Remember the first time Karson and Lacey met? - TopicsExpress


Remember the first time Karson and Lacey met? #tangledinthelaces #lacesandlace #nov24 “Hey, that’s mine—” she said, stopping when her eyes met Karson’s. His eyes bored into hers as he popped the top with ease, handing it back to her. “Here you go.” “Thank you,” she said, taking the bottle, her eyes still held by his. She didn’t know what to say, didn’t know what to do, so she just drank in the sight of him. He was wearing fitted blue jeans and a Cats tee which hugged every inch of him. She could see that the definition of his chest and his arms was just scrumptious. He was so big, so burly, that she just wanted to get lost in his arms and never leave. Jesus, he was hot. His hair fell into his caramel eyes as his mouth curved up into a devilish grin. Soon, she found herself lost in his eyes, grinning like a fool, but then she remembered that she was supposed to stay far, far away from Karson King. Taking a step back, she muttered, “Well, thanks again. Bye.” Just as fast as she tried to get away, Karson’s arms shot out, holding the counter to stop her. Looking from his arm to his eyes, she knew that she could push through and be gone, but she wasn’t going anywhere. She couldn’t, not with how she was locked into his playful gaze.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:04:24 +0000

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