Recently, a group of 120 prominent Muslim religious scholars - TopicsExpress


Recently, a group of 120 prominent Muslim religious scholars released an 18-page open letter to Daesh telling them that they have Islam all wrong. While I praise these scholars for their meticulous efforts to point out all the hypocrisy and utter malarkey these Daesh-bags are using to justify their atrocities, I’m afraid that they’ve forgotten just who their audience are: the answer I expect from Daesh is “TL, DR (aka, Too Long, Didn’t Read). To borrow from the Book of Matthew, the scholars are “casting pearls before swine.” In fact, comparing Daesh to swine is an insult to pigs. Well, Ive got an open letter of my own for Daesh. Let’s get real: your doctrine was not handed down by the Lord of the Universe. It was handed down by the Lord of the Flies. You don’t care about spiritual glory – you care about glorifying your egos by indulging in indiscriminate rape and murder like petty tyrants have throughout history. You don’t do this because of the Koran – you do this because YOU CAN. We know that you were all pathetic losers in your home countries, and you saw jihad as an opportunity to feel like a big shot. Well, how does it feel? How does it feel to be reviled as rapists, slavers and murderers the world over? How does it feel to become a monster in the eyes of the people of the world? How does it feel to know that history will list you with the likes of Pol Pot and Hitler? How does it feel to know that in every place of civilization and justice on this planet, you can expect only to be hunted down like filthy rats? Because that’s exactly what’s happening… and the places that welcome you won’t be havens for long. Daesh, you and your supporters are no longer welcome on this planet. We have no room for murderers, rapists, and slavers here. We DONT have to tolerate you. We DON’T have to share with you. And we CERTAINLY dont have to respect you. I spit on you and everything you stand for. Eat a bag of dicks in Hell, you monsters.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:17:26 +0000

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