by the Europeans. Mandela is a good example of the insanity of the Negro-Apologist who wants to INTEGRATE with their oppressors at the expense of Africa. MARTIN was a Freedom Fighter yet he clearly made it know he wanted Africans in America to INTERGRATE and ASSIMILATE with the very people who have been murdering, raping, assaulting, and collectively oppressing Africans on five continents. Martin is a example of the clinical insanity of the INTERGRATIONIST whom with his falsified identity wants nothing more than to be loved by white folk. Most are swayed by religion, it is through Judaism Christianity and Islam that most are indoctrinated into the Euro and Arabian cultures, accepting of falsified history, and adopt non-African identities. For this reason I am firm and clear that all whom follow the enemies religions should be watched carefully. We must forever be suspicious of their intent and be wary of their willingness to join with our enemies. Most Freedom Fighters are secretly in the white mans camp through subversion, infiltration or their conscious acceptance of corrupted non- African religions and deceit. Any and all whom claim to be Jews, Christians or Muslim, all whom use the Torah, Bible and Quran are polluted with the enemies teachings and have adopted falsified documents over African Truth, indigenous African spiritualism, African self- determination, and African prosperity. I do not think Malcolm Mandela and Martin were bad men, they did what they thought was right, they were each raised in corrupt systems that tainted their thinking and actions, they were each reacting to their circumstances. But just because a man does what he believes is right does not make it a good course of action. Each of these men were corrupted by the systems they were fighting against, i know hindsight is 20/20 so we cant be too critical of them, but we must analyze and understand what, when, and why they each made the mistakes they ultimately did so that we as a people never fall for the same tricks twice. Paraphrasing Dr. John Henrik Clarke: The Afrikan has no friends outside of themselves! REAL AUTHENTIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS FIGHT FOR AFRICAN PEOPLES EVERYWHERE AND NEVER INTERGRATE ASSIMILATE OR MAKE APOLOGIES FOR THE ENEMIES OF AFRICA.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 10:49:36 +0000

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