ROBBY IS A TRUE HERO THE SPORT NEEDS AND WORLD CLASS REPRESENTATION OF WHAT BODYBUILDING IS ABOUT ROBBY ROBINSON - FRONT DOUBLE BICEPS VACUUM - ON STAGE POSING 70s Read about RRs training and life experience, about other legends of Golden Era of bodybuilding and what really happened behind the scenes of Weiders empire - in RRs BOOK The BLACK PRINCE; My Life in Bodybuilding: Muscle vs. Hustle - ▶ Recently I had the privilege to speak with one of the most accomplished and admired bodybuilders of all time “Mr Lifestyle” Robby Robinson. Not only did he compete at the absolute highest level of bodybuilding from 1975 up until 2000 where he won over 20 titles including Mr. America, Mr. Universe, and Mr. Olympia, but also he is still active in the game today inspiring and helping trainees worldwide. Robby is a true hero the sport needs, and world class representation of what bodybuilding is about. Here is what Robby had to say on the most important factors of training (Along with proper nutrition). - BRAD KELLY The Interview —————————————– What is your favorite time of day to train? Early morning, between 4 and 5 am. It gets your heart rate up and really prepares you for the day. Have you always liked early training? And did you ever get into twice per day training? Yes, I have always enjoyed early training it just really gets you going for the rest of your day. I train one time per day, because my whole theory is 90% of bodybuilding is nutrition timing. The right nutrition with the right nutrients at the right time, making sure you take in a lot of water. DOING THE SAME THING RELIGIOUSLY 24/7 365 DAYS PER YEAR, BODYBUILDING IS ALL ABOUT REPETITION ROBBY ROBINSON - PHOTO BY JERRY FREDRICK FOR IRON MAN MAG BUILT- Instructional Double DVD - Robbys philosophy on bodybuilding, training and healthy lifestyle, and his old-school workout approach ▶ What is your favorite training split? 3 days on, 1 off, sometimes 4 on 1 off depending on recovery. But for years, I had no direction; I did the full body workout 10 sets of 10 every body part. I just loved to train so that is what I would do, every afternoon and come home around 6 to get in my meals. I worked at the Tallahassee Democrat. I would get up at 3 or 4 oclock in the morning and get to work at 5AM, work from 5 to around 3 in the afternoon and go home or straight to the gym. I WORKED THE WHOLE BODY EVERY SINGLE DAY But I loved it, I didn’t think in terms I was doing anything wrong or overtraining. THAT WAS MY WHOLE THING, I JUST LOVED TO TRAIN AND WANTED TO EXCEL AND BE THE BEST I would travel throughout the south competing and winning competitions all throughout the area. So just a slightly higher rep range? Yes, but not so high that you get to a point you just do not want to do it mentally and physically. Just high enough I can get a great pump and still achieve my goal. That is how Chuck Sipes used to train to a degree, mixing in heavy and light training. Yep, I do not think you should train heavy all the time. However, I have worked out with people who do heavy heavy heavy heavy, but somewhere in there, something breaks down. Or you just get to tired and the muscle does not respond as well, so I always rotate light and heavy for variety. Variety is key, not so much variety you get away from your goals, but enough the body can enjoy. One time I might do barbell curls then then the next time I might do Scott Curls 4 or 5 sets with Zottman Curls or Reverse Curls, or then again I may just do Barbell Curls 7 sets of 7. But when training arms I do always train the tricep first, because it is the biggest muscle on the arm, with say; close grip press, lying tricep presses (extensions), rope extensions with arms on the bench and then next time around close grip press with maybe standing dumbbell or rope presses. I keep the basics, but always try to alternate them with various angles and such. ROBBY ROBINSON ON MUSCLE BEACH, LOS ANGELES, CA 70s Robbys dietary anabolic SUPPLEMENTS, OILS and HERBS for natural fat loss and muscle growth at any age ▶ READ THE FULL INTERVIEW BY BRAD KELLY ON BRET CONTRERAS BLOG Brad Kelly is a sought after National Academy of Sports Medicine(NASM) Personal Trainer, Correctional Exercise Specialist(CES), and Performance Enhancement Specialist (PES) located in Panama City, Florida. Driven to help not just trainees in his local community but worldwide , he now regularly writes articles on various subjects such as training routines, corrective exercise, and nutrition. Brad has also directly helped over 125 National Academy of Sports Medicine Trainers pass their own exams, and performs online training to help people reach their fitness goals, whether it is gaining muscle, weight loss, or just leading a healthy lifestyle. Truly understanding the value of a healthy lifestyle, Brad is now fully recovered from a chronic sickness that lasted 7 years and left him weighing 105 pounds. The easiest way to find/ contact Brad is through his website Brad-Kelly. • Robbys dietary anabolic SUPPLEMENTS, OILS and HERBS for natural fat loss and muscle growth at any age ▶ • E-mail Robby for CUSTOM training, nutrition and supplementation plans, single training sessions and consultations - ▶ [email protected] • BUILT- Instructional Double DVD - Robbys philosophy on bodybuilding, training and healthy lifestyle, and his old-school workout approach ▶ • MASTER CLASS - 4-day one-on-one intensive personal training with ROBBY ROBINSON in Golds gym Venice, CA and nutrition & supplementation seminar - ▶ • Robbys CONSULTATION Services to answer your questions about bodybuilding, old school training and healthy lifestyle - ▶ • Read about RRs training and life experience, about other legends of Golden Era of bodybuilding and what really happened behind the scenes of Weiders empire - in RRs BOOK The BLACK PRINCE; My Life in Bodybuilding: Muscle vs. Hustle - ▶ © ROBBY ROBINSON / BLACK PRINCE PRODUCTIONS ▶ ▶ [email protected]
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 19:46:11 +0000

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