RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 17th September 2014. (Posted & - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 17th September 2014. (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). 01 - Tidbits and Opinions from Exogen and Stage3Alpha Members Wed. Afternoon. 09/17/2014. Stage3Alpha: INTEL (From My Contractor Friend) Posted by G T on September 17, 2014 at 1:19pm Just got off the phone with my Contractor Friend......Heres the Latest he Knows (behind the Iraq Curtain STILL on TV Ticker.......Monetary Reform (code for RV/GCR) On TV Ticker (DAILY).....but citizens & Vendors/Merchants are getting P*****!!! Waiting to get Confirmation if MONETARY REFORM is printed in the Gazette Parliament are ALL SEATED & DOING BUSINESS (NO CHANGES W/The Defense & Interior Ministers)!! Thats It For Now!!! ********** omegaman the 20th is the deadline to make good on the Contractor payouts, or...its curtains...therefore, it MUST RV prior to that date......im calling group exchanges today/tomorrow/ Public...soon thereafter... Prime > omegaman You sure about that? You sure the TRN are live? BlessingGalore > Prime I was informed yesterday by WF contact they are indeed live. Got confirmation to be ready once again. Now take that as you may. Got a call two or three weeks ago saying the same thing. omegaman > Prime yes... ********** june carrieri well rv before budget but budget will be sent in 2 days to parliament however fri & sat are their weekend, go figure. EXOGEN > june YOU HAVE TO HAVE A RATE BEFORE YOU OPEN A BUDGET. Carden > june Yes, its MON, TUES, WED, THUR, scenario again. BUT this time we have definite deliveries which must be made. We have definite commitments which must be met and only can be met with RV of IQD. This is the lynchpin of the GCR. We are here. EXOGEN RIGHT NOW IS THE CLOSEST WE HAVE EVER BEEN TO RECEIVING THE BLESSING. Vinman > EXOGEN All elements are colliding into tomorrow. China moving up gold exchange to Sept 17. Scotland preparing for a vote that could crush global markets and disband the EU. Global market liquidity has vanished. US military industrial complex gets new SOFA with Iraq to help it go after ISIS into Syria. ********** EXOGEN ABADI IS LIKE RUNNING OUT OF TIME BIG TIME Vinman > EXOGEN I agree! He has been telling his people, even on their TV, that they will be seeing this currency reform tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow and it never comes. He will have civil unrest soon if the people fear he is just another Maliki. This will have to come sooner than 9/25. EXOGEN > Vinman HE IS LOSING CREDIBILITY WITH THE CITIZENS G T EXO........PLEASE EXPLAIN......How can Iraq talk about implementing a BUDGET before the RV is Released??? AS OF RIGHT NOW...... Their Currency is WORTHLESS If this is the order their going arent they putting the CART BEFORE THE HORSE??? BlueEyedGoddess > G T Exo said that the rate has to come before the budget. That has to happen SOON then! Quote: “EXOGEN > june YOU HAVE TO HAVE A RATE BEFORE YOU OPEN A BUDGET” wilbur grodan September 17, 2014 TONIGHT looks most promising Lucky9 I am going to ask the question here again.... EXO.... Is it a plausible scenario that SCOTLAND threatening to leave UK is to make the Queen/London Financial center... stop blocking GCR? If so this is probably the most realistic leverage put forth since the beginning of this thing... and makes me hopeful...I have said for years now City of London is blocking it as I know the guy who is handling the Queens finances... I was his webmaster for a few months... and he always said everything had to go through him and he talked very negatively about us dinarians... that we did not deserve this money... so if Scotland (Scottish Freemasons?) are playing hard ball, we might finally see compromise and release of GCR... that along with all the other trade offs ... D.K.C. > Lucky9 That is very interesting....maybe thats a big puzzle piece? So many spiderwebs spun in our governments, so many plots, and so many lies........Wish i had a can of Raid.......sigh. ********** Bix Weir email 9-17-14: ALERT: THE GOOD GUYS ATTACKS BEGIN Posted by bookman oldstyle on September 17, 2014 at 12:54pm With the stock market and US Dollar looking rock solid due to massive manipulation the Sheeple are fast asleep. But behind the scenes the battles are RAGING!!! A few things to take place OVER THE NEXT FEW DAYS/WEEKS: 1) Ron Pauls original Audit the Fed Bill gets voted on today. Not sure what to expect but a YES vote speaks volumes as to who is winning the secret battles. 2) Scotland votes tomorrow on their independence and either way the vote goes there should be chaos in the FX Derivative Market...as William Wallace says FREEDOM! 3) All eyes are on the Feds FOMC meeting with an announcement due out today. Timing is everything! 4) The new physical gold market, the Shanghai Gold Exchange, made a surprise announcement today that they will begin trading TOMORROW!!! and finally... 5) Senator Carl Levin waits in the wings to BEGIN THE HEARINGS on commodity manipulation. Hmmm. And everyone thinks the gold and silver markets will NEVER be released from their control. ...and this is just through the rest of September!!! May the Road you choose be the Right Road. Bix Weir _______________________________ 02 - BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments. 09/17/2014. Call for legislation of economic laws {b} ONE Basket! [tlm724] oh this is good [cat] one basket [tlm724] economic laws {b} one basket contributes to the transformation of an actual open market in line with the political and economic transformations in Iraq, [tlm724] *hallelujah* lets do this thingy [cat] love it , yogi basket [tlm724] yes bo bo bear ~~~ [tlm724] so USAID is supporting the program , giving them the tools they need for the transformation and now that the new GOI seems willing to work towards a market economy we all are on the right path finally ! The Central Units (determination) has conducted an inventory and review of all legislative acts of the Iraqi state laws and regulations and instructions, regulations and rules and orders issued by the Iraqi authorities successive since 1917 up to 2012, which is determined approximately 26 000 legislation was where nearly 2600 legislation that directly affect the economic activities, noting that in September 2013 began (insistence) review process of legislation and through the organizational structure of the project where raised three ministries (municipalities, trade, and agriculture) and the secretariat of Baghdad, after a review by the sub-committees of these ministries, where they canceled the 100 pieces of legislation, the amendment 103, and keep the 121 legislation became ready in one basket [tlm724] 26 k legislation wow in almost a hundred years [tlm724] where nearly 2600 legislation that directly affect the economic activities. ~~~ Finance parliamentary likely to issue a new edition class (50) thousand dinars [tlm724] BondLady any thoughts ? [BondLady] yes [BondLady] they been talking bout it for years but I dont think they will but its possible [BondLady] for large transactions probably wont be put out for public use but it could be, more of a thingy for shredders [tlm724] well we wont worry about until we hear from the CBI then [BondLady] for inner banking needs for large purchases ? They also talked about a 100k one too and it never happened [tlm724] all talk then for now [BondLady] and that wont happen either if their gonna ever bring out the lds and we know they will just dont know when [tlm724] *hallelujah* yes we do know they will bring them out [BondLady] if they replace 1 series with smalls then they MUST replace them all, cant just pick and choose ~~~ Controls on transfers of money laundering challenge [tlm724] Stressing the need to set up a specialized department of the security forces to investigate and follow up on economic crime and money laundering [tlm724] said that the establishment of SAIs sophisticated financial transfers and transactions that arouse suspicions or related financial crimes are reported, and the issuance of laws especially the fight against money laundering would find economic environment clean and free of cases of money laundering. [tlm724] get the anti money laundering law enacted and it will eliminate much of this [tlm724] that law just needs amendments to it , has to include the new electronic system ~~~ International insistence on destroying Daash [tlm724] abadi will have satisfaction one way or the other, they will agree or he will choose ! [BondLady] it aint easy with all the selfishness hes gonna have to deal with [tlm724] yeah i think he is seeing that up close and personal [BondLady] yes he seeing some of what the last term dealt with [tlm724] no one said it would be easy but they dont have a choice anymore, things are different now ~~~ Federation of Chambers of Commerce calls for the issuance of a law regulating the work of the private sector [BondLady] such good law articles [tlm724] yes maam !! [BondLady] there finally being addressed and we needed to see those things come to pass [tlm724] they know they HAVE to do it ! [BondLady] Iraq cant move forward with out them [BondLady] can only go so far before thats a forced issue to keep things growing [tlm724] to amend the laws chock also work as a law and corporate law and tax law. _______________________________ 03 - Tidbits from Frank26 and KTFA Members Late Wednesday AM 09/17/2014. KTFA: mike100 : Frank the laws you speak of will be enacted once the GOI is fully complete we wait for the ministers to be announced. Also i am in agreement HCL is a big one and Barzani goes to baghdad next week to resolve it. Kurds are really pushing for hcl/article 40 and i am betting Abadi wants it done and to resolve the diferences ASAP. To me the laws have been dormant due to a lack of stability also these laws i agree with Delta need a NEW international rate in order to be implemented. Of course all IMHO. Frank26: Hmmm......... My intentions today were to ......... Not Post. Interesting how the Holy Spirit ........... Works. DELTA ...... NOVA ....... FRANK26....... ITEAM....... Our 5 other TEAMS .......... All feel the same .......... Just share different Event Horizons. .... If I may : Did You ever see the Disney movie ......... Lady and The Tramp? I liken this stage of our dinar investment to the scene where both dogs were at the Italian Restaurant....... Eating spaghetti. BOTH ........ At the SAME time grabbed on to the SAME thread of ONE SINGLE string of spaghetti ......... WITHOUT even Realizing it. As they flavored and consumed it at the SAME TIME ......... Their lips got closer to the point where they realized their commonality. They were SURPRISE to find that they BOTH ......... Had picked the BEST on that plate of so many options. Hmmm. LOL........ To You KTFA Family ........ Aloha from my Heart that is .......... Yours...... KTFA, Frank ********** Cole101 FOR MYSELF......IM STICKING WITH DELTAS COMMENT........WE NEED TO SEE A RATE BEFORE THEY CAN ACTIVATE EVERYTHING......PLUS THE CBI STATED THEY NEED TO SEE CORDINATION WITHIN THE GOI........NOT WE NEED TO SEE LAWS ACTIVATED IN ORDER TO RELEASE A RATE............MY OWN OPINION. ********** Frank26: I LIKE CAPS TOO: YET THESE LAWS HAVE BEEN PASSED LONG AGO AND SOLELY NEED ACTIVATION VIA AN IR AND ART8. SO WHOS WAITING FOR WHO? LOOK:I already apologized and amended my words from last nights CC. From using the term PASSING LAWS to ACTIVATING the LAWS that were passed this summer and are waiting for an IR to allow them to function within the GOI. Why? Because CBI seems to be ready with the GOI. Besides .......... NOW You should see what else the GOI has that has been under cover .......... FOR THE LAST SEVEN YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care .......... DELTA ..... TY Brother. NOVA ...... BIG WINK !!! KTFA, Frank..... Family E1s long time friend died last week ..... E1 went to Canada to bury his Friend......... Pray for them please. ********** Frank26: OK ........ One last post: Havent we been waiting 10 years to see a budget in Iraq? Minus the first 3 years ........ Fighting............ The last SEVEN YEARS have been kept AWAY from our eyes. Plus this 7 years itch ...... I mean report will bring the LAWS and GOI activities .......... UP TO DATE WITH AN IR (International Rate) NOT A PROGRAM RATE THAT ARTIFICIALLY KEPT THE GOI FUNCTIONING ALL THESE FAKE YEARS. Take care ....... Of each other....... Aloha oi. KTFA,Frank ********** mcdan: Also they are balancing the budget ********** Frank26: BINGO !!!!!!!!!!!! YES !!!!!!!!!!!!! LAWS in the GOI BUDGET !!!!!!!! WATSON ....... I THINK THEY GOT IT MAN !!!!!!!!!! This OCT 1st gets louder. KTFA, Frank...... OK Ill behave now. Lol ************ walkingstick » September 17th, 2014, 11:07 am UPDATE 1- Russias central bank starts overnight forex swap operations with banks Tue Sep 16, 2014 12:55pm EDT (Updates with swap details, background) (Reuters) - The Russian Central Bank said on Tuesday it was starting overnight rouble-dollar swap operations to increase short-term banking sector liquidity. Several waves of sanctions from the United States and the European Union against Moscow for its involvement in the Ukraine crisis have limited access to foreign capital for Russias largest banks and key oil companies. In July, the bank said it was ready to provide liquidity to lenders hit by Western sanctions if they face additional risks. These operations are aimed at strengthening the capacity of credit institutions to manage their own short-term currency liquidity, and will be carried out at fixed interest rates, the Central Bank said in a statement. The Central Bank said the swap operations in their rouble part will carry an interest rate based on the Central Banks key lending rate, the one-week repo rate, minus 1 percentage point. This means that for now, the swap rate stands at 7 percent. For the dollar part, the rate is set at an annualised 1.50 percent. The bank set the overnight swap limit at $1 billion. (Reporting by Lidia Kelly; Additional reporting by Alessandra Prentice; Editing by Tom Heneghan). ********** walkingstick » September 17th, 2014, 9:31 am A Few Unknown Facts About Kurdistan 17.09.2014 Mahnaz Ramazan BasNews, Erbil Currently, talk of Kurdistan’s independency has gone viral and is the main source of debate all around the world. Kurds have always demanded their right of gaining independence, though not many people were aware of the Kurds or their culture. Kurdistan is one of the largest nations without a country, alongside Sind in India and Pakistan and Tamil in Sri Lanka. Kurdistan’s independence did not become a topic of debate until the takeover of the second largest Iraqi city, Mosul by the Islamic State (IS) militants. Since Kurdistan is still part of Iraq, Kurdish Peshmarga forces have had an essential role in fighting with IS in order to protect Kurdistan and the surrounding areas of Iraq. Many countries around the world are supporting Kurdistan and its Peshmarga force in fighting with IS. Therefore, the names “Kurd” and “Kurdistan” spread while the topic of independence became visible. Kurds became more passionate about independence, never more apparent than now. Nevertheless, there remain questions about what will happen after Kurdistan gains independence. Kurdistan has its own culture, traditions and language that separates it from other nations. Here are some facts about Kurdistan that you might not have known before: Population: Kurds number between 40-50 million people spread across the world, making them 0.7 percent of the world’s population. In every 150 people in the world, one is Kurdish, which makes Kurdistan rank 32nd in the world in regards to population. The population of the great Kurdistan is larger than the population of Argentina, Canada and Poland, and 122 Kurds live in one km2. There is a huge number of Kurds living outside Kurdistan with estimations coming to as much as 3 million in Istanbul, Turkey; 1 million in Syria, mainly in Aleppo and Damascus; 1.5 million Kurds were forced to flee to Khorasan, Iran; 200 thousand are living in Israel. Russian and the Caucasus are home to 300 thousand Kurds, while two million live in Europe, one million of which are in Germany. Area: The area of Kurdistan is 409, 650 km2 with the length of 1000 km2 ranking 58th in regards to area in the world. The area of Kurdistan is equal to Germany’s and Japan’s and it’s bigger than Italy, Senegal and Britain. Kurdistan is four times bigger than South Korea and ten times bigger than Switzerland. Borders: Great Kurdistan shares borders with six countries, which are Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran and Armenia. Geography: Forests make up 160 000 km2 or 39 percent of Kurdistan’s land. Agri Mountain (also known as Ararat in Kurdish) is the highest peak of Kurdistan with the height of 5,137 meters above sea level. Water resources: The largest lake in Kurdistan is Van Lake. Van lake is 607 km3 deep which makes it the largest lake in the Middle East and 16th in the whole world. Language: 40 million people speak Kurdish all around the world. This vast number of speakers ranks the Kurdish language as 26th in the world. The number of Kurdish speakers is greater than Ukrainian speakers. ********** jdtolle » September 17th, 2014, Sincerely useful Be sincerely useful, and create meaningful value. You’ll never run out of opportunities to make a difference. The fulfillment you seek will not come from what you possess. It will come from what you contribute. Life is beautiful and you can make it more so. The opportunity is everywhere. The more challenging things become, the more of a difference you can make. Remind yourself how great it feels to genuinely be of service, and then do it again and again. The more you give, the richer your life becomes. The more value you create, the more hopeful and fulfilling all of life becomes. Seek to be useful, and you’ll find plenty of ways. Choose to make a positive difference, and experience life at its highest, most satisfying level. — Ralph Marston Family: Today, tell someone you love them, give someone a hug, tell someone how much they mean to you and give everyone your beautiful smile. Make this a goal to live by for each and every day. Wishing All a safe and blessed day. _______________________________ 04 - Memphis: The 2014 Iraqi Budget. 09/17/2014. Post From KTFA By Memphis » September 17th, 2014, 9:24 am • If the following news piece checks out and is confirmed as fact then it bears great significance. Assuming it to be accurate, I expect that many thousands of people will read it today, recognize that it seems to be of some interest, but miss the true value of its message. This is my attempt to illuminate... For over 15mo there has been much said about Iraqs 2014 budget. There has been a level of expectation, of anticipation, that this years budget would somehow be different. That it would no longer be business as usual for Iraq. I have shared in this belief HOWEVER.... ~~~ We can all agree that wishful thinking is not going to get the job done, some evidence needs to be seen, something that we can point to and hang our hat on. THAT is what this news article provides and heres why... IMO…….. For years the finance committee has been calling over to the accounting dept. at the COM (Council of Ministers) and begging to see the year end financials, the final accounts for the previous year And while your at it, can we PLEASE have the previous five (5) years numbers as well?. The great value in this article then is that it tells us conclusively that a shift has taken place. Under the new leadership of Mr. Al-Abadi the COM has, in just two short weeks, seen fit to send over those years and years worth of year end financials to the parliament and this shift is our EVIDENCE that the old order of business as usual can no longer work. The 2014 budget is not going to be released simply based on the old model of guesses but rather it will be done with accuracy. This accuracy will involve the settlement of ALL of these years of business and any imbalances found will be settled in IQD thus allowing the 2014 budget to be birthed using real numbers going forward. Why? Apparently someone over there thinks that now, all of a sudden, it matters. Are we to believe that a janitor over at the COM just found these years worth of financials lying in a corner as we was clearing out Mr. Malikis office making room for the new boss man? This shifting is being done with an obvious intent. We need to point to that and not skip over the reality that the timing of this news can not easily be explained by mere chance. EVERYTHING is following a script and they just checked off a big one on their list. Things are about to get real serious over there and serious businessmen do not deal in guesses. The 2014 budget will be released later than ever before in Iraqs history (a significant point all by itself) and will most CERTAINLY be different from past years. If we then take this latest news up to the macro level and compare to other evidences such as, Iraq changing leadership with a new PM that was chosen, the new CBI governor being appointed this week, etc, it gives added weight to our confidence and our expectation that Iraq is about to do something crazy with their money. Could I be totally wrong? Good question... please recognize that we are not even speculating here! We are simply taking the evidence of what they are doing and projecting it out to its logical end. The 2014 budget will be released later than ever before in Iraqs history (a significant point all by itself) and it will most CERTAINLY be different from past years. THAT is the value in this short press release. Even the opening word Urgent reads as a front page headline: EXTRA EXTRA, Read All About It! Blessings, Memphis. Urgent ….. Speaker reveals Parliament receives final statement for 1st time Wednesday, 17 September 2014 13:07 | | | Baghdad (AIN) –The Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament Salim al-Jubouri revealed that the Iraqi Parliament received for the first time the final [year ending financial] statements for the last seven years. Jubouri stated to AIN during a press conference The parliament for the first time received the final statements from 2005-2011 and these statements are observed to be submitted for a vote. /End/. _______________________________ 05 - Q&A with Exogen at Stage3Alpha Wednesday Morning 09/17/2014. Stage3Alpha: Lucky9 people have told me personally and some here publicly they either exchanged already or knew someone who has... did they all sign NDAs and now the rest of us are being screwed... stalled? Does anyone have the integrity to tell the rest of us so we stop paying for these freaking things? EXOGEN > Lucky9 A PERSON ON OUR INTEL TEAM WHO WE SPEAK WITH AROUND THE CLOCK DAILY HAS COMPLETED A PARTIAL EXCHANGE, AND RECEIVED BANK WIRE, AND WAITING ON THE REMAINING FUNDS Visionaire > EXOGEN Thank you Exo. Now, why cant we do that? Is this person in another country? EXOGEN > Visionaire NO THEY ARE IN THE USA .... G T > EXOGEN Partial Exchange??? Im assuming this was a situation that he or She had developed a relationship with a Personal Banker??? This wasnt a Group Exchange??? And if its partial Exchange.....Could this mean the RV might Take longer than we think??? BlueEyedGoddess > G T Im thinking FRA…….but not really sure how that works. Also thinking that partial exchange is due to reserves. Mark E > EXOGEN Would this be on the contract side? Pat > EXOGEN How can iraq pay their bills without an RV. EXOGEN > Pat IF YOU FOLLOW IMF ARTICLE 8 AND ARTICLE 14 IT WILL GIVE YOU AN EXPLANATION OF WHAT IS TAKING PLACE. AND YES COALITION COUNTRIES ARE BEING PAID ALREADY. *********** EXOGEN MOST IN IQD LAND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON AND ALL THEY LOOK FOR AND HEAR FROM GURUS IS RV EVERYDAY. AND GLOBAL POLITICS DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT. TO PUT THIS WHOLE THING INTO A SIMPLE EQUATION HCL + GOI = RV. EXOGEN > 1. HOW CAN A CURRENCY AND COUNTRY REVALUE WITH NO MILITARY CAPABILITY AND CAPACITY TO FIGHT OFF INVADERS EXOGEN > THINK ABOUT IT WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU GAVE A MADMAN THE POSITION OF DEFENSE MINISTER AND INTERIOR MINISTER june so they have to implement HCL =RV EXOGEN > june KURDS AGREED TO IMPLEMENT HCL YESTERDAY nana7 > EXOGEN Thanks Exo. So we must be very close to this thing finally popping. Debra I thought the GOI was actually done, but the announcement was being held off for another agenda Is this not true? EXOGEN > Debra THEY HAVE THE DEFENSE AND INTERIOR MINISTERS ALREADY IN PLACE AND THEY HAVE BEEN IN PLACE, HOWEVER, THEY HAD TO HOLD THEM BACK UNTIL ADDITIONAL PAPERWORK WAS PUT IN PLACE TO MAKE SURE THIS PERSON COULD NOT MESS OF THE GLOBAL COALITION PROJECT AND HAVE TOO MUCH POWER AND CONTROL EXOGEN > Debra I GLOBAL POLITICS THERE IS ALWAYS ANOTHER AGENDA….. KEEP IN MIND THIS IS A SNEAKY WAY TO GET BACK INTO SYRIA (HINT HINT) BlueEyedGoddess > EXOGEN Create ISIS, then use them as a means to take out Syria. Sneaky sneaky. Zuvrick Ray > BlueEyedGoddess Bloody dirty trick. ********** BlueEyedGoddess > EXOGEN So after HCL actually voted on and the rest of the ministers officially confirmed, maybe you can go get dressed? BaNDiTo.RoX > BlueEyedGoddess The HCL been done were waiting on the announcement.. IMO EXOGEN > BlueEyedGoddess WHAT IS CRAZY IS ALL OF THIS STUFF IS ALREADY DONE AND COMPLETED Nevada Joe > EXOGEN You hit the nail on the head there. This whole thing is crazy, but considering the complexity and enormity of this its bound to be crazy. The great thing is we know were close. wilbur grodan > EXOGEN THAT IS WHY THE IRAQ STORY IS A PANTOMIME DESIGNED TO LINE UP WITH MACRECONOMIC AND MARKET REALITY Vinman > BlueEyedGoddess If they agreed to implement the HCL then it has already passed BaNDiTo.RoX > Vinman Its been passed for years just never implemented because Maliki held it hostage.. Until now. EXOGEN > Vinman CORRECT G T > EXOGEN On Tonys Calls he mentions AGREEMENTS & PAPERWORK!!! You give the Details......Thanks!!! So hopefully in these Kerry/Yellen Conferences Today these agreements will be mentioned Well have to Pay attention!!! LVegas Thanks EXO and Team for great Intel today and telling it like it is. Sounds very close to happening for all of us. Better hurry or I am sending my list of bills to the Paris Club. Chrisdaddy Why do all the INTEL people get lead down the road of the RV happening at (lets say before FOREX closes last Friday, and then ....Oh Yeah, we forgot, we need to have these postions in place. That doesnt seem to make sense.....The thing that I dont understand is this seems to be a very concrete logical reason for the RV to not go through. So if that is the case...Why the big hurrah about this going down last Friday? These things werent done then... EXOGEN > Chrisdaddy NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE BECAUSE THERE ARE NO RULES EXOGEN > Chrisdaddy ITS KINDA HARD TO EXPLAIN THIS BUT THE CURRENCY HAS ALREADY REVALUED WHEN YOU LOOK AT IT FROM AN FRA STANDPOINT (Forward rate contract agreements.) Smokin Jo Sounds like Scotland has put some fire under some butts to move this along. The effects of the collapse of the PTP economy wasnt part of their plan and now the RV/GCR is their lifeline. EXOGEN > Smokin Jo SCOTLAND HAS ALL OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES. BlueEyedGoddess Big thanks to Exo for the excellent update this morning. Cant be easy in your shoes, and Im glad I dont have to do it! Common sense tells me they have to at least revalue the Iraq currency if they are going to be an economic player. So, Ill wait as long as it takes. But hoping its near the end!! ********** Sahlani: the budget will reach the parliament during the next two days Posted by BaNDiTo.RoX on September 17, 2014 at 10:30am Published on Wednesday, September 17 / September 2014 14:12 Written by: Sheikh Salem BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network ( IMN ) - According to a member of the Finance Committee temporary crescent Sahlani that budget in 2014 will amount to Parliament during the next couple of days, for the purpose of voting upon. Said Sahlanis ( IMN ) The Committee recommended earlier in the Minister of Finance Agency purity of net debt to allocate additional budget for security, defense and displaced solving the outstanding problems within the budget of 2014. He added that the face of the House of Representatives wrote to the government to speed up sending the budget to the parliament, noting that it is hoped that up Parliament in the next couple of days. And announced that the Parliamentary Committee on the budget of 2014, which is headed by MP Magda al-Tamimi, they will finish preparing its own report on how to deal with the remaining months of the current year in the coming days. EXOGEN > BaNDiTo.RoX YES THE BUDGET WITH THE NEW RATE AND THE HCL WILL TAKE PLACE EXOGEN THE REASON THE HCL IS SO IMPORTANT IS IT MEANS THE KURDS ARE HAPPY oso_mama IMO I think it is ready and we will see it this month.. EXOGEN > oso_mama IF WE DO NOT SEE THIS IN THE COMING DAYS THERE IS SOMETHING VERY SINISTER AT PLAY. BlueEyedGoddess > EXOGEN Do you foresee anything else they could throw in there to cause delay? EXOGEN > BlueEyedGoddess THEY CAN MANUFACTURE DELAYS OUT OF THIN AIR, BUT AS FAR AS RIGHT NOW ITS SNOWING AGAIN. CAN THAT CHANGE BY THE END OF THE DAY YES, VERY EASILY. _______________________________ 07 - Millionday Tuesday Night News Part 1. 09/16/2014. [millionday] WELCOME EVERYONE -- BGG ALSO HAS A CALL THAT WILL BE READY FOR YOU AFTER NEWSTIME SO LOTS OF NEWS TONIGHT [millionday] OK HERE WE GO [millionday] Iraqi lawmakers say the countrys prime minister has made his decision on the remaining posts in his Cabinet, including the critical positions of interior minister and defense minister. Hussein al-Maliki and Hamad Saadoun, two lawmakers with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadis State of Law bloc, say the Iraqi premier will name Sunni lawmaker Jaber al-Jabberi as defense minister, and Riyad Ghareeb, a Shiite lawmaker with the State of Law bloc, as interior minister. ~~~ The lawmakers say that the selection of Ghareeb has been met with some contention, mostly from the Shiite Badr Brigade, but say that the decision is final. Parliament approved the majority of al-Abadis Cabinet on Sept. 8 and officially voted him in as the countrys prime minister. [millionday] SO NOW WE HAVE THE DECISION OF THE DEFENSE MINISTER AND INTERIOR – FINALLY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS SO NOW IT WILL BE FOR VOTE AND FINAL [millionday] HUGE HUGE PROGRESS FOR IRAQ SMILE BRB WITH MORE [ counselor.stratton] I read this report earlier on Fox News. Im confused since they plan to vote Thursday after not coming up with a vote today that was agreed on? [millionday] THE NAME HAS BEEN GIVEN BY ABADI AND THEN IT HAS TO VOTED THROUGH BY PARLIAMENT FOR IT TO BE OFFICIAL -- [millionday] THE MINISTER OF WATER RESOURCE WILL BE WITH IT OR SHOULD BE [mudder] Isnt there an article in the bloc that says theses two didnt make the cut??? [millionday] I DONT KNOW IF THERE IS HUN THIS IS JUST WHAT I HAVE BUT I HAVE MORE ON IT THAT WILL BE COMING THAT IS MORE RECENT AS WELL SO WE WILL SEE [millionday] LETS GET THROUGH ALL OF WHAT I HAVE AND THEN WE WILL KNOW [millionday] HERE WE GO [millionday] In line with the political and economic transformations in Iraq, and the development of the basic rules and the correct path for legislative reform, called Mokhtassan economic affairs higher authorities to support the initiative of legislative reform (insistence) urged ministries and other institutions to cooperate with this program in coordination with the legislative authority to proceed with the legislation of these laws basket and one, where they were to adopt the idea of an organizational structure for the project (insistence), who worked Review Iraqi laws issued since 90 years so far, and work on the trim and the abolition of laws that intersect with the stage of economic development that sought by the country. [ millionday] NOTE -- THEY WANT THE LAWS FOR THE ECONOMIC REFORM VOTED THROUGH IN ONE BASKET AND THE ONES THAT DONT GO WITH THE NEW IRAQ THROWN OUT millionday] updated policies former congressman Abdul Abbas Xiaa confirmed »Sabah» need to abide by the constitution in the reform of economic legislation, the according to the article (25) which states that: «The State shall ensure the reform of the Iraqi economy according to modern economic bases at both the legislative and executive ». so fired the previous government, according to Xiaa through the advisers and the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) initiative legislative reform (determination) to update policy, legal, regulatory and improve the framework tools legislative policy of the business environment and the abolition or update Iraqi legislation which is inconsistent with the practices Legal encouraging for the economy Alsoq.oadav: CONSTITUTION -- THE CONSTITUTION STATES THAT IRAQ LEADERS WILL BRING THE ECONOMY TO ITS MODERN FORM FOR THE CITIZENS AND THEIR FUTURE (IN SO MANY WORDS) [millionday] The Central Units (determination) has conducted an inventory and review of all legislative acts of the Iraqi state laws and regulations and instructions, regulations and rules and orders issued by the Iraqi authorities successive since 1917 up to 2012, which is determined approximately 26 000 legislation was where nearly 2600 legislation that directly affect the economic activities, noting that in September 2013 began (insistence) review process of legislation and through the organizational structure of the project where raised three ministries (municipalities, trade, and agriculture) and the secretariat of Baghdad, after a review by the sub-committees of these ministries, where they canceled the 100 pieces of legislation, the amendment 103, and keep the 121 legislation became ready in one basket. [millionday] NOTE -- THEY HAVE REVIEWED THE LAWS AND NOW HAVE THEM READY FOR A ONE BASKET VOTE [millionday] Development Gateway For his part, President of the assembly of the Iraqi industrial Abdul Hassan Shammari: The draft revision of the laws governing the work environment is one of the most important stages of economic construction, and represents the most important axes of investment promotion, which is the gate of development of the productive sectors and Alkhaddmah.ofatt in an interview for the morning that the decline in production and services caused by the intersection of the laws that limit the implementation of many projects, pointing to the need for the country to strategic projects and wide in all cities, as well as projects Linking international, noting that these projects need to be an attractive environment guarantor of capital and advanced technology with higher costs. [millionday] NOTE -- SO THEY ARE REMOVING THE LAWS THAT RETARD THE GROWTH OF IRAQ ECONOMICALLY TO BECOME AN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY --- THIS STRUCTURING HAS BEEN DONE AND REVIEWED WHICH OF COURSE IS GREAT NEWS [millionday] stressed Shammari on the importance of the continuing efforts of government and in cooperation with the private sector during the coming period to accelerate the streamlining of existing laws and the abolition of which does not fit the economic transition towards a market economy Open. modules ministerial in what is known Xiaa «project insistence» that organizational structure consists of leadership includes a number of advisers in the advisers to the Prime Ministers Office and the unity of the insistence of the central, and includes a number of competent economists and legal units and cabinet consists of a number of staff specialists working under the supervision of the minister, adding millionday] NOTE --- THERE ARE MANY SPECIALISTS THAT ARE WORKING ON THIS AND HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS [millionday] >>>>> to stakeholder groups, educational institutions, trade unions, professional associations and civil, as it puts the basic rules and the correct path of legislative reform which would shorten the time to complete the legislative system that are commensurate with the new shift to a market economy and the creation of legal frameworks friendly business environment. and expressed hope for cooperation and coordination between the executive and legislative powers to amend their internal systems and the exclusion of excess episodes in the course of legislative procedures of these laws as is the case in many countries that have turned their economies to market economies such as South Korea, Egypt, India, Mexico, China and other countries. [millionday] SO AS WE SEE THE PURPOSE WAS TO ENSURE THE GREATEST SPEED POSSIBLE TO GET THE REFORM DONE ECONOMICALLY SO THAT THE NEW IRAQ CAN EMERGE [ millionday] OK BRB WITH MORE [millionday] THIS IS GREAT -- THEY ARE PREPARED BRB [millionday] Chancellor banking Dr. Essam Mahouelle that cooperation between banks and the Central Bank in relation to anti-money laundering operations will lead to the elimination of obstacles to reduce and prevent criminals from escaping their money bleached. Between told (morning) the importance of international cooperation in track crime and criminals and the confiscation of their money within and outside the country and the exchange of experiences and information and joint training to combat money laundering operations. called to inform the public of this situation by exposing corruption and deviations administrative and verified by court orders and published in all media [millionday] NOTE -- THIS IS TRANSPARENCY FOR THE EXCHANGE AND THE RECOVERY OF ANY COUNTERFEITED CURRENCY OUTSIDE AND INSIDE THE COUNTRY [millionday] Stressing the need to set up a specialized department of the security forces to investigate and follow up on economic crime and money laundering and trace and follow the tactics of the seizure and referred to the specialized authorities in the fight against money laundering. said that the establishment of SAIs sophisticated financial transfers and transactions that arouse suspicions or related financial crimes are reported, and the issuance of laws especially the fight against money laundering would find economic environment clean and free of cases of money laundering. [millionday] NOTE -- THEY ARE GOING TO BE WATCHING VERY CLOSELY THE MOVE OF THE DINAR AND CHECKING TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE REAL AND REPORTING WHEN THEY ARE NOT WITH THE ORGANIZATION THEY HAVE SET UP HERE ----SAI [millionday] pointed to the need to develop educational curricula and cultural across various media to create a culture of calls to save public money in addition to giving the role of the ministries of culture, education, global education, science and technology to develop a curriculum for each stage to meet Culture safeguard public funds and reduce the spirit of selfishness and individual Highness Spirit collective. pointed Mahouelle that the reduction of smuggling the money the process of serving the national economy through maintaining the turnover of capital at home, including generates appropriate opportunities for work and infrastructure development, as well as to achieve this also contributes in Iraq to get a good reputation in the field of combating money laundering and activating the supervisory role on the movement of cash inflows and outflows from him both. [millionday] SO THEY WILL CONTINUE TO WATCH IN ALL DEPARTMENTS TO TRY TO GET A HANDLE ON THE PROBLEM AS IT IS RECOVERED TO IRAQ AND WITHIN IRAQ [millionday] BRB -- HOLD ON PLEASE [millionday] LET S LOOK AT THIS -- IT IS LONG BUT VERY TELLING [millionday] MINISTER OF PLANNING ON THE ECONOMY [millionday] Fatlawi counting official spokesman of the Ministry of Planning, the phenomenon of economic exposure of the problem suffered by the Iraqi economy due to lower contribution rate other commodity sectors in generating GDP, pointing out that the percentage of its contribution estimated at 16.5 percent, while estimates of the distributional activities by 10.6 percent and the activities of the service increased by 29.8 percent, the proportion of their contribution to a combined 57 percent. defines economic exposure as the countrys dependence on financial resource and a single. expert said Abdul Zahra al-Hindawi, the morning: that the ministry and through the National Development Plan seeks to address this problem and rid the economy of monounsaturated [millionday] NOTE -- THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT THE EXPANSION OF OTHER FACTORS IN THE GDP OTHER THAN OIL [millionday] suffered by adopting the 95 percent oil and reflected negatively on the sources of funding and thus the emergence of the phenomenon of economic exposure noting the importance of activating other sectors, sectors such as agricultural, industrial and tourism sector, which could be a dolly to the oil sector, he said. Hindawi pointed out that the private sector Despite the approach of strategic demands to strengthen its role, but the percentage of its contribution to fixed capital formation did not exceed 6.4 percent, which made him unable to lay the foundations for a market economy coherent generates safety for long-term growth accompanied by widening the scope of the informal economy in the economic arena [millionday] attributing the cause to several factors, including internal and external pointing out that these factors lead to distortions in the path of macro and sectoral policies. also pointed to the limited developmental role of the banking system despite the efforts of structural reform to improve efficiency and support the relevance of financial pointing out that the proportion of cash credit granted does not constitute only 5.9 percent of GDP. regard to the structure of public spending between Hindawi said operating expenses constitute 68.3 percent of the total public spending at the expense of investment expenditure that amounted to 31.7 percent as well as it is still workers compensation and pensions make up 50 percent of the Total operating expenses and [millionday] NOTE -- THE OVERHEAD IS VERY HIGH FOR INDUSTRY WITH WORKMANS COMP ECT -- THEY HAVE TO EXPAND THE MARKET TO MORE INDUSTRIES AND MARKETS WHICH WILL COME WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR HAVING FREEDOM TO EXPAND [millionday] make up 34.3 percent of the total public spending, indicating that it is higher than the proportion of investment expenditure. seal Hindawi his reference to traditional labor market Iraqi What made it a market is processions international developments and unresponsive to display quantitative growing labor force in terms of high rates of unemployment among graduates in the absence of an active employment policy and the role of the private sector is fragile despite efforts in the development of the institutional framework. [millionday] AS OF RIGHT NOW THE LABOR MARKET WILL REMAIN LOW WITHOUT THE EXPANSION OF OTHER MARKETS -- THE OIL INDUSTRY IS LARGE BY PROPORTION --- SO THE EXPANSION MAY LIE WITH INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT BUT IS VERY FRAGILE AS THEY PUT IT HERE AND HAS TO EXPAND FAST IN ORDER FOR IRAQ TO GROW EQUALLY IN ALL MARKETS – THE PRIVATE SECTOR WAS ENOUGH FOR THEM TO LIVE AND WORK AND IT WILL BE AGAIN -- [millionday] THE WORRY IS FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING -- IT WILL TAKJE A WHILE TO RETURN -- THE IS NORMAL IMO [Bookumdano] Just curious Is there any way to find out how much dinar was sold to all of the dinar dealers in the US and other countries? Just for Note count reasons. [millionday] IT IS IN STATS ON CBI OUTSIDE THE COUNTRY STATS [Bookumdano] Thanks I will look [millionday] YW ALL THE TIME BRB WITH MORE _______________________________ 08 - Millionday Tuesday Night News Part 2. 09/16/2014. [millionday] HERE WE GO -- SOME POLITICAL AGREEMENTS [millionday] Sabah Council of Ministers adopted at its second, yesterday, a number of decisions, including the preparation and adoption of the rules of procedure and to resolve differences on a link independent bodies, with failed all of Jaber al-Jabri and Riad Ghraib, Ali al-Adeeb, in possession of the confidence of Parliament to fill the bags Defense and internal and Tourism and Antiquities, while enabling Mohsen al-Shammari of getting the confidence of Parliament for the position and Resources Minister Almaúah.ohnaakec Council of Ministers, ~~~ according to a press statement received «morning» the remaining paragraphs of implementation procedures and document the political agreement between the political blocs, and agreed to secure the necessary funds to ensure the smooth flow of saving oil derivatives. [millionday] NOTE -- RESOURCE MINISTER -- MOHSEN AL-SHAMMARI [millionday] AND FUNDING IT LOOKS LIKE [millionday] the other hand, stressed the deputies of the National Alliance, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi did not return to the coalition parties in his choice of Riad Ghraib, pointing out that the latter was a candidate block call while supposed to be the job of entitlement block Badr according to the points, and that this led to failure to get candidates on the confidence of Parliament from his side threw the Union of Forces ball in resolving the interior and defense portfolios stadium of the National Alliance, stressing that they have made a candidate compatible him as he Jaber al-Jabri, but the difference Alliance about their candidate prevented Neil, one of confidence. due to hold a meeting this evening the Political Commission of the National Alliance for the final agreement on the candidates for security ministries, according to the announcement spokesman for the Alliance Ahmed Gamal [millionday] NOTE -- THIS MEANS TOMORROW THE MEETING TO FINISH THE SECURITY MINISTERS [millionday] NOTE -- TERRIBLE TRANSLATION [millionday] extensive details Baghdad, Omar Abdel-Latif - Shaima Rashid failed to 3 candidates submit their Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi for occupancy bags and ministries of interior, defense and Tourism and Antiquities in gain the confidence of the members of the House of Representatives, while the Council voted to take Mohsen al-Shammari of the Liberal bloc Resources Ministry Almaúah.oukd Representatives differed in loading the reason for this failure to a specific destination, while carrying the Union of Forces National Alliance responsibility for this failure, attributed the lack of success of the last session to vote on security minister not to return Abadi in the selection of its candidate for the Ministry of Interior to the coalition parties [millionday] NOTE -- THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE DID NOT AGREE WITH THE NAMES [millionday] Member of Parliament for the Union of National Forces Mohammad Nouri Al-Rabbo, refer the failure Jaber al-Jabri candidate, the Union of Forces for the Defense Ministry and Riad Ghraib National Alliance candidate for the interior to get enough votes to take up their posts in ministries, to the intensification of the dispute in the National Alliance because of the candidate and the Ministry Aldakhalah.oadhav in a statement the morning, said the Union of Forces asked to vote on a candidate and the Ministry of Defense and throughout the candidate of the Ministry of Interior, while the agreement between the parties of the coalition, but the Congress coalition refused to do so and spoke on condition of voting them in a single session. [millionday] NOTE -- THEY HAVE NOT VOTED THEM THROUGH YET [millionday] hinted slave Rabbo said the Union of Forces will present the candidates name Jaber al-Jabri for a vote, hoping to be in session tomorrow Alkhamis.omen scheduled to hold a meeting this evening of the Political Commission of the National Alliance for the final agreement on the candidates for security ministries, according to the announcement official spokesman mainstream Ahmed Gamal. Furthermore, attributed the MP for the mass citizen Salim Shawki not to vote on the candidates and the defense and interior ministries not to return Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to the National Alliance in the selection of the candidate and the Interior Ministry, saying that the position of entitlement to a block of Badr by points, either comes the Prime Minister to put forward a candidate without an agreement with the parties to the National Alliance, this issue is incorrect. [millionday] NOTE -- THE ISSUE OF BADR HAVING THE CANDIDATE RIGHTS IS NOT TRUE AND THEY ARE PLANNING ON VOTING THROUGH THESE POSITIONS TOMORROW [millionday] He said that the split happened in the National Alliance inside the dome of the parliament, which led to the failure to get the candidate of the Ministry of the Interior enough votes. and expectations subtracting Another candidate for the Ministry of the Interior during the coming sessions, hinted Shawki that if there was cooperation by the prime minister with the outskirts of the National Alliance, the other and according to the system of the political majority then it will be to reach an agreement on the candidate and the Interior Ministry, noting that Riad Ghraib was a candidate of the mass of the call did not involve other parties in Achtaarh.orvd Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi determine the duration of the provision of the candidates and the Ministries of Defense and Interior to Barlman.mn the other hand, said the leader of the Bloc citizen Fadi Al-Shammari said the National Alliance has not been decided until today its candidate for the post of interior minister, [millionday] NOTE -- SO TODAY OR TOMORROW THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE HAS DECIDED ON WHO THEY WANT FOR THE VOTE FOR INTERIOR MINISTER -- HUGE COMPARED TO THE YEARS WE HAVE WAITED FOR THE POSITION [millionday] There are some differences in the destinations within the National Alliance on around them, noting that the delay in the nomination day or two better than to rush in choosing a personal may cause a rift in relations. added, we must delay the selection of a mutually agreed and not put personal without being National Alliance role to embrace this character that will be compatible them, noting that put Prime Minister figure within the National Alliance may not get consensus within the House of Representatives for a vote of confidence and this may cause a rift within the National Alliance in the future. [millionday] NOTE -- THE PRIME MINISTER IS TRYING TO MAKE EVERYONE HAPPY SO THAT HE MAY BE ABLE TO WORK WITH ALL PARTIES WITH SO MUCH NEEDING DONE – THEY HAVE AGREED ON SOME OF THE NAMES HE HAS SO THAT WOULD BE THE BEST ROUTE TO TAKE SO THEY CAN WORK TOGETHER AND ALL FEEL AS THOUGH THEY ARE HEARD [millionday] and Al-Shammari said that the Prime Minister was given enough space in the selection of characters is able to deal with them directly and acceptable to the alliance, noting that the coalition sees in some of the characters its tough Altaaml.orf Speaker of the House next meeting to tomorrow, Thursday after he saw the 14th meeting, which was held yesterday under the chairmanship of Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, and the presence of 251 deputies, the constitutional oath to Ministers Higher Education and Scientific Research, Hussain al-Shahristani and Human Rights Muhammad Mahdi al-Bayati and seven deputies are Saadoun al-Dulaimi and Hassan Shammari and Azzedine State and Ali Shukri, who were ministers during the previous session in addition to the Mishan al-Jubouri and full-Zaidi and Hasan al. [millionday] SO AS WE SEE -- THURSDAY WILL SHOW THE MEETING OF SELECTION OF THESE MINISTERS AND THEY ARE EXPECTED TO USE PAST MINISTERS THAT HAVE BEEN IN RELATIONS OF ALL THAT ARE PART OF THE GOVERNMENT NOW AND THEY ARE EXPECTED TO BE THE BEST CHOICES WITH SO MUCH AT HAND [millionday] SO THURSDAY WE WILL SEE A MEETING WITH PARLIAMENT AND SHOULD SHOW A VOTE OF THE MINISTERS LEFT TO PLACE -- WE WILL WATCH AND SEE WHAT COMES OF IT [millionday] AS YOU CAN IMAGINE THE NEWS IS FULL OF SECURITY AND ATTACKS WITH ALL OF THE FORCES THERE AND ACTIVE Road_Kill] Did they open the budget today? Amy news about the budget? I might have missed it [millionday] NOT YET [millionday] THE BUDGET HAS NOT BEEN OPENED YET BY WHAT I HAVE IT IS TO OPEN OCT 1ST [millionday] Confirmed the outskirts of parliamentary, on Sunday, the need Appl Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in the economic side of it supports the approach to a free economy and aspects of agricultural, commercial and industrial, As shown that there are obstacles stand in front of the application of the government program in this regard, including the need to finance large fiscal and structuring economic laws, an economist described the economic program as a good and different from the programs of previous governments. [millionday] NOTE -- THE PROGRAM IS NOT PERFECT BUT THEY WANT TO MOVE FORWARD ANYWAY AND WORK WITH IT IN THE FUTURE FOR ANY CHANGES [millionday] NOTE -- WE WANT THIS LAUNCHED [millionday] He added in an interview with al-Mutlaq (range Press), The implementation of this program and its success should be walking with other things, including the peaceful social side that is to make it work according to the steps, the first of cooperation between the political forces and the community. He said al-Mutlaq, our optimism in the possibility of its application in the event accompanied by important steps, and we can take a step forward if there is an honest and good intentions, even if they are not required, but a start in the right way. On the other hand, said economic expert on behalf Antoine, said that this government is better than previous governments which had its lack of economic vision and aspirations of the Iraqi economy, therefore, remained the economy chugging along at random, it is not economical socialist or free market economy, but now the program put forward by Abadi good . [millionday] NOTE -- THE ECONOMISTS LIKE THIS PROGRAM BY ABADI AND DIDNT OF COURSE LIKE THE PROGRAM BY THE PAST GOV He continued Antoine, said that the citizen has big ambitions in the field of services, and has been waiting for years to be realized ambitions, in addition to the possibility of providing work has also refers to the Article 30 of the Constitution of job creation and other, as the failure to give a special role for the private sector previously, form a major imbalance in the economic side. [millionday] NOTE -- AT LEAST THIS PLAN PROVIDES JOBS AND IS CONSTITUTIONAL AND FOR THE PEOPLE -- IT IS TIME TO LAUNCH THE ECONOMIC PROGRAM AND MOVE FORWARD [millionday] NOTE -- THE PROGRAM IS DONE AND READY WHICH IS GREAT NEWS AND THEY ARE SAYING THAT JOBS WILL COME FROM ITS ACTIVATION -- TOURISM AND INDUSTRY WILL GROW WITH THEIR RETURN TO THE GLOBE NATURALLY [millionday] NOTE -- REMEMBER I SAID THAT THE PROGRAMS FOR THE GOVERNMENT INCLUDED THE ECONOMIC REFORMS AS WELL [millionday] The House voted, in 09/08/2014, the majority on the government program for the government of Prime Minister-designate Haider al-Abadi, who has focused most of its paragraphs in the development of the economic side of the country, and to improve services and open the way for the work of the private sector. He was senior vice president of the National Alliance stressed in, 09/09/2014, that the new prime minister, Haydar al-Abadi, would reconsider the decisions and appointments made by his predecessor, Nuri al-Maliki, in another of his term, noting that this includes the provision of figures that are set in the late days the previous government to parliament for a vote of confidence, and subdue important decisions to debate. And the granting of Iraqi Council of Representatives, on Monday, (September 8, 2014), the new government in Iraq, headed by Haidar al-Abbadi Under conflict-led government backed by American air cover in fighting al (Daash), in the northern and western regions of Iraq. millionday] SO AS WE SEE -- THE ECONOMIC SIDE IS IN THE GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS SO ITS TIME TO ISSUE ALL REFORMS AND MOVE FORWARD [millionday] SO WE SEE THAT THURSDAY SHOULD SHOW THE LAST OF THE MINISTERS BUT KNOW THEY ARE CONSIDERED COMPLETE WITH PROXY MINSTERIES -- SO NOT A HOLD ON THE MOVEMENT OF IRAQ -- [millionday] THE NEWS OF THE MINISTERS BEING DONE FOR INTERIOR AND SECURITY IS NOT TRUE -- THEY ARE BEING DISCUSSED FOR VOTE HOWEVER [millionday] WE HAVE NO MORE TO BRING YOU OTHER THAN FIGHTING SO WE WILL SEE YOU TOMORROW AND ROUNDTABLE IS CANCELLED FOR TOMORROW [millionday] I HAVE AN APPOINTMENT AND WILL NOT BE HERE FOR ROUNDTABLE TOMORROW. _______________________________ 09 - Bits and Pieces Late Tuesday Night. 09/16/2014. Dinar Updates: Poppy3 the ministers are ready all but one at this place in time. As for any delay it is yet to be seen. If postponed yes it could delay a rate from showing on wed. as expected but still possible announcement at anytime because the seating is a fore gone conclusion at this point. I am still optimistic for this week. THE NEWS IS SOLID AND POSITIVE. AS I UNDERSTAND ONE OF THE PROPOSED MINISTERS IS ACTUALLY TRYING TO BALK AT ACCEPTING THE POSITION AND NOT BEING VOTED AGAINST AND AGAIN THIS SAYS THEY WILL GET THE SEATING DONE SO THE RATE CAN STILL HAPPEN AT A MOMENTS NOTICE. ********** BGG Article quote: The Parliament session was postponed to next Thursday, while the National Alliance meetings will be held to reach consensus on the candidate of the Interior Minister to be voted next Thursday after agreeing on a candidate. ... Parliament rejected the two candidates Abadi had put forth...they did vote - the two put forth did not get enough votes (as understand it)...so I guess there wont be an announcement late Tues / early Wed. after all. [do they need the 2 ministers positions filled for the RV to happen?] I do not think so - however, as I have been saying...I suspect their focus is elsewhere for the moment. ************************* TNT: Berylhere: WF Bank Story 9-16-14: My dear friend and her husband went to Wells Fargo today to open their accounts for the Dinar Exchange. While her and her husband were talking to their Account Representative, SHE (the Rep) ASKED THEM if they also had some Dong. They never expected that and they were very surprised. This is a small branch of WF! ********** Janie: As a tidbit, when I opened my Wells acct last november (!!!) - at a small branch - the guy at the bank knew all about this and was full of questions about what I thought I wanted to do to invest it..... So the knowledge has been in the Wells Fargo system for a long time..... AND he wasnt on the wealth side, he was assistant branch manager - kind of low-level. At the time he said he had five customers who were doing the same thing. Sometimes the small branches are a surprise. *********** rock1941 -16-2014 tman23 They are preparing to RV...that is for certain...And I was told...The current CBI auctions are dealing with Banks in Basra... The reason for the low auctions numbers in the past was they where dealing with banks in smaller areas…They have been pulling from sectors... Basra is a boom area and it would make sense they would be the final step in pulling IQD from the markets.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 01:28:57 +0000

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