Random Rant: Okay Agents of SHIELD... I need you to be good - TopicsExpress


Random Rant: Okay Agents of SHIELD... I need you to be good tonight and redeem yourself a bit. I grant you "Pilot" and "Origin Story" immunity for one episode, but it was a weak start. You gotta pull it together and below is a list of what I want. #1: Introduce the over acrhing villain or at the very least give more insight into them. You dropped the ball big time with just forgetting the doctor, but making it such a big scene. You even painted the Rising Tide in the very beginning as something and then that was a plot point for another character... you gotta give something and not be a villain of the week show. #2: Your characters are a bit too flooded and fall into too many TV tropes. You gotta reign a few things back here. Suggestions: Make the wise mouth Hawkeye knock off a bit more intelligent and less like a lucky skilled idiot. Take the "hesitant pilot" you have and actually keep her out of combat until later and make her a Hell of a bad ass or at least go more into the why rather than just know she is and boom she attacks someone. The doctors are cool, but back off on the speaking over each other thing a bit. The hacker needs to be her own sideline character and not the "introduction" character we learn SHIELD through (it is just over done). These characters are not bad per say, but were handled poorly. #3: Coulson not being Coulson or something should have been a later plot point... you did not hide this casually it was right up front and then fully ignored so you need to do something with it. Give it a hint, make it his mission to find out or something similar. This is not a bad thing just something you need to work with more. #4: No more weird ass back to the Future flying car things at the end for no damn reason. That was just un-needed. Also while on the un-needed path; no more Disney references. I get it; they own ABC and Marvel hahahaha. Now really stop cause too many things Disney owns keeps having references in it. I know we should all hail and bow to our mouse overlord, but I am just a rebel in wanting to not question why an animorphic rodent living in a world of humans somehow does not confuse people and he owns a dog, but his best bud is a dog. Just not needed so let it go. You guys have good promise and there could really be something here, but you gotta work on it. Do not treat the characters like any other TV show where i can tell you plot points years down the road already and it is a family show, but a bit less comedy and a bit more thrills would be nice. Thanks.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 19:54:55 +0000

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