Relax! Just a coupla moments and we are all home free. Michelle - TopicsExpress


Relax! Just a coupla moments and we are all home free. Michelle said, glancing up from the tangle of wires and sparks her hands were dancing with. As she looked at them, a few stifling the panic better than the others, she asked in the same sweet, teasing tones that I recognized from drastically different circumstances Do ya know why Im sure well be okay? Vince looked, almost involuntarily, at the flames steadily encroaching on the room and the smoke streaming wildly across the ceiling like the time-lapse of a storm in one of those nature shows. No. how do you know? He asked. Trying, almost successfully, to sound casual. Because Id much rather we werent ...and you know my luck. She smiled. And for a moment the roar of the collapsing building, the smells, the pain in my legs, the cuts and soot smears on her face all receded into a dull, background buzz and looking into her eyes I believed. Vince laughed, it was strained, on the edge of hysterical but most of the others choked out a snort or chuckle as well. The tension broke, just a little, but that was all they needed. These were hard boys and if a door that led to survival opened, even a crack, these Gs would smash it wide and step through. Looking at Vince and the crew I thought She might just pull this off but following it came the overwhelming feeling that it didnt really matter to me. All of that was, for one brilliant moment, mine and now live or die my life is over.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 22:00:50 +0000

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