Reasons to be cheerful: Part One Last week, I decided to take - TopicsExpress


Reasons to be cheerful: Part One Last week, I decided to take each and every houseplant outside and allow it to readjust a little bit, while serious watering them so get them adjusted to their newly acclimated surroundings. It can get hot out there, but I put them under awnings. Why would I do this? Because, after Sheena, and what always seems like so much dwindling around me, as in life, and deterioration of health in some form. I need to surround myself with myself. I’m trying every day to be happy and healthy, and it is not always a success. I can tend to be a huge failure in these areas being such an emotional person. I love raw, whole and organic foods but I eat everything else a little bit too. I have not always been so good to myself physically and have injuries and health issues that rear their ugly little heads too, but I have learned to keep on top of it all and am in the process, always a process, ( twenty plus years maybe?) of tackling these things one by one. So, what makes me happy is that I need to stay in touch with life. Live my life? Yup. I do! I do it early and often :) It’s a pretty simple world I roam around in, and sometimes lonesome, especially now, without my pupadoodle companion, but, I will find my way. I always have and always will. New life it is then, as in, splitting and transplanting my house plants. This morning I went out and planned to water, them, take a walk on the beach, and come back and finish up my week long project. I decided to wait on the walk, (since it was downright chilly) opting for a little yoga and, since everyone in earshot must have slept in after the pre kabooming late into the night yesterday, I decided it was perfectly quiet and still to sit in mediation on the deck enjoying the bird’s songs. Mermaid thermometer read 75 but the humidity is very low and winds are cool and soft.I asked for something nice this weekend, and, it seems I’ve got it! My tolerance for heat only brings me patiently until July fourth (then I long for fall, and it is a looooonnggg wait for fall, here in Florida). I still managed my shower, and buttered up with coconut thereafter, but it was still a bit nippy, lol. I love to shower outdoors and while I don’t have hot water out there, the water’s warm from the ground for the first few minutes. This allows me to adjust and get my hair and entire body wet and comfortable before the water grows colder. Granted, after a hot and sandy day at the beach, it rules out there. I remove sand from my person outside whenever I can, I have enough sand, rust and dog hair in my house as it is, but don’t mind it really. Actually these are parts of my life that make me happy, feel normal and cheerful to know my life and world are alive and just as I want it. Reasons to be cheerful today: My plants, showering outdoors, life at the beach, bike rides, birdie tweets, morning and moonlight yoga, tropical storms and always being able to ride topless in my trustee convertible when I have to stray a longer distance. So, if you struggle like me, heres some tips I can share as a guideline or, if you just suffer from overstimulation and just feel you need to chase that dragon and are never quit satisfied, try my life awhile. it’s nothing exciting but, it’s pretty satisfying when I allow it to be. Wake up early Eat Healthy Drink 2-3 litres water Move and groove every day, just even for a half hour Make time for what makes you happy, and find out what that is. The little things, as you can see, can really help you to carry on. Peace, Love and Fireflies tonight, Elizabeth xox
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 13:16:59 +0000

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