Response to Li Ka-shing s response to the GU - TopicsExpress


Response to Li Ka-shing s response to the GU XIAOJUN 回应李嘉诚对顾晓军的回应       --顾晓军主义:改变中国•之二千三百九十       天气预报说气温要骤降,我在顾粉团叮嘱大家“天冷了,大家要注意保暖,也要注意锻炼身体”,而自己却于昨日上午急于写《中共就是个傻碧党》没有注意。如是,就有点小感冒了。     为不至于加重,今日就起晚了些。刚刚、打开电脑,就弹出了《李嘉诚回应“撤资”等质疑:实在是一个笑话》。     李嘉诚“撤资”,并非是近日之所为,其动作已经很久了,媒体也跟着“闹”了很久。而李嘉诚,从来没有想到要“回应”,怎么突然就有了“回应”这一说呢?     由于、我在2013-11-26发表的《解密“新视角”》之中、谈到了“另,李嘉诚撤资,海外把这说成是他对中共的失望。这也不对,应该用‘新三国’的‘新视角’看问题”,所以,我敏感了、打开来看了看。     文章乍看、没有啥东西,只是在“【谈撤资】”中说“高卖低买本来就是正常的商业行为,就全世界而言,从来没有批评过我们撤资,惟独香港传言不断,令人遗憾。”;而“‘撤资’是个大笑话”,就扯得更远了。然,“【谈政治】”中的“我并非万能,无法预测政治变化,也绝对没法影响政治,我只能以我的智慧作出对股东有利的事。”,我以为是李嘉诚对我顾晓军的回应。尤其“我并非万能,无法预测政治变化,也绝对没法影响政治”,就更较明显了。最为明显的,是“也绝对没法影响政治”。     金钱可以影响政治、可以影响选举,可以表达对不同派别的支持或反对等。这是小学生也可以达到的认知,李嘉诚的说法显然是说不通的。     最近,我忙于编《解密 质疑 预测》和《顾晓军小说(精选本•二)》这两本书,没有写文章,如是,之前的《骆家辉深陷中共派斗》一文的访问量,就猛然上去了(因大家一时没什么东西可看,就重复看此文了);且顾粉团里,也比较冷清。如是,我就急急忙忙地抛出了《闲话“新三国”》和《解密“新视角”》二文。     昨晚,我就注意到《解密“新视角”》比《闲话“新三国”》的访问量高、高出四分之一。而按理,《闲话“新三国”》更有料--通过“新三国”、通过“既得利益集团”,点到了韩寒、郭美美、李承鹏、姚晨、刘翔(其实料不是很新鲜,只是“新三国”的提法新鲜)。而《解密“新视角”》,则通过“新视角”点到了任志强、马云、李嘉诚。现在,我全明白了。     其实在地震之前,有很多动物都会有反常之举。这只能说明他们求生的欲望,而不能说他们的反常之举好或不好。     李嘉诚的“撤资”行为,其实亦同理,不可能仅仅是什么“商业行为”。况且,李嘉诚与“既得利益集团”的关系,也非同一般,是不是?     我这个人其实很厚道。昨晚,我写《解密“韩寒”》、就没再说韩寒就是“上海帮”的人。     树倒猢狲散。既然李嘉诚不愿意我把他与“既得利益集团”联系在一起,那么,我今后就少说或不说。不过,李嘉诚回应我、应该指名道姓,这是种起码的尊重。     封杀我,是一种枉然。参与封杀,更是不智。                   顾晓军 2013-11-28 南京    Response to Li Ka-shing s response to the GU XIAOJUN - GU XIAOJUN ism: change China • two thousand three hundred and ninety The weather forecast said temperatures to dip , I told everyone in the care of dough , cold weather, we have to keep warm , but also pay attention to exercise , yesterday morning while they rush to write CCP is a fool Party did not pay attention . If yes, then a little cold. As will not increase, it began a little late today . Just open your computer, you pop the Li Ka-shing responded divestment and questioned: it is a joke . Li Ka-shing divestment is not as recent as their action has been a long time, the media also followed the downtown for a long time . The Li Ka-shing , had never thought of response , how suddenly there is a response that you say ? Since I published in 2013-11-26 decrypt New Perspective , it talked about the other , Li Ka-shing divestment overseas say this is his disappointment on the Chinese Communist Party , which is not right , you should use the new three the new Perspective look at the issue , so I sensitive , and open it up to see . Article first glance , what things do not , just talk [ divestment ] that buy low and sell high has always been normal business practices , in relation to the world , we have never criticized divestment , and only Hong Kong, rumors continue , it is sorry . ; while disinvestment is a big joke , you touch on farther. However , [ about politics ] in the I am not a panacea , unpredictable political changes , and there is absolutely no way affect politics, I can only make my wisdom beneficial thing for shareholders . , I thought it was my GU Li Ka-shing XIAOJUN response. In particular, Im not a panacea , unpredictable political changes , and there is absolutely no way to influence political , more than the obvious. The most obvious is the there is absolutely no way affect politics . Money can influence politics can influence elections, can express support or opposition factions and so on. This is the students can achieve awareness, Li Ka-shing s argument is clearly justified. Recently, I was busy knitting decrypt questioned predict and GU XIAOJUN fiction ( selection of the • two ) , two books , did not write the article , and if so , the previous Gary Locke sink into CCP faction struggle visits a text , would suddenly go up ( because we sometimes little things can look, see the article repeats a ) ; and Gu dough , the relatively deserted. If so, I hurriedly dished out the gossip New Three Kingdoms , and decrypt new perspective , two text . Last night, I noticed the decrypt new perspective than gossip New Three Kingdoms , visits high , higher than fourth . And supposedly , gossip New Three Kingdoms , more material - through the New Three Kingdoms , by vested interests , points to the Han , Mei Mei , Li Chengpeng , Yao Chen , Liu Xiang ( in fact, the material is not very fresh , but the new three was fresh ) . And decrypt new perspective , through new perspective point to Ren , Ma , Li Ka-shing . Now, I totally understand. In fact, before the earthquake , many of the animals will have unusual move . This only shows their desire to survive , but we can not say the unusual move of their good or bad . Li Ka-shing s divestment behavior, in fact the same token, can not just what commercial activity . Moreover , the relationship between Li Ka-shing and vested interests , and also unusual , is not it ? I am actually very kind person . Last night, I wrote decrypt Han , no say Han is the Shanghai Gang person. Collapse and disappear . Since I do not want to put him shing and vested interests together , then I would say less or no say in the future . However , Li Ka-shing response I should name names , this is kind of a minimum of respect . Blocked me, is a kind of vain. Participate blocked , it is unwise . GU XIAOJUN 2013-11-28 Nanjing Translator: God Has eyes
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 06:25:41 +0000

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