RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 16th October 2014. (Posted & - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 16th October 2014. (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). 01 - Dave Schmidt Update: The IMF, the Federal Reserve and the World Bank Have Changed Hands. 10/16/2014. The Sedona Connection: Octoberr 16th, 2014 Dave Schmidt: Great News from the Ambassador!!! You Will Want to Listen to the 1st Hour of the Oct. 15th Radio Program Which Includes an Interview with Him! Yesterday I had a conversation with the Ambassador and we also recorded a 7 minute interview we played on the radio program. The news was great!!! But, we were hacked again last night for the first 50 minutes of the program. For all who wanted to listen and could not get in, it was not the radio station. It is obvious there are others who do not want you to hear what the Ambassador has to say. The good news.......the Ambassador and I talk about it on the radio program, you will want to listen to the first hour. The direct link to the program or the mp3 file is below. I also mention the news in the enclosed new video. .... In a nutshell..........the IMF has changed hands, the Federal Reserve and the World Bank are being taken over by the Dragon Family. The US controlled cabal has gone before the World Court and been denied their request to file bankruptcy. That means they are responsible for the indebtedness they have created. It also means they are being stripped of most of their funds to perform there tasks and actions to control and dominate world issues. The Dragon Family is in the process of taking over the dominant financial institutions which is also removing the Cabals power and control. For over a year I have been saying there would be no RV/GCR until the Cabal was neutered, taken out of control. That process started last week and is under way right now. Meetings are being set up with a collation of over 120 countries to work through the logistics of changing the world banking systems. This shift does not mean we will be exchanging our currencies immediately. Please do not ask any dates, this is a process that takes time. This is the first step news we have been waiting for. The shift is happening. Ill keep you posted with new developments. Link: youtube/watch?v=mZ9lPJLMQ30&feature=youtu.be&list=UUTQmxENn1yJxQLiwRHBjJpQ&utm_source=Oct.+16th+special+report&utm_campaign=Sep.+3rd&utm_medium=email Radio Show with Interview with the Ambassador Link: doublewidenetwork/index.php/RadioStarWorldwide/detail/the_sedona_connection_with_dave_schmidt?utm_source=Oct.+16th+special+report&utm_campaign=Sep.+3rd&utm_medium=email Click Here for AUDIO PLAYER of Radio Show Link: doublewidenetwork/index.php/Audio/the_sedona_connection_with_dave_schmidt ____________________________________ 02 - Tidbits and Rumors from Exogen and Stage3Alpha Members 10/16/2014. WHERE ARE WE TODAY? Posted by EXOGEN on October 16, 2014 at 12:49pm EXOGEN > OUR INFORMATION HAS NOT CHANGED PTB/AOP GROUP # 1 (WANTS EXCHANGES IMMEDIATELY) PTB/AOP GROUP # 2 (WANTS TO DELAY UNTIL AFTER ELECTIONS) PTB/AOP GROUP # 3 (WANTS TO DELAY UNTIL 2015) NOTE: 18 MONTH DELAY WAS MENTIONED BUT SHOT DOWN .... harondaddy > October 16, 2014 at 1:42pm this just in..... [7:42:15 AM] Neil Keenan: HAIL HAIL TO THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OR NOT????????? HAS THE CORPORATION FINALLY STEPPED DOWN? THIS IS WHAT I HAVE FOR NOW. Neil Keenan: Listen I am not sure if this is true or not but I believe not and I bring it to you so you know what it is like to wait for the rightful answer. in its entirety.....I will know for sure later but for now this is what I have received and I doubt if true but you never know. I know some of the names and some are and some are not real players and have been involved in things off color over the years. Here you are. We are on top of it. Neil Keenan: BREAKING NEWS: At 2 pm Obama signed with the Chinese, bankrupting the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve is being swallowed up by the UST under new leadership. At Midnight EST the Organic Act of 1871 is repealed and the US Corporation is NO MORE. Long live the REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES, ONE NATION UNDER GOD WE TRUST! Neil Keenan: I will let you know asap..... Link: americannationalmilitia/update-from-neil/ ********** R.V. / GCR October 16, 2014 at 12:54pm If you want to understand politics become a senator or a congressman I am just a messenger I dont have nothing to do except report what is said in higher places they make the rules and they change them every minute of every day... . The chinese want this as bad as we do so the logistics of the next meeting will happen and maybe it will be done today in this next 24 hours R.V. / GCR October 16, 2014 at 1:01pm Subject: Just confirmed Wed 5:45 PM Everyone in the world was waiting for the TRNs to be released and the entire world was getting extremely frustrated, The Heads of the Six Primary buyers got together a week and a half ago on a tele-conference and all agreed to change the verbage in the G-20 tax treaty to include other currencies such as Euros and Sterling since the treaty was originally written up in stone saying All historical bonds had to be paid out in TRNS. It has now been amended to include the other currencies. The last week and a half has been spent on converting all the currencies all over the world, earmarked for these bond transactions, from TRNs to other currencies. That has been done as of Monday. They are now implementing and in the process of running a program with all registered submissions with all six primary buyers to see if there are any duplicates and when that is finished (and they weed out the duplicate bond and box numbers from different sellers) they will then begin to purchase the bonds and boxes on all submissions that have, in fact, been cleared to close. This has been a long and stressful journey for us and the sellers and we are almost there. Please inform your sellers what has been happening in the marketplace for these historical bond purchases and let them know we are almost at the finish gate! There is nothing wrong with this if you all want a level playing field its only fair that little timmy who always gets picked last gets to try this time to be captain ok little timmy you get to pick first who do you want on your team. the world is losing some of its reserve status in this and its true so do we play and do we play fair... See how close this is getting the gold is now signed off we just need the witness of the bank hold and administrative hold lifted this could happen any second or while we are asleep either way its just entertainment......Timber What was supposed to happen has been given another 24 hours R.V. / GCR October 16, 2014 at 11:02am was just told we are in the ground zero window this 24 hour day Coffeeone > R.V. / GCR Do you mean we have a window of the RV/GCR happening within the next 24 hours? What does the term ground zero mean? BlueEyedGoddess > Coffeeone Ground Zero = THE window. Posted by Olewiseone on October 16, 2014 at 6:31am Announcement of the End of the Cabal Dave Schmidt revealed information on his radio program last night regarding the end of the cabal that I questioned would ever happen in our lifetime. The fact that it is happening right now is the tipping point for the entire world. I couldnt be more excited. It will affect us and all future generations. You have to get past the first few minutes to get into the meat of the information but it is worthwhile taking the time. Link: doublewidenetwork/index.php/Audio/the_sedona_connection_with_dave_schmidt Donna Skinner WOW, the Ambassador said the Cabal (Fed Res, IMF, etc) wanted to file for bankruptcy...the World Court said NO...either pay your debt (to China, I think) or GO TO JAIL! Marc Thanks, O!This is a great expose of the Big Picture, the present scenario that explains why the RV/GCR hasnt happened yet. If you can open your mind to REALITY, this show is for you ... Donna S. > Be sure you click on the right program. I didnt at first. I finally went to the Sedona Connection and found the Oct 15th video there.He also tells how so many laws get passed by Congress and its things we need to know when we participate in our new Republic that will be BY THE PEOPLE, and FOR THE PEOPLE. But we have to do our parts. ____________________________________ 03 - Thursday Morning Dinarland Chatter. 10/16/2014. Stage3Alpha: wilbur grodan October 16, 2014 at 9:22am MARKET ACTION has elevated from RED to WHITE HOT It appears funds WILL hit markets TODAY!!! T.O.T > wilbur grodan October 16, 2014 at 9:25am RED TO WHITE HOT, I assume white hot is better than red hot. wilbur grodan October 16, 2014 at 10:24am Ag is BUSTING A MOVE .... *********** Coffeeone October 16, 2014 at 10:07am Exo is exchanging the SKRs into currency that can be spent ILLEGAL? EXOGEN > Coffeeone October 16, 2014 at 10:15am THERE ARE NO RULES *********** ANOTHER 48 MORE HOURS............................ Posted by EXOGEN on October 16, 2014 at 9:44am Al-Bayati: Abadi need 48 hours to submit names of candidates for the ministries of interior and defense LINK G T > ANOTHER B$ ARTICLE from Iraq!!! LVegas Still makes no sense at all, if the Intel Update from last night is true. SKR paid out. I am hoping this Intel information here is WRONG! EXOGEN > LVegas AS WE HAVE TOLD YOU GETTING PAID I N THE USA NOT CONTINGENT UPON IRAQ. IT IS 100% ABOUT WHO YOU KNOW Ron Burgundy IMO - It ONLY makes sense (to me) to do this on a weekend. So 48 hours, if that is the case - no big deal. We are ALMOST there!! wilbur grodan > Ron Burgundy Rather the INTEL SNACK reporting live funding. wilbur grodan > Ron Burgundy If there is any TRUTH to this INTEL TRADABLE RATES must activate WORLD WIDE…..IMMEDIATELY Lucky10 Folks I sincerely believe the reset has to happen for the millions of us, on the weekend because of those who play the Forex market, so save your mob mentality for Monday... Saturday will be best... Daniel B. October 16, 2014 at 10:28am I do not buy the 48 delay.. really...? Prime minister Abadi is stuck such as all Dinarians .. like all the IRAQI Gov are waiting for the GREEN light from Corp US.. On the Iraq side of the equation: every important things/laws/security.. are done and voted.., ministers are seated, budget is done... new value for the new international Iraqi Dinar have been calculated. Iraq like millions of currency owners are waiting including, all 180 aligned countries waiting for the green light to correct the massive world financial Ponzi scheme created by the Cabal and, finally turn positively this mess around and, make a better future for the world. This 48 hours new delay information come from the IRAQI Press and, The Public Press is controlled by the Cabal and Corp US aligned Countries. Corp US, want to delay (when the right time come...) the RV for as long as it is possible. Its not difficult to understand why: The Government and Cabal are taking advantage of this in between economic situation and use the shadow banking, privet transactions to make money and buy real assets not piling fiat currencies. Cabal (bad guys) do not want to have suddenly millions of millionaires because, money drive the world economic and politic.. governments... agencies. On the positive side: Brics Nations are aware of all the above and more... Brics Nations alliances are progressing at a constant pace.. they are preparing to regain control, once the old financial system stop...they are pushing a new multipolar world that is in total opposition with the Cabal One-World None_Elected by the people Government.. agenda. TNT: [EvangeeGT] Man is it quite [Pam D.] I think we should all get outside and enjoy the fall and just LET IT HAPPEN.... lol AL: Thought for Today. Even though all of the info providers don’t agree on some points (and I am referring to the 3 or 4 that we trust) they seem to agree that we are at a point where our event should materialize by Monday. It would also appear that if it does not it will be because of political reasons. Let’s not argue about the finer details but Let us pray that God would intervene and bring this to a conclusion. Iko Ward :Guys, you all know me as positive, and I am positive this wont go now until the weekend. The weekend just makes too much sense, and as for the Dems getting their act together to push for those key states, they wont (or be ready) for the ammo, untill Monday….. New wall street week, new news cycle, everybody already forgetting what went down this week…Actually, tomorrow night …yes we are close. We are so close we should have been done and having wealth issues now instead of sitting here typing into a chat room. ************************* KTFA: RE: dinarrecaps/our-blog/sager-and-my-ladies-from-ktfa-we-should-see-new-rate-when-isx-goes-back-online-for-trading s41755k question...can Iraq be connected with a program rate? thank you for your post Sager: X-Stream is an international platform. The program rate is not, therefore, they need an internationally recognized currency to function within the X-Stream platform. ____________________________________ 04 - BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments. 10/16/2014. Jubouri reveals the nomination of Mohammed Salem Ghaban to the Ministry of the Interior [tlm724] looks like we have an interior minister [tlm724] Jubouri reveals the nomination of Mohammed Salem Ghaban to the Ministry of the Interior [tlm724] and agreed on a candidate to defend Khalid Obeidi, expect to vote on the security ministries next Saturday. [tlm724] so it may not be as quick as we want but it is getting done ~~~ German ambassador: Iraq has a chance to flourish and evolve [tlm724] Iraq has a chance to flourish and evolve *wolfwhistle* [rsp1] Oh yeah!!! *wolfwhistle* [tlm724] with the new strong leadership Iraq can emerge [tlm724] there are several areas of cooperation between the two countries, pointing to the importance of building channels of communication between the two countries and work to develop, pointing to Iraqs possession of huge financial resources and natural wealth shrug deal with it and this is a good base to achieve cooperation and rehabilitation of the Iraqi economy. [tlm724] pointing to Iraqs possession of huge financial resources and natural wealth shrug deal with it and this is a good base to achieve cooperation and rehabilitation of the Iraqi economy. [tlm724] there you go, they have it all and with the right hands at the helm they wont fail ~~~ Efforts to attract investments in the areas of housing and services [tlm724] stressed expert the need for further adjustments to the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, as it must be necessary to prepare the base of information or data in order to promote and receive requests for investment, [tlm724] just gotta tweak that investment law, get the infrastructure law and the dough will roll into Iraq. ~~~ Abadi: Baghdad safe and bacillus on Daash [tlm724] the remnants of the Baath allied with him recently received blows from our security forces, which invited them to resort to broadcast and promote rumors that Daash at the gates of Baghdad [tlm724] you see that , that is Saddams old army and Baathist members in ISIS , they know how to stir things up without a doubt [tlm724] and Abadi is expressing his regret that some media promoting those rumors are false and tendentious. [cat] saddam leftovers [tlm724] cat exactly [tlm724] I will venture to say that 50 % of the reporting is rumors, war propaganda [shunshine] agree [cat] gotta be [tlm724] remember Tokyo Rose ? same thing only more sophisticated now with social media etc [shunshine] Yes so true, We all remember her. [tlm724] its bad no doubt but its not a sky is falling scenario, there many forces of good fighting this battle [shunshine] Well heres how I see it, If its so bad why are people doing business as usually. [tlm724] great point shunshine and so many dignitaries etc coming to the country ~~~ World Bank contributes to the support of the displaced [tlm724] expressed the World Bank is ready to actively contribute to solving the problem of the displaced, in addition to funding some of the strategic projects in the country [tlm724] discussed with World Bank representative in Iraq and his accompanying delegation ways of capitalizing on the potential of the bank in the reconstruction of Iraq [tlm724] According to the source, the Special Representative of the bank in Iraq Robert existence expressed his desire to the bank with the help of the country to contribute to addressing the challenges associated with the file of the displaced and the reconstruction of areas affected by military operations against criminals Daash through the provision of soft loans of up repayment to 40 years, as well as funding other projects at the request of the Iraqi government. [tlm724] through the provision of soft loans of up repayment to 40 years, as well as funding other projects at the request of the Iraqi government. *wolfwhistle* thats good stuff right, World bank stepping up to the plate and giving Iraq no excuses not to flourish ! World Bank must be loving the new leadership in Iraq ~~~ Abadi: Daash losses {} and its allies made them Baathists who promote rumors [tlm724] calling for opening up to the Arab countries, regional and establish good relations with them. [tlm724] now put that ^^^^ with this Arab ministerial delegation headed by Arab visit Baghdad next Sunday that the visit comes within the framework of Arab League support for the new Iraqi government, and to support their efforts in the fight against terrorism and counter its spread, especially in light of the war waged by Iraq against Daash terrorist. bondladyscorner/t101646-arab-ministerial-delegation-headed-by-arab-visit-baghdad-next-sunday ~~~ Jaafari and Shaways emphasize the importance of government support for the implementation of the program [tlm724] The Jaafari and Shaways, according to the statement, the need the cooperation of all ministries and blocks, symbols and figures in support of the national government, to implement its government program aimed at the return of security and stability to Iraq, and to provide better services to citizens. [tlm724] perfect ! love it, support coming from all sides ! ~~~ Integrity: we will reveal the names of the ministers, agents and general managers and corrupt states incubator benefit from our money looted [tlm724] he semi-annual report will include the names of employees rank of minister, agents and general managers corrupt [tlm724] *wolfwhistle* get em ! cant wait to see that list ! ~~~ Liberals: the government deliberately disable sending the budget to the parliament to resolve the differences between Baghdad and Erbil [tlm724] that the Parliament is ready to receive the budget next week, while noting that the Council of Ministers deliberately disabled in order to provide an opportunity to resolve disputes related thereto between Baghdad and Erbi [tlm724] there is the answer to many of your questions, they are working out the details with the kurds , happy to see that ! I can wait a bit more ... ~~~ Najiba Najib: the dispute between Erbil with Baghdad on oil exports almost settled [tlm724] revealed a member of the parliamentary finance committee for the Kurdistan Alliance Najiba Najib, on Thursday, that the outstanding problems between the central government and the Kurdistan region on oil exports almost settled [tlm724] sweet and thats coming from a finance minister and a kurd ~~~ Minister to postpone the vote on the Kurds to next Saturday [tlm724] The vote on the Minister of the Kurds has been postponed to next Saturday [tlm724] revealed a member of the parliamentary finance committee for the Kurdistan Alliance Najiba Najib, on Thursday, that the outstanding problems between the central government and the Kurdistan region on oil exports almost settled ____________________________________ 05 - BLC Admin Tlm724 & Staff Chat. 10/16/2014. Parliamentary Finance: We will host the central bank governor Wednesday 15 October 2014 15:23 Qurtas News / Baghdad A member of the Finance Committee MP Magda al-Tamimi, Wednesday, said that the coming days will witness the hosting Iraqi Central Bank Governor Ali agency relationships, in order to discuss a mechanism to delete the zeros. According to Al-Tamimi told the Qurtas News that the file to delete the zeros is the Commission since the previous session, and these days do in order to study and stand on the nature and the barriers that have prevented its implementation, pointing out that the Commission is considering actually what his successor this decision effects. ~~~ It showed that the Commission has decided to host the Governor of the Central Bank and the Agency on the Keywords, in the coming days in order to stand on this file and how to deal with him in the coming period and the readiness of the Bank to implement it. LINK [tlm724] that the coming days will witness the hosting Iraqi Central Bank Governor Ali agency relationships, in order to discuss a mechanism to delete the zeros. [tlm724] how to deal with him in the coming period and the readiness of the Bank to implement it. [RCS1947] good stuff! [tlm724] outstanding stuff !!! [tlm724] the readiness of the Bank to implement it !!!!!!!!!!! [RCS1947] Excellent!! [tlm724] *hallelujah* in the coming days in order to stand on this file [tlm724] these days do in order to study and stand on the nature and the barriers that have prevented its implementation, [tlm724] Parliamentary Finance wants to know what was the hold up and to ask what do you need Governor to go forward ! [tlm724] your country is backing you just tell us what you need ! [tlm724] The GOI is ready and wants to move this project forward thats what this means in order to stand on this file and how to deal with him in the coming period [tlm724] there you have it [RCS1947] good enough for me! [tlm724] yeppers I am very excited ! I feel very good things coming our way, our patience is about to pay off. The GOI, Abadi and the CBI are all making sure the transition into a market economy is as smooth as possible, the ISX is getting ready to rock out the X-Stream platform ( Nasdaq) all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. I would almost bet that the CBI will say we just need to make a few amendments to the current CBI laws on the books to protect our wealth from terrorism and forgery and we are ready to rock and roll [RCS1947] Amen! [tlm724] AMEN ! [tlm724] and you know once they seat the kurds in parliament making those amendments wont be hard at all, new players, new attitude, new Iraq ! [ireneg] I am so excited [tlm724] ireneg indeed ! [RCS1947] timmy it does seem that we have a preponderance of evidence of the good kind to make some reasonable call that we are nearing a tipping point of no return. [tlm724] I would agree RCS1947 a definite precipice and the best signs I have ever seen in this investment, period ! [RCS1947] yes mam! [tlm724] If there was ever a time this is it and those that know me know that I have NEVER been this excited ! I have never given a window either but we are close and I feel that we will be good to go by the first quarter of the new year, January even if not before , jmo [tlm724] if not before Wink [tlm724] Mikey I would like your opinion please [Mikey] It looks promising.... BUT .... you know how many years theyve been saying the same thing ... right? [tlm724] Mikey yes I do but this one feels different, so very different [Mikey] not trying to rain on anyones parade .... but Ive been caught in their hype too many times .... BUT IT WILL HAPPEN!!!!!! [tlm724] Mikey its all good I respect your opinion and understand for reservations [poopsie] tlm724 love to hear a little excitement tlm724 [tlm724] yes poopsie I love the way things are going forward [poopsie] tlm724 yes so do I, go RV ____________________________________ 06 - Poofness for Oct.16th: Mid-Week Report. 10/16/2014. Subject: Mid-Week Report Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 ZAP: HI ALL, INTERESTING EVENTS EVERYWHERE. TACTICAL NUKES AT THE RUSSIAN/UKRAINIAN BORDER. DEFENSE POSTURE OR AGGRESSION. ONLY THE SHADOW KNOWS AGAIN. THE ISIS THING IS TURNING OUT TO BE A MEDIA SHOW AS THE BUILDINGS THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE IN ARE EMPTY, BUT REPORTS HAVE THEM FILLED WITH MILLIONS OF THE ISIS BAD GUYS. REPORTS CONTINUE IN THE MERRY OLD MEDIA CIRCUS. MANY VEGETABLES BROUGHT INTO THE SPECIAL DISCUSSION GROUPS TO DETERMINE THE PRECISE NATURE OF ISIS, WHY THEY ARE HERE, WHAT THEY ARE DOING, AND WHEN THEY WILL GO OUT TO THE BAR TO GET DRUNK WITH HOW MANY SHOTS OF WHISKEY. .... STOCK MARKET DROPPED 700 POINTS. BROUGHT BACK TO A LOSS OF ONLY 100 AFTER A MAD SCRAMBLE. MORE DROPS TOMORROW I UNDERSTAND. STOCK MARKET MOVING INTO BONDS NOW. WHAT ABOUT PORK BELLY FUTURES? HERE IS ANOTHER: THE US CORPORATION KNOWN AS THE GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN DROPPED OFF THE CORPORATE BOOKS AS THEIR CHARTER IS UP TODAY. QUEEN PISSED OFF. REPUBLIC NOW IN EFFECT. WHERE WAS THE US CORPORATION DOMICILED? CURIOUS. DELAWARE? SOMALIA? FRANCE? ALSO LEARNED THAT THE USA GOVERNMENT NOW OWNS THE PATENT ON EBOLA. CURIOUS AGAIN. I WAS TOLD BILL GATES HELPED FUND THE ACQUISITION OF THIS PATENT. I GUESS HE KNOWS MONEY WHEN HE SEES IT AS THE CURE IS WORTH A BIT. OH YES, THE STATE OF TEXAS WILL DECLARE A STATE OF EMERGENCY? HYPERLINK: zerohedge/news/2014-10-15/dallas-commissioners-will-declare-state-disaster-tomorrow-over-ebola-fears zerohedge/news/2014-10-15/dallas-commissioners-will-declare-state-disaster-tomorrow-over-ebola-fears While the message from the President is keep calm and avoid bodily fluids, it appears the commissioners in Dallas are slightly more concerned at the potential for Ebola to escalate: •*DALLAS COMMISSIONERS TO DECLARE LOCAL STATE OF DISASTER TOMORROW: NBC-TV •*DALLAS COUNTY CONSIDERS DECLARING STATE OF DISASTER FROM EBOLA •*DALLAS DISASTER DECLARATION WOULD ACTIVATE EMERGENCY PLAN BREAKING>> Emergency Dallas Commissioners Ct. Meeting Set for tomorrow at 2pm to declare Local State of Disaster While we are not sure where a state of disaster ranks relative to a public health emergency such as the one in Connecticut, we are certain of one thing - it will mean civil liberties will be reduced as government takes control. Welcome to the new normal American police state WELL, I GUESS IT IS IMPORTANT TO AVOID BODILY FLUIDS. SO DO NOT URINATE. OR KISS ANYBODY. KEEP CALM. TAKE A VALIUM. TAKE TEN. IN OTHER NEWS, LEMMINGS HAVE BEEN SIGHTED EVERYWHERE, JUMPING OFF THE NEAREST CLIFF, HILL, ROOFTOP, AND ROAD CURB. FILM AT ELEVEN. FASCINATING THE NATURE OF THE REPORTS COMING OUT EVERYWHERE, AND THE CONTENT OF IT ALL. SO, WHERE IS THE TRUTH (BESIDES OUR NOW FAMOUS DIAL A RUMOR). I AM NOT ABSOLUTELY SURE, BUT I AM AVOIDING BODILY FLUIDS. IN THE MEANTIME, THE TRN IS HAPPY BEING ON SCREEN, AND BEING USED EVERYWHERE. SURE WISH THE US WOULD FINALLY SET IT FREE AND ANNOUNCE IT. IT IS BEING USED IN EUROPE AND EVERYBODY THERE KNOW ABOUT IT, SO WHY NOT HERE? AGAIN, STRANGE HAPPENINGS EVERYWHERE. I HOPE IT IS ALL SWAMP GAS. THESE ARE VERY DIFFICULT TIMES FOR MANY, INCLUDING ME. FUNDINGS THAT WERE TO MATERIALIZE THIS WEEK, HAVE NOT. ANOTHER FRIEND HAS DIED. A FEW FAMILIES HAVE BEEN KICKED OUT OF THEIR HOMES. FOOD IS SCARCE DESPITE THE MOUNTAINS OF VEGETABLES AVAILABLE. THE DIFFICULTIES ALL THESE STRANGE EVENTS HAVE HAD ON THE FINANCIAL PICTURE IS EXTRAORDINARY. THERE IS MUCH RESISTANCE TO THE RELEASES, AND THE CABAL KEEPS BLOCKING WHEREVER IT CAN. IT IS A HUGE FIGHT BEHIND THE CURTAIN AND ALTHOUGH THE PAYMENTS FOR HISTORIC BONDS HAVE BEGUN, IT IS NOT UP TO THE SPEED EXPECTED. THE RV IS ALSO A TAD DELAYED AS THAT TOO WAS TO BE ANNOUNCED NOW. THE ANNOUNCEMENTS THAT WERE TO HAPPEN TODAY, DID NOT HAPPEN. THERE IS FRUSTRATION, BUT I BELIEVE THIS WILL PASS SOON. I WAS REALLY HOPING THAT MID WEEK WE WOULD HAVE THE RELEASES DONE, AND I COULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING DIFFERENT BUT I GUESS A BIT MORE TIME IS REQUIRED. SURE IS HURTING MANY PEOPLE. HOWEVER, THE ELDERS HAVE ASSURED ME ALL WILL TRANSPIRE. PIGS RESTLESS. HANG IN THERE. IN LOVE AND LIGHT IN OUR SERVICE ZAP “GOD IS; I AM; WE ARE” “BE GOOD, BE LEGAL, TELL TRUTH” October 15, 2014 Copyright ZAP 2014 PLEASE KEEP THE NEWS COMING: go to Paypal..account is [email protected] send a DONATION.... if that is a problem contact us at [email protected] Love and Kisses, Susan and Staff ____________________________________ 07 - RV/GCR UPDATE: AFTERNOON, 16 OCT 10-16-14 R.V. / GCR: If you want to understand politics become a senator or a congressman I am just a messenger I dont have nothing to do except report what is said in higher places they make the rules and they change them every minute of every day... The Chinese want this as bad as we do so the logistics of the next meeting will happen and maybe it will be done today in this next 24 hours. Everyone in the world was waiting for the TRNs to be released and the entire world was getting extremely frustrated, The Heads of the Six Primary buyers got together a week and a half ago on a tele-conference and all agreed to change the verbage in the G-20 tax treaty to include other currencies such as Euros and Sterling since the treaty was originally written up in stone saying All historical bonds had to be paid out in TRNS. It has now been amended to include the other currencies. The last week and a half has been spent on converting all the currencies all over the world, earmarked for these bond transactions, from TRNs to other currencies. That has been done as of Monday. They are now implementing and in the process of running a program with all registered submissions with all six primary buyers to see if there are any duplicates and when that is finished (and they weed out the duplicate bond and box numbers from different sellers) they will then begin to purchase the bonds and boxes on all submissions that have, in fact, been cleared to close. This has been a long and stressful journey for us and the sellers and we are almost there. Please inform your sellers what has been happening in the marketplace for these historical bond purchases and let them know we are almost at the finish gate! There is nothing wrong with this if you all want a level playing field it’s only fair that little Timmy who always gets picked last gets to try this time to be captain ok little Timmy you get to pick first who do you want on your team. The world is losing some of its reserve status in this and its true so do we play and do we play fair... See how close this is getting the gold is now signed off we just need the witness of the bank hold and administrative hold lifted this could happen any second or while we are asleep either way it’s just entertainment......Timber What was supposed to happen has been given another 24 hours. ____________________________________ 08 - General Ham is taking over the US Government and Commander Fairfield is taking over the Treasury. harondaddy > October 16, 2014 at 1:42pm this just in..... [7:42:15 AM] Neil Keenan: HAIL HAIL TO THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES OR NOT????????? HAS THE CORPORATION FINALLY STEPPED DOWN? THIS IS WHAT I HAVE FOR NOW. Neil Keenan: Listen I am not sure if this is true or not but I believe not and I bring it to you so you know what it is like to wait for the rightful answer. in its entirety.....I will know for sure later but for now this is what I have received and I doubt if true but you never know. I know some of the names and some are and some are not real players and have been involved in things off color over the years. Here you are. We are on top of it. Neil Keenan: BREAKING NEWS: At 2 pm Obama signed with the Chinese, bankrupting the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve is being swallowed up by the UST under new leadership. At 6 PM PST, Robert Won is going to go in and sign over the gold. At Midnight EST the Organic Act of 1871 is repealed and the US Corporation is NO MORE. Long live the REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES, ONE NATION UNDER GOD WE TRUST! At Midnight PST, “the Admiral” goes in. At midnight PST, IRAQ goes in to include the REINSTATEMENT rate of 3.58 internationally and with a $6 - 8.00 US rate, to gather in IQD for oil credits. General Ham is taking over the US Government and Commander Fairfield is taking over the Treasury. Neil Keenan: I will let you know asap..... americannationalmilitia/update-from-neil/ ____________________________________ 09 - R.V. / GCR October 16, 2014 at 1:01pm Subject: Just confirmed Wed 5:45 PM R.V. / GCR October 16, 2014 at 11:02am was just told we are in the ground zero window this 24 hour day Coffeeone > R.V. / GCR Do you mean we have a window of the RV/GCR happening within the next 24 hours? What does the term ground zero mean? BlueEyedGoddess > Coffeeone Ground Zero = THE window. Posted by Olewiseone on October 16, 2014 at 6:31am Announcement of the End of the Cabal Dave Schmidt revealed information on his radio program last night regarding the end of the cabal that I questioned would ever happen in our lifetime. The fact that it is happening right now is the tipping point for the entire world. I couldnt be more excited. It will affect us and all future generations. You have to get past the first few minutes to get into the meat of the information but it is worthwhile taking the time. doublewidenetwork/index.php/Audio/the_sedona_connection_with_dave_schmidt Donna Skinner WOW, the Ambassador said the Cabal (Fed Res, IMF, etc) wanted to file for bankruptcy...the World Court said NO...either pay your debt (to China, I think) or GO TO JAIL! Marc Thanks, O! This is a great expose of the Big Picture, the present scenario that explains why the RV/GCR hasnt happened yet. If you can open your mind to REALITY, this show is for you ... Donna S. > Be sure you click on the right program. I didnt at first. I finally went to the Sedona Connection and found the Oct 15th video there. He also tells how so many laws get passed by Congress and its things we need to know when we participate in our new Republic that will be BY THE PEOPLE, and FOR THE PEOPLE. But we have to do our parts. ____________________________________ 10 - Moving forward. (16.10.14). tlm724 Article quote: “the coming days will witness the hosting Iraqi Central Bank Governor Ali agency relationships, in order to discuss a mechanism to delete the zeros.” The GOI is ready and wants to move this project forward thats what this means “in order to stand on this file and how to deal with him in the coming period” I am very excited! I feel very good things coming our way, our patience is about to pay off. The GOI, Abadi and the CBI are all making sure the transition into a market economy is as smooth as possible, the ISX is getting ready to rock out the X-Stream platform ( Nasdaq) all the pieces of the puzzle are coming together. I would almost bet that the CBI will say we just need to make a few amendments to the current CBI laws on the books to protect our wealth from terrorism and forgery and we are ready to rock and roll and you know once they seat the kurds in parliament making those amendments won’t be hard at all, new players, new attitude, new Iraq! If there was ever a time this is it and those that know me know that I have NEVER been this excited! I have never given a window either but we are close and I feel that we will be good to go by the first quarter of the new year, January even if not before, jmo. ____________________________________ 11 - Makes sense. (16.10.14). Ron Burgundy: IMO – It ONLY makes sense (to me) to do this on a weekend. So 48 hours, if that is the case – no big deal. We are ALMOST there!! ____________________________________ 12 - Conclusion. (16.10.14). WILDDUCK: THE SYSTEM FROM MY POINT OF VIEW IS ON TIME AND HEADING TO A CONCLUSION.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 23:31:12 +0000

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