Requirements for Attending to Vulture’s Peak Assembly November - TopicsExpress


Requirements for Attending to Vulture’s Peak Assembly November 9th, 2011 Osifu 7:03:06 Osifu說過,如果去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,去前什麼樣回來後還是什麼樣,那就不必去了,名額很珍貴。 Osifu has said that the quota for the pilgrimage to Buddha Shakyamuni Holy Lands in India is so precious. It is unnecessary for those who return from the journey but still the same person as before to go for pilgrimage. 什麼意思呢? What does that mean? 如果去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,去前每天忙於家務回來後還是每天忙於家務,那就不必去了,名額很珍貴,把名額讓給有願心的人。 It is unnecessary for those who would still be busy with housework every day as before the journey to make the pilgrimage to Buddha Shakyamuni Holy Lands in India. The quota is so precious that it should be reserved for those who have resolve for Bodhi. 如果去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,去前每天忙於掙錢回來後還是每天忙於掙錢,那就不必去了,名額很珍貴,把名額讓給有願心的人。 It is unnecessary for those who would still be engaged in earning money every day as before the journeyto make the pilgrimage to Buddha Shakyamuni Holy Lands in India. The quota is so precious that it should be reserved for those who have resolve for Bodhi. 如果去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,去前每天忙於名利回來後還是每天忙於名利,那就不必去了,名額很珍貴,把名額讓給有願心的人。 It is unnecessary for those who would still be busy with fame and profits every day as before the journeyto make the pilgrimage to Buddha Shakyamuni Holy Lands in India. The quota is so precious that it should be reserved for those who have resolve for Bodhi. 如果去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,去前每天忙於家庭回來後還是每天忙於家庭,那就不必去了,名額很珍貴,把名額讓給有願心的人。 It is unnecessary for those who would still be busy with family stuff every day as before the journey to make the pilgrimage to Buddha Shakyamuni Holy Lands in India. The quota is so precious that it should be reserved for those who have resolve for Bodhi. 如果去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,去前每天忙於自利回來後還是每天忙於自利,那就不必去了,名額很珍貴,把名額讓給有願心的人。 It is unnecessary for those who would still be busy with selfishness every day as before the journeyto make the pilgrimage to Buddha Shakyamuni Holy Lands in India. The quota is so precious that it should be reserved for those who have resolve for Bodhi. 如果去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,去前每天忙於造惡業回來後還是每天忙於造惡業,那就不必去了,名額很珍貴,把名額讓給有願心的人。 It is no necessary for those who would still be busy with doing evil deeds every day as before the journeyto make the pilgrimage to Buddha Shakyamuni Holy Lands in India. The quota is so precious that it should be reserved for those who have resolve for Bodhi. 去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,密意很多,Osifu曾經做過開示。 There are many esoteric meanings for the pilgrimage to Buddha Shakyamuni Holy Lands in India, and Osifu disclosed that. 但如果去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你沒有任何淨化,那真的很沒必要前去。 It is really unnecessary for you to make the pilgrimage to Buddha Shakyamuni Holy Lands in India if you don’t have any purification after the journey. 但如果去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你沒有任何調整,那真的很沒必要前去。 It is really unnecessary for you to make the pilgrimage to Buddha Shakyamuni Holy Lands in India if you don’t have any adjustment after the journey. 但如果去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你沒有任何升華,那真的很沒必要前去。 It is really unnecessary for you to make the pilgrimage to Buddha Shakyamuni Holy Lands in India if you don’t have any sublimation after the journey. 但如果去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你沒有任何提升,那真的很沒必要前去。 It is really unnecessary for you to make the pilgrimage to Buddha Shakyamuni Holy Lands in India if you don’t have any ascension after the journey. 去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你應該更好地、更加積極主動地、更加勇猛精進地斷惡修善。 After the pilgrimage, you should forsake cutting off all evils and cultivate all goodness more actively and more industriously. 去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你應該更好地、更加積極主動地、更加勇猛精進地淨心念佛。 After the pilgrimage, you should purify your mind and chant the name of the Buddha more actively and more industriously. 去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你應該更好地、更加積極主動地、更加勇猛精進地誦經持咒。 After the pilgrimage, you should recite sutras and uphold mantras more actively and more industriously. 去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你應該更好地、更加積極主動地、更加勇猛精進地布施持戒。 After the pilgrimage, you should practice giving and observe precepts more actively and more industriously. 去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你應該更好地、更加積極主動地、更加勇猛精進地忍辱精進。 After the pilgrimage, you should practice patience and diligence more actively and more industriously. 去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你應該更好地、更加積極主動地、更加勇猛精進地禪定般若。 After the pilgrimage, you should practice meditation Samadhi and wisdom more actively and more industriously. 去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你應該更好地、更加積極主動地、更加勇猛精進地行菩薩道。 After the pilgrimage, you should practice in the manner of Bodhisattvas more actively and more industriously. 去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你應該更好地、更加積極主動地、更加勇猛精進地擔綱使命。 After the pilgrimage, you should undertake missions more actively and more industriously. 去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你應該更好地、更加積極主動地、更加勇猛精進地造福蒼生。 After the pilgrimage, you should bring bliss to all under heaven more actively and more industriously. 去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你應該更好地、更加積極主動地、更加勇猛精進地普濟億靈。 After the pilgrimage, you should rescue all living beings more actively and more industriously. 去印度釋迦牟尼佛聖地朝聖禮佛,回來後你應該更好地、更加積極主動地、更加勇猛精進地救人度人。 After the pilgrimage, you should save and rescue people more actively and more industriously. 若不如此,豈不是白去了? Wasn’t it meaningless to make this pilgrimage if it would not be so? 白去了,還不如不去。 You might as well not go there if it is meaningless. 有人問,去印度靈山赴會有什麼要求嗎? Someone asked: what are the requirements for attending Vulture’s Peak Assembly in India? Osifu回答一個字:心 Osifu replied in one word: mind. 什麼心呢? What kind of mind? 對方不再去問,Osifu也沒有必要繼續深入開示。 He did not ask, so it is unnecessary to continue and deepen the discourse. 什麼心呢?菩提心! What kind of mind? Bodhimind! 什麼心呢?菩薩心! What kind of mind? Bodhisattva resolve! 什麼心呢?如來心! What kind of mind? Tathagata resolve! 什麼心呢?大乘心! What kind of mind? Mahayana mind! 什麼心呢?清淨心! What kind of mind? Pure mind! 什麼心呢?無我心! What kind of mind? Egoless mind! 什麼心呢?無欲心! What kind of mind? Desireless mind! 什麼心呢?無為心! What kind of mind? Unconditioned mind! 什麼心呢?無諍心! What kind of mind? Non-quarrel mind! 什麼心呢?平等心! What kind of mind? Equal mind! 什麼心呢?正覺心! What kind of mind? Proper enlightened mind! 什麼心呢?妙明心! What kind of mind? Profoundly enlightened mind! 什麼心呢?奉獻心! What kind of mind? Dedicated mind! 什麼心呢?光明心! What kind of mind? Bright mind! 什麼心呢?無住心! What kind of mind? Detached mind! 什麼心呢?如如心! What kind of mind? Firm mind! 什麼心呢?不動心! What kind of mind? Unmoved mind! 什麼心呢?本來心! What kind of mind? Original mind! 什麼心呢?金剛心! What kind of mind? Vajra mind! 什麼心呢?涅槃心! What kind of mind? Nirvana mind! 心心指歸! Minds direct returning! 心心相印! Minds meet each other! 心心相應! Minds telepathize each other! 心心不二! Minds are non-dual! 心心圓融! Minds are harmonious! 心心圓通! Minds are perfectly integrated! 如果每一天我們都是老樣子,那真的很悲哀。 It would be so sad if we still remain the same as usual every day. 如果每一天我們都是老習氣,那真的很悲哀。 It would be so sad if we still have the old bad habits every day. 如果每一天我們都是老毛病,那真的很悲哀。 It would be so sad if we still have the old faults every day. 如果每一天我們都是老缺點,那真的很悲哀。 It would be so sad if we still have the old weaknesses every day. 如果每一天我們都是老錯誤,那真的很悲哀。 It would be so sad if we still have the old mistakes every day. 如果每一天我們都是老問題,那真的很悲哀。 It would be so sad if we still have the old problems every day. 修心修行修煉是一個不斷修正的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of constant amendment. 修心修行修煉是一個勤除習氣的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of eradicating bad habits diligently. 修心修行修煉是一個清淨身心的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of purging body and mind. 修心修行修煉是一個清洗淨化的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of cleansing and purification. 修心修行修煉是一個升華提升的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of sublimation and ascension. 修心修行修煉是一個放下無住的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of letting go and relying on nothing. 修心修行修煉是一個覺醒覺悟的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of awakening and enlightenment. 修心修行修煉是一個慈悲喜舍的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of compassion and giving. 修心修行修煉是一個奉獻光愛的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of devoting light and love. 修心修行修煉是一個破除執著的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of eliminating attachments and obsessions. 修心修行修煉是一個同步宇宙的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of synchronizing with the universe. 修心修行修煉是一個順應大道的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of conforming to the Way. 修心修行修煉是一個覺行圓滿的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of achieving perfection in both consciousness and practices. 修心修行修煉是一個回家回歸的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of going home and return. 修心修行修煉是一個正本清源的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of correcting deviations and restoring the origin. 修心修行修煉是一個認祖歸宗的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of recognizing the original ancestor. 修心修行修煉是一個返本還原的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of returning the true nature. 修心修行修煉是一個恢複本源的過程。 Mind discipline, cultivation and practice are a process of restoring the original source. 弟子們! Dear disciples! 覺而力行! Intensifying practice after awareness! 自覺覺他,覺行圓滿,方能成就果地佛。 Enlighten yourself as well as others. The Buddhahood on effect ground can only be achieved after the perfect accomplishment in both consciousness and practices. 是該做些什麼了,不是嗎? It is time to do something, isn’t it? Osifu 7:36:56 時刻祝福大家! 早日成佛 早成正覺 Bless you all at every moment! To achieve the Buddhahood soon. To attain the proper enlightenment soon.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 17:30:20 +0000

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