Recently I listened to a talk show host. A self admitted lover of - TopicsExpress


Recently I listened to a talk show host. A self admitted lover of the county he lives in, he admits that that he buys gasoline in in a different county. It must be more expensive to buy gasoline in the county he loves. And where does this talk show host create his talk show every day? Not in the county he loves. In this day and age, this talk show host should be able to broadcast statewide or maybe even, world wide, but he chooses to broadcast out of the city that wants to flood and destroy property and property values in county he loves. The talk show host likes to talk about those days spent in college. What was his field of study and what degree was received? The talk show host talks about his religion, but, does anybody know what religion this talk show host really is? Of course it really doesnt matter, but does this talk show host really have a ministers license and has this talk show host performed weddings in the past? Could the story be wild enough that he is he really a member of the same church as Abbie Hoffman? You know the guy that wrote books on how to overthrow the government and make bombs? From what I understand you cant be an online minister and also be Roman Catholic. A sample of a Wikipedia page: On February 18, 2008, (talk show host) announced on his radio program that he would not be a candidate for re-election in 2008 due to Federal Communications Commission rules regarding equal-time for candidates of the opposite party. Wouldnt giving equal-time for candidates of the opposite party make for a good talk show? Wouldnt it be great to have different views and talk about issues from that perspective? Is that really a reason not to run? I thought you ran for office so you could serve the public. A sample Wikipedia page also states that (talk show host) was later being replaced by, Ed Schultz. Now that has got to leave a mark. This past week, talk show host actually lowered himself to be on the Ed Schultz show. Isnt Ed Shultz the person who is just downright despicable? Is he the one that makes other people want to take a shower? In my view, this talk show host is a hired assassin of anyone who does not tow the his or his partys agenda. National Enquirer. Could any of the previous statements be true or is this all a lark? I am not sure.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 04:13:19 +0000

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